How do you guys feel about the new spoilers that say Carl dies in the midseason finale? He's stabbed to death by someone in a battle at Alexandria apparently.
Is this what they need to really shake things up and finally do something unpredictable? Or are they going too far and this is the final nail in the coffin?
Gabriel Miller
child actors have it the hardest in shows that go for a decade long
they grow up to be lanky looking weirdos, better to just kill him off now if you ask me
Christopher Clark
They will probably lose even more viewers if they did that. Every main character they kill off now will result in another segment of their audience checking out. My bet is that there will only be one more season after the current one.
Henry Morales
>midseason finale
Chase Reed
i'd rather he live on and rick dies and he eventually becomes rick
Justin Thomas
carl is a shit character so I think it would help the show. But then you have 400 other shit actors in his wake.
Dominic Ramirez
Let m'ask you sumpin, rick. How are you going to protect coral in a world like this?
Jaxon Cook
>killing Carl before he actually gets his time to shine in his post-war storyline
they'll lose way more viewers, both pissed off comic fans and sentimental soccer moms