Anna Faris obviously high during Colbert interview
Other urls found in this thread:
she seems like a cool girl
Crisp Rat did this to her
>asking for relationship advice from someone that just got divorced
this bitch is trying to hard and clearly did X before coming on the show.
>Anna, you're looking nervous, take this pill
>we all use it around here to calm ourselves before live international television
>Zoop zop swalloe that pill, yes, mmmm chocolate pudding with the going to sleep and the awkward feeling between your legs when you wake up.
>be decent-looking girl from Washington
>get big acting break in early 20's
>career stagnates immediately, no big roles except Scary Movie sequels and brief arc on Entourage
>brief attention as sex symbol in mediocre comedy flick
>marry dumpy c-list guy who is typecast as douchebags and retards
>be content to exist as a c-list couple
>husband starts getting national attention as beloved Parks & Rec character
>"haha, n-no big. We can ride to the top together"
>get knocked up, squirt out premie baby and have to compromise career time
>"well at least I'll always be the hot one!"
>husband gets ripped, starts getting cast as Navy SEALs, superheroes, and dinosaur wrestlers
>instantly skyrockets to sex symbol status
>becomes America's new quintessential leading man, makes more per film than you have in your whole career
>meanwhile you've been demoted to a CBS sitcom, basically killing any shot you had at large-scale success
>show up to his premieres and smile through the pain
>he starts porking 20-somethings on the side, coming home hammered off his ass from partying with Ben Affleck at the Sex Mansion
>dumps you
>can afford better lawyers and makes sure you don't see a dime of his Jurassic World money
>dumps the kid on you and your mom
>try to write a book to capitalize on your 5 minutes in the spotlight
>still have to beg him to write the foreword
Yeah I don't blame her
Colbert/Cosby spit roast. That's a combo I never thought I'd ever think about.
You seem personally invested to know about the forward of her book...
But I'm pretty sure Pratt didn't sleaze it up and ditch her, he's too Christian