We'll never get a Debicki Captain Marvel because RDJ probably vetoed as a lead MCU cast member to keep it...

> We'll never get a Debicki Captain Marvel because RDJ probably vetoed as a lead MCU cast member to keep it manlet-friendly

She's stuck in a tertiary role for good. Fuck Hollywood

Debicki is WAY too thin to be Captain Marvel anyway and she can't embiggen because she's already like ten feet tall.

literally who

I prefer her as a sexy gold alien anyway

Jews wouldn't allow an Aryan.

Is there a Giraffe Girl? Because she'd be perfect

Just make her the villain and have her bully Captain Marvel into lewd things

So OP do you just make shit up to get angry about it? That's what an unsub would do.


Too tall, too pale.


id give her my dicki if you knowki what i meanki

Cast her in something else user.

She is already in gotg 2

>tfw no tall gf

I’m 5’6” too, I bet it would be great.

>tfw no tall gf


She's freaking 6'2''. She could use you as a keyring

Why is she so pretty, bros?

>already like ten feet tall

god i wish

>exactly as tall as me and only a month younger
how do I make her my gf?

That sounds kind of hot.

>I've dated shorter men and it's not been a problem, but what I'm really looking for is a normal, honest, real person. I like intelligence

There's hope lads.

by that she means she wants a big dick negro

everytime ive been honest with a woman it's completely blown back in my face and been held against me. it's purely a trap so they can fuel their open contempt for you

Tall women make my dick hard. That's honest enough.

Explain. Being honest as in what? Telling her your sexual past? Telling her you find her friend hot?

They want honesty to weed out freaks like you.

I told her Hitler had some good ideas and all women who have abortions are baby murderers.


Might have been too much all at once. You gotta build up to baby murder, man.

It means she’s looking for someone else who is tall (ie normal)

fucking delet your comment

yeah little shit like that, i dont like keeping secrets but that bitch had a borderline personality so she would rage at literally nothing anyway. i literally couldn't win

You were too intelligent for her.

I told my gf the same shit. She made some research of her own and agreed with me.
Sounds like the women you go for are just brainwashed brainlets. You are probably American so I guess you don't have much of a choice do you?

we're all gonna make it bros

They want you to be honest not retarded. You don't have to share every little impulse of your psyche you idiot. If a girl started telling me her entire sexual past or who of my friends she finds hot I'd dump her immediately.

As a giant female, I love all giant females. Pls recommend giantess films/shows

imagine having a gf that does that for you

Post your giant tits or you can get the giant fuck out you giant attention whore.

pls be my gf

imagine being such an insecure manlet faggot you make your gf do retarded shit like that instead of enjoying having a tall gf to bury yourself into

Tbh it would feel emasculating. I’d prefer she carried me or use my head or shoulder as an arm rest for photos together.

post proof of height

like this?

Where did you get this webm of me?

Haha where is this from?

holy shit

i like big amazon women, but this shit is just straight up fucking hilarious

lol she's Polish

giv giant gf

So? She's Aryan phenotypically. "Polish" is not a race.


this is the dream right here

She was great in The Night Manager. I'd like to see her in more things.