Kelly does it again!

Kelly does it again!

Do the French even still some a shitton? From personal experience, it seems to mostly be the Koreans that smoke packs a day by age 16.

Russians son. Russians

No French woman without her sweater and her cigarette! Especially while discussing Sartre and bebop!

> Ash holes

How does the guy come up with these.

Smoking in France definitely dropped a lot, but is still strong, especially among women, who just need that whole "daddy hate it I must do it" teenage phase. e-cigs seems to be a fadding fad too, but that might just be the people around me.

Don't forget about Italy.
People here tend to roll up their own cigs tho,

Kelly is a goddamned prophet

It's steadily declining. And is forbidden in public buildings.
But since smoking gives you free breaks at work, there's definitely an incentive to do it.

>But since smoking gives you free breaks at work
>a designated break for people that cannot control their addiction
What the fuck.

If I were running a business I'd rather give people a few minutes off every few hours than have them be pissy and withdrawaling.

>a few minutes off every few hours
except in this case, it's a 10 minute break every 40 minutes in most places. You can't even decide to not hire, or fire someone for smoking, that would be illegal.

It's like a fucking cartoon. You see all the students leave a highschool or something, and immediately light their cigarettes.

No, the best way it to have them be pissy, then fire them when their anger affect their work, that they are paid to do.


Germany makes you stamp out for smoking breaks because you can't smoke in the workplace and you sure as fuck won't get paid for your absolutely avoidable break.
And employers hate people who smoke too much because less shit gets done.

>it's a 10 minute break every 40 minutes in most places.

Sauce on this?

Yeah but then you'd have to train new people and that's a pain in the ass.

Man I would start smoking in a heartbeat if my work gave me 2 free hours a day to smoke

Spain has its fair share of young smokers too.

>Much Cooler Foreign Teenagers
Never thought I'd ever see a phrase like that.

Post Kelly comics you unironically agree with.

Stereotypically depicted like that. I guess that it used to be like that.

I would, but I can't post all of them.

Im surprised. Kelly always struck me as someone who disliked both Foreigners and Teenagers

he's really grown as a person

I liked bumpers as a kid because I sucked ass at bowling and wanted the thrill of hitting the pins. They usually only pulled them out for birthday parties and the like.

Don't know what's up with that ramp thing, though.

Am a much cooler french teenager, can confirm it's true


>Tofu Tycoons.

>Don't know what's up with that ramp thing, though.
I presume it's to keep very stupid kids from killing themselves. I almost did that 6. I figured that since I was a kid, I was allowed to go further down the lane before letting go of the ball - T-Ball logic. I had no idea that the lanes were greased, so my feet flew completely out from under me and in my shock, my hand locked onto the ball. I fell flat on my back and the ball slammed down inches from my head, having been whipped around by my arm.

Like I said, I was a very stupid kid and was only allowed the rail for a year after that.

He only cares if everyone else's teenagers are cooler.

>You can't even decide to not hire, or fire someone for smoking, that would be illegal.

Maybe in France, but in the US it sure isn't. Smokers aren't a protected class.

>Falling for the smoking meme
This may be the one Kelly I disagree with

He's concerned that good red-blooded American teens are becoming uncool.

Has Kelly taken a position on Trump yet?

God, those teenagers are so cool...

He thinks Trump's great because his wall will make Chinese people ashamed of their own pitiful wall and commit sudoku

>of course the smug libtards are reading the Jew York Slimes

I want to FUCK Much Cooler Foreign Teenager