Bone Tomahawk

>Bone Tomahawk
>Brawl on Cell Block 99
And coming soon:
>Dragged Across Concrete
Is this man single handedly saving the macho, gritty as hell action movies that have all but died out ever since popular culture became infested with fucking superheroes and women shitting up everything into a safe, bland, corporate friendly mess?

Other urls found in this thread:

It certainly looks like he's sacrificing his hairline to the testosterone gods.

>Dragged Across Concrete
Looking forward to the sequel: Castrated by broken bottles.

The vibe I get from his movies is modern day Peckinpah by way of 70s grindhouse cinema. there's definitely exploitation elements, but the story makes them work and keeps them from feeling cheap.

>Dragged Across Concrete
aw shit didn't know this guy was directing, get hype

M E L K I N O incoming

Stop shilling for yourself

Craig, this is embarrassing.
Your films are poor, and you have enough hollywood dirt to use big names in your movies.

t. soyboys


Someone post the cell block 99 webums. They always give me a giggle.


How's that latte, you fairy faggot from Melbourne?

HAHAHAHA There we go. I honestly can't tell if the people fervently defending this film are fucking serious or not.

I don't get it, whats so funny

The CGI in the scene was awful

the part afterwards where he steps on the guys head, scraps his face across the floor with 1 leg and turns him over to reveal that he was actually a skeleton all along

>modern day Peckinpah
Delete this post
Then rethink your life

Go back to your Marvel flicks.

yeah its a shame the movie relied on bad cgi the whole time like those shitty marvel movies

Marvel shit fights actually look more realistic than the joke-tier choreography in this.

>single handedly
No. Look up Blood Father.

>cant even keep his guard up

At this point I'm pretty sure Bone Tomhawk was just an happy incident

>horrible Marvel action scene with terrible CGI and choreography in a bland environment
>"Haha fucking capeshit amiright?"

>horrible """fight""" scene with terrible CGI and choreography in a bland envrionment in a shitty prison movie

The director absolutely shills here. Both of his movies are just Youtube-tier amateur movies with likeable actors and a lot of voyeuristic violence, yet there's someone here hailing them as God's gift to man. Also, those posts (and all the posts within the threads defending him, which are standard "you're j-just a cuck!" posts) are all very similar to each other and seem to repeat every few days. The fact that he looks like a meckbeard makes it a bit suspicious too.
Craig, if you're here, just come clean and tell some stories about movie production.That's much cooler than shadow shilling your stuff. Even someone like me who doesn't care for your movies all that much at this point would be glad to listen.

>the gay avatarfag is back
Just so everyone knows, this guy is a HUGE DCfag.

His first name is not Craig. It's S. Learn to read.

I hope so, HoH was in my top 5 for last year

I'm honestly glad that Zahler posters don't fall for the "AHAHA LOOK AT THIS WEBM" shitposters. Those kill good threads.

it was awful user. stop trying to be hipster by thinking that bugs bunny tier shit fits in the supposed tone this movie is supposed to be in
Bone Tomahawk was fantastic. This is just a trainwreck

Doesn't mean I'm wrong about you sperging out over your movie hypocritically user

Well you're in no position to criticize CGI when your favorite movie is BvS.


for example, brawl in cell block 99 seems like a b-class movie but there is so much artistical and emotional gravity in this, and this movie is so sincere that exploitation tropes and themes goes on a whole new level, and this is what makes this movie definitely A-class KINO.

But user
My favorite movie isn't BvS it's Apocalypse Now
And besides MoS>BvS

>this post again
>in a Brawl on Cell Block 99 thread
honestly, it is you Craig. Own up.

Craig you're embarrassing yourself. Do you have a favorite director? Peckinpah?

Well I like Guardians of the Galaxy and The Shining so stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

whoops. its Steven or something.

Sorry Stevie (I know youre ready this)

No, it's just S., like the guy in Blade Runner.

So you like the quippiest Marvel movie and the second most overrated (by Sup Forums) Kubrick movie?

Apocalypse Now is also pretty overrated by Sup Forums so I hope you don't consider that to be a serious criticism. And yes, I like quips, but I also like kino.

>movie is visually unappealing and doesn't use any part of the visuals to tell any sort of narrative

The only Kubrick movie more overrated on Sup Forums is Barry Lyndon. Which is a perfect example of a "series of pretty pictures" movie.

Marty said it best:

>I’m not sure if I can say that I have a favourite Kubrick picture, but somehow I keep coming back to Barry Lyndon. I think that’s because it’s such a profoundly emotional experience. The emotion is conveyed through the movement of the camera, the slowness of the pace, the way the characters move in relation to their surroundings. People didn’t get it when it came out. Many still don’t. Basically, in one exquisitely beautiful image after another, you’re watching the progress of a man as he moves from the purest innocence to the coldest sophistication, ending in absolute bitterness—and it’s all a matter of simple, elemental survival. It’s a terrifying film because all the candlelit beauty is nothing but a veil over the worst cruelty. But it’s real cruelty, the kind you see
every day in polite society.
Barry Lyndon is a great film that you can come back to over the course of your life and appreciate in new ways every time, maturing along with the viewer.
You can't compare Zahlershit to that (although I'm aware you weren't defending Zahler ITT).
By the way, what's a 44 year old man doing shilling his movie on Sup Forums anyway?

>By the way, what's a 44 year old man doing shilling his movie on Sup Forums anyway?
He's probably getting ready to pull a Jodorowsky kickstarter movie

i'm actually impressed vince could handle that much fight choreography without jump cuts

this is hysterical

He also wrote Black Asylum which wasnt half bad.

It leaves you with a sense of justified violence as the resolution. It doesn't feel cheap or gratuitous it feels righteous and the audience goes along on this ride where you feel like you overcame the struggle that the protag is going through.


I don't think I've ever seen someone who embodied the reddit Sup Forums tourist more than this guy.

It's weird that males are now taking pictures with their mouths open. That easy typically a girl or gay thing.

Guys have done that forever, despite what internet images might say. Throughout its history people have reacted to photographs with exaggerated facial expressions.



Shilling for what? To go stream the movie for free?

They are probably just excited

I blame the director trying to make this fight look realistic. Neets are so used to unrealistic fights where they drag on for twenty minutes Raid-style that Brawl in 99 fights seem fake to them.

This. Its deliberate. I appreciate it because im sick of capeshit/transformer tier battles where everything is dark or a blur. Oh you spent 2 million on digital effects? Too bad nobody can distinguish any of it in all of the ridiculous motion.

No they haven't you cunt.

What are you talking about? Have you ever seen a real fight? Real fights don't look like two stiff dudes doing basic martial arts.

Go to Worldstar like the nigger you are. That's exactly what they look like.

>t.Tapout shirt enthusiast

Maybe in w/e nu-male country you're from

>He comes from one of those "knife" countries

This. Well, the blacks tend to bounce on their toes a lot like they're Mohammed Ali, but otherwise real fights look exactly like Brawl's.

Have you guys seriously ever seen fights which consisted of two men barely interested in fighting/hitting each other working through an awkward routine that looks like a talentless version of Star Wars prequel sterility without really reacting to any of the "hits" the endure, ended by one clearly not actually hitting the other and going down?

>his second thought of fighting was weapon use
Hey gaffer, wrong site. W/e movies you've spent your life watching while in your little bubble were wrong.

No, but that's not what happened in the movie either you anime-watching weebafaggot cuckold.

Do you have any timecodes? Because scrolling through it absolutely none of those look even remotely like BICB99.

yes, he is a god among men.

>Thinks I havent been in fights
I guarantee you are a spic. Only spics think you do. They also think they are the words best fighters for some reason even though they only come in two types 1. Fat as fuck or 2. wet noodle.

I'm at 6:40, and a while that hit looked pretty good for a sucker punch, this video is disappointing. Like the white kid vs black kid at 2:30. The white is clearly boxer-trained and keeps his fists up while the black keeps his fists at his hips and flails around. Thought for sure that was going to end in a knockout, but the white kid barely through a punch before the video ended.

Real fights look exactly like this.

Have you ever been in a real adult fight? Theyre usually reluctant, with both people hoping the other one just backs down or runs out of steam before someone dies from a bad punch. Theyre not teenage windmilling fights where they slap each other hoping to look cool. Grown men fighting is slow, hard and ugly.

And the biggest guy usually wins. That big=slow bullshit only flies in RPG games.

>if someone criticizes bad filmmaking they must be [meme newfriend insult]

That actually makes sense. To a mojado, a fight should be two gangly little fucks throwing five hundred fast little jabs at one another, not a pair of giant men like 6'5 Vince Vaughn and 6'5 Geno Segers squaring up and throwing power hits.

But then, I blame the fact that brownskins are the shortest people on Earth. They wouldn't know what real men fighting looks like.

I agree with you, but you can't say that looks like that.

No, that looks like a MMAfaggot trying to fight a Boxer that has eight inches and 90lbs on him.

Sure "fights", where you and your boyfriend stood around bitch-slapping each other over get's the snowball. Stupid nu-male queer, kys.

Manlets when will they learn

Post a picture of your hand with a timestamp. I guaran-fucking-tee you're brown. Palm down, Pedro.

Ladies first champ

it's impossible to tell at this point who is making fun of these people and who actually is one of these people

>that piece of shit "hair"
Just shave it all you fucking cuck

Confirmed spic or even worse the spic/gook hybrid filapino.

If he had any sense of pacing or script development yes

Outside of the violence his movies are just tv drivel

>projecting cos' he can't fight

Def shit skinned and therefore manlet

>T.Walking Dead Season 8 enthusiast.

>this loser defending this terrible director
Hilarious shit

At this point I don't know who's defending him and not.

tfw no short mexican twink bf to snuggle while watching garbage movies

Alright Pedro, you're up.

This is going to be good

>I want to watch tough sweaty men beating each other and tasting their delicious blood!
>If you don't want this you're gay

>pale skin
>red arm hair
Shit, that beaner called out a fucking ginger.

It don't even matter if you're white
He's got you beat.

I never believed in shills until this flick came out holy shit how can anyone defend this? either shills or legitimate retardation

>post count at 40
>this gets posted
>poster count remains at 40

So, maybe I pretend to be different people all saying that shills love the movie. Who the fuck are you, the samefag police?

Its been one minute....

excited huh?

Only a kike could get budget to make such terrible films

Shitskin confirmed. What goblin race do you hail from?