Alright, which one of you fucks did this?

Come on now, just fess up to it.

Other urls found in this thread:

It was me. How do you do?


This is so good.....too bad some faggot is going to change it back

kek man kek

probably you:

"My wife's boyfriend (open relationship) heard it from the news first and so he and my wife's son were both scared silly for a few days before everything was explained. I also got a call from my rabbi frantically trying to talk me out of doing anything more violent until finally I managed to explain to him that it was a hoax."[2] Eordogh later issued an edit to her article claiming that Hyde's comments about his wife's boyfriend, his wife's son and his rabbi were "just a series of Sup Forums memes mocking progressives."[2]


Holy kek what happened to him?

>its real
>god damnit


Poor guy is going through a hard time

hes playing up the melodrama for attention

why is he so fucking ugly?









>Made Million Dollar Extreme's How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't not a link on their article anymore because there is no article about it and almost nobody who ordered it actually got it anyway
Is that true?


Dubs predicts when he dies
I say within a year

Threadly reminder Sam Hyde is actually 5'4" lmao

How do you even get into that situation?

A series of unfortunate events

>he's only 32

wow, i thought he was 40+

Two weeks

Christmas, just like Brian wilson


I never knew he had green/blue eyes

Only Brian Wilson will die Christmas sorry user




Literally how will he recover?


dubs confirm again

hes already dead and we just don't know it

We can save him... right bros?

lol saved

>I s-swear im working my ass off making cool shit......i s-s-swear

I'm not even remotely mad that these threads are Sam and he's using them promotionally.

My large American city has a comedy radio station that I listened to off and on for five years, before finally shutting it off. Mainstream comedy has gotten so insipid that I simply can't stand any of it. Sam and Charls can make me laugh consistently.

Get rich, motherfucker and make a Terry A Davis buddy road movie.

>I need a DOCTOR

>no computer or phone
>posts on instagram

Hyde is the next spoony.

His Birthday

He's the next boogie2988


>got hopes up
>nope, boogie is still alive, just uploaded a video 20 hours ago

thanks for nothing, cunt.

thats a meme rght?

Ugly as fuck jej


>i...i never had a chance to get that health insurance

>he's a RISD faggot



Make the blade runner 2049 pic with it. In purple light, bleeding

well, shit.


>no one got dubs

>Toward the end of his life Sam's fragile health deteriorated and he became increasingly hypersensitive and strange. He officially retired when he had a nervous breakdown caused by the amount of pressure put on him to make new content. He lived a simple life from then on, playing games and engaging in other activities. He died in Rhode Island on 1 November 2017. The physician who performed his autopsy stated that his body "did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."

TOP FUCKING KEK!!!! This is the best meme I've seen in a while. Thank you my good sir.

CIA execution


oh my god I knew something about him look was familiar
he looks just like the movie poster

Charles II Hyde of Spain

jesus christ mate

Sam hude is literally one of the ugliest persons I've seen. The only person who has been uglier had throat cancer that made them literally look like a frog

Poor guy? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.

Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?

And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as an outlet to deal with his gay demons?

If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.

Judging by your dubs, no.

if no dubs, he lives

Why does he wear autism spectacles? It seriously doesn't help with his ugliness. That and pubic neckbeard teir excuse for """"""facial hair""""""

fucking kek'd


its just a meme guys lol

it's part of his carefully crafted persona



post your sams

>not dubs

A new England folk tale

>absolutely destroyed by tim during a live phone-call
>exposed for being a dumb redneck and tricked out of a million dollar deal by fast talking city slickers
>back to his mom's house
>gf is cheating on him
>has to be beg 12 year olds from Sup Forums for 5 dollars
>his friends left him since his actions fucked everyone over
>local clubs won't let him 'perform' his 'comedy' anymore

what the hell went wrong


missed it nvm


fucking neogaffers

Trying to do the "dullest franchise" lead in won't make your post a meme
Also I read something somewhere saying you're mom takes it up the ass

keep it coming, this is the best thing to come out of this shit board in a while

whats wrong with his nose?


Sure. Nigger he is fucking UGLY.

He's a terrorist

what the fuck happened to his face?

Years of drug/alcohol abuse



he got cucked

MDE never dies, cunt

Next saturday


the best work he's done this year t b h

At a ripe old age, warm in his bed, surrounded by family and loved ones.

memes aside how did he get himself to look like that? is he just upside down or did he have like an allergic reaction?