Next week will be 3 months since Famuyiwa left The Flash production and this movie still has no director

Next week will be 3 months since Famuyiwa left The Flash production and this movie still has no director.

The director is running late.

It'll get delayed

That have to be the worst live action adaptation of a superhero costume of all time


Clocks ticking! They need to start rolling by March, so expect another delay. Im half certain Justice League will make or break the entire DCEU.

Like Affleck said regarding the Batsolo, do it right or don't do it at all. Same with the Shazam stuff.

MoS BvS and SS were all rushed, maybe WW too, look what happened.

I trust Wan with Aquaman since it's divorced enough from Snyder's big three.

Of his character becomes a highlight coming out of the JL movie like Harley's character in Suiced Squad, you will see a director attached and the movie fast tracked before you know it. It's all driven by money and if rocks it in JL then there shouldn't be any worry for his solo movie.

Nothing beats Fant4stic, those costumes were literally completely different and Thing didn't even have one

I really hate it. And I wouldn't hate it so much if there wasn't a TV show with a much more closer to design suit but there is, so I hate it twice as much

Calling it, because of people bitching about the Suicide Squad not being villainous enough, WB will overcompensate by turning The Rogues into murderous psychopaths

Everyone keeps saying too that "b-b-but he's going to have a second costume."

I'm sure the second costume will deliver guys. Just like the DC cinematic universe has...

For what's been said about the second costume from the set visit, the main difference is just yellow boots.

But that could completely change from concept art.

Where can I read the flash blitz, please ?

What do you guys think it is that WB wants so badly in the film that made it impossible for Famuyiwa and "da suits" to reach a consensus on the creative direction of the film?

For some reason it makes me think of an alien from Mass Effect's armour.

Neat costume! Which Batman villain is this?

Exactly. The second costume will be just as shit.

I always get a kick out of seeing those Reverse Flash concepts modeled after Tom Hiddleston.

Concept artists aim high.

Rumor has it that they demanded Cyborg have a major supporting role in it, comparable to, say, Black Widow in "Captain Amerca: The Winter Soldier".

A director is never late, user Ymous. Nor is he early. He arrives PRECISELY when he means to!

Yeah. They need Cyborg to be in something so they can pretend he is important, but they have absolutely no faith in a Cyborg movie.

So they are looking for other movies he can appear in as a major role.

Which is bullshit because I dont want Cyborg stapled to a Flash movie. There is plenty of material already to work with. Also adding Cyborg runs the risk of making Barry a complete idiot who cant science by himself, and we get enough of that in the CW show

user, stop hoping. There is no hope in this Hell.

>Blue lightning
does WB even know how the Flash works?

He runs fast and quips. Then he gets killed by Deathstroke WHICH IS JUST LIKE THE COMICS PLEASE STOP BULLYING ZACK!


How can Marvel even compete?

It's over

No man can wear me!

>risk of making Barry a complete idiot who cant science by himself, and we get enough of that in the CW show

On the show he has an specigic field that is treated as an specific field.

Scientists on cape comics just know "everything kind of science related".

Isn't omnidisciplinary science more Caitlyn and Cisco's field in CW Flash?

Eh. Cisco is an engineer. Caitlyn is a biochemist. They always need a Wells for the advanced physics.

Sometimes they operate a little outside the bounds of their field because the situation calls for it, but they largely relegate specific problems to the relevant scientist for the job.

>He runs fast and quips
goddamnit stop turning Barry into Wally

Thats wjy the movie got pushed to 2019 dumb dumb

>No pic of Barry whitch king, along with Cyborgs Megatron crotch.

Its like people doesnt even know how to mwmw.

Its literally not though you hyperbolic jit


>Caitlyn is a biochemist
Caitlyn's really an everything honestly

First the cave troll, now the Witch King of Angmar, I guess Snyder is Sauron, who is Morgoth?

Not really. She runs tests and sometimes comes up wth serums. That's within the parameters of a comic book biochemist.

You forgot Megatron Sauron is probably Sttepenwolf or Darkseid.

Ezra is no man

Yes it is you contrarian fuck