>Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?
I never understood why Bane thought this was a witty thing to say. Why did CIA not simply explain that people have survived falling out of planes before. In fact it stands to reason that an associate of the League of Shadows knows exactly what to do to increase your survival chances if in a free fall from a considerable height. When you are flying over untamed wilderness, all it takes is a lucky landing in a tree or on a steep enough hill to survive. Even if the chances were 1 in a million, why would the CIA risk leaving an associate of Bane alive and with knowledge of where Dr Pavel is?
How could Nolan have overlooked this?
David Flores
He's a big guy, not a witty guy
Ian Johnson
What I never understood is that when Bane says "for you" does he mean it would be painful for CIA or that he's only a big guy for CIA or was it supposed to be some linguistic stroke of genius double entendre because I mean generally bane is a pretty big guy not just a big guy for CIA
Kevin Collins
not to mention shooting a guy then tossing him is cooler
Camden Perry
If you're going to shoot someone in the head why would you throw them out of a plane in the first place? He's right to question it - it's a bizarre execution method and even stranger method of acquiring information. The person would already be dead, so the threat to throw them out of the plane seems a pointless, right? It doesn't really make sense unless the idea was to quickly dispose of the body or something, but then why threaten to throw them out of the plane? Wouldn't threatening to shoot them in the head make a little more sense? He doesn't say, "the first one to talk gets to not be shot in the head and have their corpse thrown out of a plane", he threatens to throw them out of the plane.
Why is this?
Easton Peterson
>a lucky landing in a tree Getting impaled sure beats getting shot
Carson Cooper
Bane knew that the CIA wouldn't just execute people like that, especially when they potentially have knowledge about a dangerous mercenary that the CIA want to track down. Bane just decided to talk after the second guy was questioned because it was time for his master plan to be set into action.
Eli Foster
Also, why did they need to perform the elaborate aeronautical stunt in the first place, which I assume would have required far more resources (for instance, the special plane grabbing hooks) instead of just capturing Dr. Pavel on the ground? This is to assume that the man who brings Bane to CIA isn't actually in cahoots with Bane, in which case the entire plot seems to be completely pointless.
It really does seem as if Bane's plot to destroy Gotham etc. etc. was riddled with poor choices from both a logistical and financial standpoint.
Dylan Bell
They needed to kidnap Dr Pavel as well as faking his death.
Asher Sullivan
It's pretty simple actually, they need to get on the plane and wait for the CIA guy to confirm with HQ that they have Dr. Pavel on the plane So they can set up a plane crash and fake Dr. Pavels death that's why they do the mid air blood transfusion and Bane tells his henchman that they will expect one of them in the wreckage. They fake pavels death so the CIA will assume he's dead and stop worrying about him and looking for him.