It wasn't THAT bad

It wasn't THAT bad.

Other urls found in this thread:悪し

Yes it was.

first few episodes were fantastic but the ending was pretty unsatisfying tbqh

really enjoyed watching it with all of you though

Mulan is a classic

People who liked Ashi got shafted out of a happy ending for her and Jack.
people who didn't like her got shafted out of screentime.
People who liked the first 3 episodes tonally got completely shafted.

The only people who didn't get shafted are braindead morons who think "getting back to the past" makes it a good ending solely on principle

7, 8
9, 10
5, 6

10 episodes was too short and advertising was misleading

>resurrecting samurai jack to end it in a worse way than the comic book ended it

bravo genndy

Yes it was.

It was too rushed, it should have at least 2 season, so their relationship could have been meaningfull, the ending itself wasn't that bad, it would work if preceded by longer relationship development.

that crop gave me cancer