Is it better at Dc

Jim Starlin got paid more with the KGBeast appearing in Batman vs Superman than Drax, Thanos and Gamora in the marvel movies

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Hold the fucking phone on that boring shit, apparently there're dream granting Jalapeno Chedder Bagels!

Didn't the same happened with the guy who created Wolverine and Lucious Fox? He received more for Fox's appearances than he ever did for Wolverine.

Sounds pretty good actually

Also its (((marvel))) not surprising at all

Does Jalapeno Cheddar Bagels qualify for DREAM status? Turn into Food Network and find out!

Len Wein? yes he gets more money for Lucius Fox appearing in the Nolan movies than all the Wolverine appearances combined.

Yep. Len Wein
>"Money comes with the anonymity, at least. I have contracts that guarantee me some small piece of the action. Lucius Fox has earned me a great deal more money than Wolverine ever has, although I will say that for the latest film Marvel did send me a nice cheque."

Didn't the guy who created Rocket Raccoon get totally fucked over too?

What's up with that?

sort of, he has a brain disorder now so I think they just had him watch a special screening.

Bill Mantlo who created Rocket and a shitload of other characters for Marvel was disabled in a hit and run car accident in the 90s and is brain damaged. He's not in any shape to contest anything so his brother represents him IIRC

Yeah, but I imagine a large check could really benefit his family.

... KGBeast was in Batman v. Superman? Was he the boring criminal guy with the neck tattoos that Batman burned alive?


someone should ask Brolin if he got more for Jonah Hex than Thanos

Probably depends on what kind of contract you signed, reminder that grant morrison had a ridiculous contract on arkham asylum and bought a castle with the money

Even Dixon got alot of money from bane. We always get a piece of what Bane makes. We’ll see money from this movie. They have graphs and charts to figure out how much based on how many lines of dialogue he has and how much he’s in the movie and how much impact he has on the story… I still talk to Licensing at DC. They still e-mail me and talk to me on the phone. We’re copacetic there. I can’t say a bad word about DC there. They’re very diligent about following up on that front.

Here's an odd one:

Steve Ditko was payed a good sum of money for MoS because of the Jack Ryder/Creeper, but gave it back.

Did anyone even remember Creeper being in it?

How can one company be so based?

Sounds like DC/WB just wants to make sure their ducks are in a row to avoid any kind of legal problems - they probably play it safe on the off chance that any one character has the potential to be a break out star.

The Siegel/Shuster clusterfuck lawsuits since the 40s probably made them paranoid about shit like this

I wonder how much Dini & Timm are getting for Harley

Agredd after they almost lost superman.

Good point. Forgot all about that.

Yeah, they're doing everything they can to avoid another situation like that.

Give it a few years, now that they've given Bill Finger credit for Batman, the Finger estate is gonna come calling soon

it was supposed to be this guy but they got shot down at the last minute

it's okay, Bob Kane ensured that DC kept the rights to Superman and Siegel & Shuster got fucked over.

yeAh, they just change the character name to lex luthor

Oh, yeah, that's the fucker. Goyer talked about it. They embargoed him so he couldn't use the character's name in the movie.

>literally any reason to hate DC

its more than fucking Marvel does, what is your explanation for why they dont do it? If they arent getting sued left and right, what makes you think DC would?

Goddamn you are some fucking retards. Hang yourselves.

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about, no one mentioned Marvel at any point

bitch learn to read, you are all making excuses that DC is only doing this so they dont get sued, but Marvel doesnt do shit and they aint being sued. DC is doing it out of kindness when they dont need to.

Possibly, or DC is doing it because they almost lost their most iconic character and they don't want that to happen to any of their properties again.

>DC is doing it out of kindness when they dont need to.
What cucks

then, like I ask, why isnt Marvel doing it? Where is Marvel being sued?

user, they do it because they've been fighting Siegel and Shuster and their estates for close to 70 years at this point.

>I need a reason to hate DC
hang yourselves

They're not. Which is why Marvel's not doing it.

Read the thread again, you idiot. Even the OP mentions how Starlin made more money off of a came in a DC movie than he has for 3 main characters in a movie.

>DC is doing it out of kindness
>A corporation
>giving money away out of kindness

In what alternate reality do you live? Because I wanna go there.

>quotes 4 posts that refer to DC and the Superman ownership case

wait why are they getting money for their characters appearing?

Yes, but marvel, because Marvel are acting like scum once again and they're getting away with it. No, scratch that, idiots like you think they're doing the RIGHT thing. You think DC gives a shit if they lose KGBeast true lawsuits like they did with Sueprman? They don't, it's a throwaway character. I can understand giving royalties to people that created their big name characters but giving Wein or Starlin a lot of money for creating Fox and KGBeast is not them covering their asses, especially since they know they aren't getting much from marvel for creating important and central characters for them.
Get your head out of your ass, Marvel has always been cheap, from the shit paper they use for their trades to the fact that they give the smallest amount of $/page to writers out of any comic book publisher.

Royalties, contracts they had signed over characters etc etc.

Of course he didn't, he's an actor, he always gets the big bucks, not like one of these filthy, lowbrow funny book "writers".

but aren't those characters owner by the companies?

or there's licensing and they are only allowed to be used in comics without pay?

Because they invented them...? You think JK Rowling is filthy rich out of book sales?


Dude, that's such a complicated mess that there's a legal dispute concerning Superman ownership and royalty rights that stretches for 70 years now.

They get royalties for any character they created. It's not different rates for A, B, or C-list characters. It's a set amount on initial signing. Do you seriously think upon creating a character they go
>well this is gonna be a really important and central character in 40 years, so we'll give you more than we've given you for this other character
And again, this isn't Marvel. This is DC covering their asses because they know to cover their asses. They've had rights issues with creators in the past, so to prevent that they'd rather give a cut on creative to prevent any future problems. Marvel haven't had that problem with their creative, so they've never needed to give a higher incentive. Their past staff has been happy with whatever measly percentage they got since they haven't tried to take them to court over it.

>On July 17, 1992, Mantlo was struck by a car while rollerblading. The driver of the car fled the scene and was never identified. Mantlo suffered severe head trauma. According to his biographer, cartoonist David Yurkovich, in 2006, "For a while Bill was comatose. Although no longer in a coma, the brain damage he suffered in the accident is irreparable. His activities of daily living are severely curtailed and he resides in a healthcare facility where he receives full-time care." Mantlo's brother describes the injury; "Bill is, and has been, trapped in a world of confusion and despair since his accident. The cognitive deficits he suffered have left him unable to reason or understand his situation, and he struggles daily to maintain any control over his own mind.

Jesus Christ.

Thing is, where the hell is that money going if it's going to a company that audits paperclips?

What? There's no way he got video game royalties when it had nothing to do with the book. Where'd the money come from?

as far as i know Rowling is fully in control of the harry Potter IP. It's different that making characters for a company.

>The cognitive deficits he suffered have left him unable to reason or understand his situation, and he struggles daily to maintain any control over his own mind
He better don't watch the GotG movies.

Rollerblading. Not even once.

Why would he? Or did he invent Arkham Asylum and I didn't know?

>Marvel is a bunch of kikes
>DC plays fair

oh is that what these people are


in all the 20 seconds of air time? I understand why hes adding them up but Thanos was barely anything yet

Reportedly he was taken to a private screening of the movie and reacted with visible delight when Rocket appeared on-screen. So, hey, good for him. Nice that some tiny pinprick of happiness could pierce that haze of existential horror.

> DC doesnt know how to write a contract so their movies flop because poor budgeting
> Marvel has a good legal/recruiting team

its funny because the less paid actors were in better movies.

Steve Ditko is a real man. Thats why.

>Did you like the scene in Batman Begins where young Bruce Wayne climbs a Himalayan mountain holding a blue flower? Christopher Priest got paid for having come up with that. Or the scene where Bruce Wayne picks out a potential Batmobile from among his own holdings? That was lifted from a Chuck Dixon-written comic, and Paul sent Dixon a check to acknowledge that. Same with dozens of similar moments in cartoons, DVDs, and so forth and so on.
I've always wondered if we'll get to a point where franchises that have been redeveloped completely by certain creative teams would end up with royalty credits as opposed to the original creator credits. Say X-Men at creation, and X-Men when Claremont takes over and revamps the entire franchise. Since every adaptation is based on his work, would he be getting the same royalties Lee and Kirby would have been getting for those adaptations since they were the original creators? Same with Daredevil pre and post-Miller


Nice butthurt, bro.

Well, you need to be mentally damaged to enjoy such a movie...

>wants no royalties
All employees should be like him.

Holy fuck...I HATED Bill Mantlo during the 80s for his run on Alpha Flight. I believed he ruined the franchise. The funny thing is, in recent years I have revisited that run and came to the realization that is Mantlo had not filled 75% of every single panel with wordy word balloons and practiced a little decompression his AF ideas would have been fantastic. Definitiely ahead of their time, (Walter Langkowski as wanda. Jean Paul as queer, and others.) His problem was fitting two thousand words per panel onto every page and rushing through every plot. But I did not know he ended up like this. Im very sad to hear it.

More than Anatoli.

DC has way better royalties for this type of stuff thanks to Levitz' tenure as VP and then President of DC, iirc

Ditko is an Objectivist. He has a stern, fixed moral code only Ayn Rand could explain. He has always been this way my whole life and I am much older than many here. In his mind he probably thought he didnt do anything to deserve being paid so fuck marvel. I wouldve taken the money but so would chuck norris. Im not like Ditko and neither is Chuck. No one is desu.

Wow, DC is legit. Marvel on the other hand continue being filthy Jews.

>Objectivist employees are cheaper than Mexican illegals
Very interesting.

Mantlo was also famous for plagiarizing, according to Jim Shooter. Of course, this came to an end the day he plagiarized Harlan Ellison...

Ive read every single thing Rand ever wrote. I know a lot about Objectivist thinking though i cant understand how those people stay so locked into it. If Ditko felt he had contributed he would have demanded top dollar for it. Thats sortve the way they are. (I suggest Fountainhead for any interested. its a much better read and story than Atlas Shrugged in my opinion.)

That ugly lady who ended up signing for Social Security to heal her cancer?

Ooh, nice. it's interesting that there was no drama behind it. Both companies just decided to revamp their hiring contracts.

>Mike and I signed a contract that grants us a small percentage of all revenue DC might earn off Impulse action figures, merchandise, guest-starring roles on Young Justice or Smallville, what have you.

that explains it. Sales out of comics get revenue & royalties per contract.

>it was totally at Paul’s discretion and only Paul knows what math he used to determine what he felt would be fair, but it was a goodwill gesture from an exec sympathetic to the creative community.

What's Paul doing now?

I think it's because Ditko's contract was work-for-hire and so the company isn't legally obligated. He must not like being gifted things

The only reason it lasted for so long is that Rand takes some elements from religion and uses it as ideology (ie. anyone who doesn't believe in objectivism is morally corrupted or some shit)

>What's Paul doing now?

Last I remember he was writing those giant hardcover DC Golden Age/Silver Age retrospective books for Taschen.

Holy fuck... creatives live in their heads.

I wouldnt call her ugly. As far as the ssi goes i think her fans explain that using the meme that we pay in to it so its ours to collect or whatever. Im not defending her. I love pre-1960s writers and old books. I LOVE the prose of Gone With The Wind, the novel, as another example. It is written in a lush style that is lost today and it really is not appreciated by college students. (muh racism)

>I LOVE the prose of Gone With The Wind, the novel
user... your taste is dead.

He recently finished that Hipster Fate comic.

I love when people refuse to read any literature by someone who was Christian, it's like they don't understand how much was saved by Monasteries after the fall of Rome. We owe a lot to those guys. It's not their fault it was the only show in town at the time.

>no one mentioned religions
>he complains about anti-Christianity
Sup Forums pls

>Hipster Fate
at least we got some McCarthy issues towards the end

I honestly wonder what Marvel's royalties contract is like, if it's absolutely nothing like DC's contract.


A Jew (((Paul Levitz))) was the one who came up with DC's royalty payment system

I mean, the whole run had great art, Sonny Liew, Ibrahim Moustafa, Inaki Miranda and Brendan fucking McCarthy. The wasted great art only makes me madder.

A good one though, not the bendis kind of jew.

basically all your royalties go to Stan Lee instead because you were dumb enough to let him put his name on your book back when you were inventing all these characters

Maybe Nightwing" is considered a separate entity as far as all the paperwork's concerned.

>from the shit paper they use for their trades
Marvel uses better paper in floppies, trades, omnibuses, etc. tho.

You already said that.


Obviously. Marvel is owned by Jews (Disney and Perlmutter). What did he expect?

I was commenting on people's inability to respect that people are a product of their time. Like that shit about taking down statues of people who said a racist thing, meanwhile they were an integral abolitionist.

But KGB is unrecognizable and dead, unlike the rest,

Cash over Art eh?