Its a diamond

>its a diamond
>someone deliberately drew this as a diamond
>when diamond symbols are usually reserved for things related to the diamond authority


You're reading too much into it.

That the show is shit

>it's a "Rose is Pink Diamond" fan theory

That if you unbutton a single button on a baby onsie and pull it apart it maoes a diamon shape.
Also the hack nigger Lamar thought it would be funny to fuck with you.

That you have shit taste for liking this poorly made korean sweatshop show.

Because if there is one thing SU artists are good at, it is staying on model.

That we are to respect his authority.


But honestly, did anyone else get a real nativity vibe from this episode?

>Unwed destitute parent raises child in someone else's property
>Is visited by three wise travellers who came from afar
>All of them brought completely useless crap as they were expecting something different
>Child then shows signs of great power, which is agreed by all present parties
>Child is left to be raised by single parent, whereupon little is recorded of his childhood, until he rejoins the greater world as he gets older

Why is his left arm shorter than the right arm? That is deviantart-tier QUALITY.

The're implying that you're dumb

Praise Gemsus!

Hey, you remember that time Pearl wore a sweater with diamonds on it?

Does that mean pearl is White Diamond?

No that imply that she's Pink diamond's Pearl

So hear me here guys, what if the ability to enter in people's minds is a diamond power and at some point PD enter in one of her Quartz mind and shatter her gem to stay in this Quartz body and start the rebellion, but hey it's just a theory a cartoon theory

I believe that is known as "perspective"
this but unironic

"Time for a feeding"

So then wouldn't that imply Steven is Pink Diamond's Rose Quartz?

Well, Rose technically killed a Diamond, so outside of their hierarchy, she's actually greater than a Diamond.

But it's an opening in a onesie, dude.

Delicious rock candy.

Where was CPS during this ordeal?

It's the shit! Really though it has been better.

What if in this Universe Hitler cured cancer? My point is, don't think about it.


So like I do not watch the show regularly but have some sort of idea of how things are but I am confused on a few things. Was Rose pregnant or did Greg nut in her then some sort of spontaneous gem magic where Steven came out of the magic? Did she just disappear when he was born if that was the case? Do all the gems have a vagina? Was Greg and Rose able to have actual sex or was in some sort of handjob type situation?

When no diamonds are left standing, he will be crowned the last diamond and use his authority to shatter the class system.

I'm pretty sure she figured out a way to stay humanish for a while and they just did it the old fashioned way.

Didn't the Ian guy say Rose transformed a uterus to carry steven?

It's a square.

Who said I was being ironic?

Well, Steven do have the ability to switch bodies, so this theory is actually less far out than other shit we hear around.

Holy shit guys I think rose has something to do with pink diamond.

Yeah, but im pretty sure that if his body dies, his mind would dissapear, but the mind switch could explain all that crying think around blue diamond

Rose is a weirdo freak who shapeshifted herself some girl bits in order to fuck and then built a tiny genetics laboratory where her uterus would have been and magicked up Steven out of Greg's baby batter
Then she was pregnant for 9 months and then she ceased to be as she implanted her gem into Steven
I dunno it's just sort of assumed. I am a total sucker for messianic figures in fiction, I guess I just want an Overman to worship.

>>someone deliberately drew this as a diamond
you're a fucking autist please stop right this minute

I believe in the one Steven, begotten of Rose, the only begotten, of the Gem of Rose, Light of Light, very Gem of very Gem, begotten and not made, being of one Gem with Rose, by whom all things were made, who for us men and our salvation came down from Homeworld and was incarnate by the holy seed of the Virgin Greg, and was made man. He was crucified by us under Mayor Dewy, and suffered, and was buried, and the third day he rose again, and sitteth on the right hand of the Diamond, from thence he shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead.


Well, yeah, his mom was one of Pink Diamond's Rose Quartz

Steven After Not Surviving

Pink Diamond was the only one who grew Rose Quartz, it was a new type of quartz she was trying out due to being a new diamond and it got her killed