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This movie must have been hot shit 40 years ago.

is this a simpsons thread?
you watched the recent halloween episode?


Gorillaz honestly claimed my mental association to the figure before I had the chance to see The Exorcist. Sorry for such overt millenialism, but to be fair Gorillaz did go out of their way to acknowledge the source material
Anyone else marathoning Monster Madness compilations?

The Friday the 13th one is an hour long

And that, little one, is how papa earned his freedom.

Bon oui, bon oui to you all!

Shit, thanks for reminding me.

>bon oui

Am i the only one who gets this weird queasy feeling when watching this movie.

I honestly quite like the Exor-Sneed segment.

could be for a number of reasons but one thing that sticks out for me is the sound design. even incidental sounds are unsettling in the film and the long stretches of silence creates tension and expectation that something terrifying is right around the corner. just as an example the sounds of the feral dogs fighting in the Iraq sequence is creepy as fuck


I'm sayin doe. I even still have the Pazuzu patch from the deluxe D-Sides cd boxset

What Gorillaz song are you referencing? Is it something on Demon Days? I have no idea what you're referring to.

>tfw mom is dead and some stupid demon bullies me about it

Those digits in this thread.

They used Pazuzu imagery heavily in all promo work for Demon Days and D-Sides, as well as the brilliant official book Rise of the Ogre. The Rockit music video refrerenced by
is a glorified animation loop, but features the most overt references.

The split second edit with Pazuzu's face in the kitchen freaks me the fuck out when I think about it and the last time I saw this was like 2013.


it's bon nuit, retard

The Exorcist played out like a goddamn anime.

I dare you pussies to type it one more time, and bring him forth from hell.

do you realize you're ruining the moment by posting this? In the film it's a terrifying split second, now it's just a face with bad make up. Video killed cinema, please delete this.

PAZUZU reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep



I LOVE my mom

I hope you and your cunt mother both get cancer.

I always find shit like this unsettling. I've woken up in the middle of the night feeling spooked. Thing is I don't believe in the supernatural at all.