What would you have done in his position?

What would you have done in his position?

Other urls found in this thread:


There's really nothing to improve. He was sleep deprived, drunk, freezing, and paranoid and he handled the situation perfectly.

Are people who become The Thing even aware that they're The Thing?

The Thing has their memories and just acts like them

>yfw the creatures that the thing turns into are all alien species that it has annihalted in other galaxies.

The entire point of it is that it mimics what it becomes, and it gets better and better at it as the movie goes on. By the time it's copied the last pair, it's literally just a human, with compassion and empathy and fear and memories that are just as real to it as they were to the people it's copied. That's why the movie is so beloved. It takes the kind of tired idea that 'humans are the real monsters', and turns it around, by having a monster slowly just become a human being.


I never got that from it.

The idea is awesome but I did not get that from the movie. The last part looked to me really desperate.

I mean, I guess you could glean that from Palmer being put out when he sees the Norris Thing despite he himself being a Thing, but that could just be it trying to fit in. But it definitely doesn't have empathy or shit, it's just trying to survive.

Those people are dead, what are you talking about?

>Those people are dead

Are they though? What if after being assimilated they just go on as though nothing happened and have no idea they're the Thing until they get pushed into a corner?

that was THE scariest moment of the film, the realization you're all alone against the alien demon and just like 2 minutes ago there were 3 of you.

It's not really "assimilation" it kills you then it makes your dead body mimic being alive. This is how I always saw it anyway.


Killed Child's, cut open his body and crawl inside it for warmth

nigga u r retarded

Not split up while they were rigging the base to explode. As much as I love The Thing, the ending deaths felt forced.
On that note--do you guys think Childs is a Thing at the end or no?

He played a perfect game.

I couldn't have done that.

look at this duuuude

Probably would have killed myself as soon as possible


Ummm no

Nah, that didn't really happen at all, unless you want to argue that Mac was infected by the end. That said user, you might want to check out Peter Watts' short story 'The Things' which is basically the movie re-told from the monster's POV. You'll get a lot out of it.

Lets be honest. This is the shittiest possible situation to be stuck in. Literally nothing is worse.

Would that be deadly IRL?

He was, certainly.

Then all the follow up shit also goes on that basis

should've shot the dog or never brought it to alaska in the first place

Oh nice, you've read the Dark Horse comics I take it? I found them to be a REALLY mixed bag, especially Eternal Vows.

If you watch the movie with Kurt and John's commentary they allude to the fact that if either one of them was the Thing while the other wasn't, the Thing would just have attacked them regardless. What it really boils down to is whether or not both are the Thing or human and that's some I honestly believe nobody working on the movie ever decided on even all these years later, including Carpenter

... then the end is MacCready realizing that he's already been infected? Cool.

in the early script it was said that mccready was hiding a flamethrower with him, ready to kill childs

That kind of ambiguity is honestly wonderful. You almost never fucking see it work out well, but The Thing really nailed it with that finale.

Childs was probably the thing. see vid

fug wrong vid. this one

>check out Peter Watts' short story 'The Things'
thanks, i will

I'd fuck the thing. Imagine all the kinky shit it could do

No worries, I hadn't realized Palmer-thing sabotaged the first blood test. The first was enlightening too.

>stick it in
>fused shut
>wont come out
wat do?

> it knows all your fetishes

what are some things even the thing would be disgusted by?

If they both knew that they were going to die, and that the thing wanted to freeze itself to go into hibernation, both Child's and Mac would have realized the only thing that would make sense at that point is to kill the other person in order for there to be no chance that the man facing them had the possibility of being the thing. Neither attempt to kill the other so the only logical conclusion was that they were both things.

>Neither attempt to kill the other
not at that moment. they may have waited a bit before they both struck. Like a long duel.
I mean the blood test proved MacCready was human right?

I'm suddenly remembering the CPR scene....

I've read the novella.

There was around 37 people in the base. Thats where the blood test comes from. In the novella, they test everyone of them and as soon as there is a reaction the men tear the person apart using their bare hands or any weapon they have.

People don't become The Thing. They're killed and a copy takes their place.

That raises the question of when Mac was assimilated, then...he's human as of the blood test, so when could it have happened?

Keep thrusting until your entire body is absorbed, duh.

Their consciousness is absorbed too though, so maybe it exists inside the imitation?

It's shit.

>tfw you will never live in the golden age of practical FX ;_;

Why the fuck is Blair so fucking stupid in taking precautions when dissecting the Thing? I don't even think he wears gloves. What a fucking retard.

really? its short atleast, i already found it on youtube

I think everyone who gets Thing'd generally becomes a lot more tactical than they otherwise would be. I think they know everything they would know before assimilation but also have some kind of Thing Mind working as well, which is ultimately dominant. Who they used to be is more of an act that they can do very well.

If you want to think of it as a form of transformation then it is like a hardcore corruption version of vampire transformation, I guess. Like in Dusk Till Dawn, although in that case I think they might have been possessed by demons when they got turned.

To chicks are the same time


Don't listen to him user. It's basically fanfic, but it's great fanfic.

wasn't it the doctor who dissected the thing?

Shoot myself in the head or burn myself like Fuchs did.

You can't kill it, You can't send it back to where it came and all life on earth is now doomed as a result. So down the last of your whiskey and pull the trigger because it sure beats getting assimilated while still alive.

So there just happens to be an alien race that are spiders with human heads that resemble the Things characters?

Highly dubious.

Nah, because there is always that urge to assimilate another host. When was doing that exact thing on any of their minds?

I'll just leave this here. :^)

Idea for a sequel that's equally as bleak: the last few survivors of the Thing after it goes global are holed up in an installation on an inhospitable mountain range. Some imitation organism eventually breaches whatever crazy sterilization perimeter they have in place and all hell breaks loose.



As a counter-point to your late-endgame (again with the chess analogies!) idea, I have a vague treatment for an "early-endgame" idea: the inevitable American Antarctica rescue team arrives on-site the following spring during relatively mild weather, repeating the fatal mistake of collecting carcasses. In particular, Childs' and Mac's corpses are recovered and locked with other findings in US naval vessel's cargo hold. Some of this stuff (it's not clear which...!) rejuvenates and takes the next victims.

We begin fanning out into vignettes, a la other "outbreak" panic movies. A seaman or two from the ship fan out on their next opportunity to reach civilized land. Usually, assimilations are not shown, but of course you need a few money shots at the appropriate places. Instead, we simply start following disparate, normal-looking people as they accompany hookers into brothels... prick their fingers and leave bits of blood in cakes and pastries at bakeries... simply kiss a lover...

Much of the film might proceed quietly but there should probably be some Announcement at the end, where it becomes abundantly clear to the (still-majority) species that something horribly, horribly wrong is attacking on all sides fo the planet. Sporadic Signs-tier footage reports, etc. Maybe one nuke drops somewhere, to no effect of course. A high-ranking world government person is shown/suggested to be infected.

No, I never ever want it to be filmed because it would suck. It's more fun to imagine it being done right, because there is no good reason to hope that it could be executed properly as a major motion picture.


An interesting idea, but I've never put much stock in the 'germ-like infection' concept. Why would the organism go for such dramatic, high-risk takeovers if they're not necessary?
The other issue I see is that you need a core cast to capitalize on the paranoia and encroaching doom. For this it might be scientists and/or investigators.

Canon: He vanishes. His fate is objectively unknown but just like everybody else, it's probably not good.

SPICY OBVIOUS IN-MOVIE-POSSIBILITY NOT-DEPICTED BUT GIVEN SOME PRE-PRODUCTION CONTEXT, NEVER SHOT/FULLY REALIZED: Nauls gets got by the big mass of Thing-shit under the floorboards, which is obviously what's been responsible for all the tunneling, weird noises, etc. The Final Boss sequence is modified by a horribly-disfigured Nauls popping up with tentacles and shit as per usual, Please Kill Me then he gets sucked back down, and the sequence proceeds much the same as its final version.

Budget and time constraints. His death and assimilation were originally slated to be shown. Have some storyboards.


There's a youtube video somewhere breh. I couldn't be fucked but you could just link that too. either way good on you.

That fanfic was fucking awful.


I think it's an amalgamation of them all, not that there is a creature that looks like The Thing out there somewhere.

put benis in wilford brimley

The chance that one of them was a thing is too great to risk the entire human race on. Best strategy for a thing at that point is sit there and freeze and wait till corpses get retrieved.

McCready should have suicide immolated both of them to make absolute sure. Humanity was at stake.

I would just have lived with my river lily rather than killing her.

at that point the thing could just imitate deer or birds

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK why didn't they give john more money????

You gotta remember it was a huge bomb and lost a lot of money. Carpenter was more depressed about it's failure than anything in his career and said it was his personal low point.

It was the BR2049 of the 80's. It wasn't till a long long time later that it became known as a classic.

I love the film, but at the time more budget would have meant just a bigger disaster.

>"I take every failure hard. The one I took the hardest was The Thing. My career would have been different if that had been a big hit...The movie was hated. Even by science-fiction fans. They thought that I had betrayed some kind of trust, and the piling on was insane. Even the original movie's director, Christian Nyby, was dissing me."
>—John Carpenter on the reception of The Thing[26]

It was his first film with a big studio. It opened two weeks after ET and on the same day as Blade Runner. It was dark, took place in the arctic and had incredibly gruesome effects. Women hated it. The marketing was bad.

It was a complete disaster.

Okay, now I can be fucked:


Of course, you refer to everything about the film (marketing, box office, reception, normie whores) except the film itself.

I understand that you're being rhetorical but the film itself was never a disaster. After all, /it elicited strong, initial emotional reactions from people/. It /made stupid normies feel something, that they didn't want to feel/. And they didn't like it. That was the power of its art.

>Women hated it.
But the Thing is clearly female, user. Why else would it bleed everywhere?

This image gets more abstract every time I see it

I have to say John had balls not to include a woman/romantic sideplot in the movie. It might have been more successful that way.

not him but it really isnt.

Muh Diabetes.

It was a financial and critical disaster.

I love the film and I think it is one of the greatest horror films of all time. But in 1988 it was a complete disaster for everyone involved. Especially Carpenter as it was his first major studio film.

You're just reinforcing my point; I'm not sure that you appreciate what my point actually is. We both agree about the quality of the film itself.

Literally everybody/everything else (the money, the initial audience) was wrong, especially when it came out, and as time went on, the film itself won, on its own merits, and the film's quality came to be appreciated aright by people like you and me. People like you and me literally know better than the original audience. The Film Itself Stands.

And I say this as a person who also correctly holds that E.T. is the single best film of the 1980s.

Palmer can clearly tell he's about to be uncovered in the blood test scene, while still completely disguised.

you had to go and ruin your credibility with that last line

So you'd like to think. In thinking this, you're no better than the normie cucks of 1982 who hated The Thing for its "nihilism".

Oddly, Sup Forums is supposed to be contrarian. What could be more contrarian, in this place, than to celebrate the most normie-tier movie of the decade? Are you gay?

First, I wouldn't have destroyed the chess game, then I would have gone and armed myself with firearms and the flamethower. Next, take the flamethrower back to the shack. After this I would go into the kitchen and grab all the non-perishable food, water, and liquor(also for moltovs if necessary) I can carry and shoot anyone that tries to stop me. I take this and go back to my shack. I barricade the shack. I shoot anyone that approaches the shack. I play chess on the computer.

What would it matter if I like dick?
I'm not saying ET isn't deserving of its reverence. I think it's foolish to declare a single film the best of a decade, especially considering some of the competition.

His destroying the chess game is symbolic. He can't beat the AI, so he destroys it instead. The same way he can't beat The Thing, so he destroys the base.

THen the rest of the team gets turned, and the Things just wait you out.

It's not just about self preservation. The risks are extremely high. If he lets just one thing escape, then the whole world could get infected.
This is what makes it such a great movie IMO. Macready isn't fighting for himself but for planet Earth basically.

So was it The alien or did it eat the aliens and they just crashed on earth?

I'd wait here for a little while... see what happens