
I don't recall things happening that way

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what's with all the puppers?

>Now I know Captain Hetr is the soul of all that is good and honest in the world but those seem like some alternate facts.

Description for the page.

Did he mention his impromptu makeover in his report, I wonder?

Man I hope captain hetr gets fired.
See you later captain hetr.

I'm sure he'll be more than fired by the time the story's done with him

Depends who gets to him.

>Man I hope captain hetr gets fired.
You mean like from a cannon?

Who is the universe's awesomest evildoer?!

Yes. Fired from a cannon. In canon.


>There was nearly enough silver in that cache to fashion him prosthetic testicles.
Savage. I'm sure they were feeling that all the way in Sharteshane.

He's going to get away with it, and promoted too

into the sun?

That dog is cute.

Seems like Ulaf is feeding the queen a deliberate line, or at least not asking so many questions. IIRC Sonorie is married to an Ald, which must be weird.

how does she know how much silver was in the cache?

They tried to sell that exact same infected cache to her earlier, but she turned them down. This seems to have been one of the reasons Bell is leading a coup against her: not using all means to fuck up Alderode.


....that dog's fur is a floral print.

Wow, that's just weeeeird.

A band of terrorists told her/showed her exactly how much explosives they had available and she did nothing to try and confiscate it or at least keep track of it? She's either incompetent or secretly supporting Bell.

Here's the page

They weren't terrorists then. Just some crazy illegal magic man with an offer. The silver hadn't even left Sharteshane, hadn't even been infused with pain and suffering and meat yet. At least that's how it seems from what we've been told.

It's likely she put Bell on the job of making sure it didn't come near Cresce. Which didn't work out that well. The fact that we have the Sharteshane king doing diplomacy with them, it's also likely Cresce couldn't force the issue on Sharteshane. They've got their Peaceguard in their allied countries, NATO style, but they're stretched too thin to do much and tensions are flaring on the border of Alderode again, a much larger and closer threat. Cresce probably doesn't have the man power or logistics to try and fuck around in Sharteshane, even if it wasn't an absolute rat's nest of corruption.

For a country that apparently really loves dogs, Crescians sure do some terrible shit to them.

>Cresce probably doesn't have the man power or logistics to try and fuck around in Sharteshane, even if it wasn't an absolute rat's nest of corruption.
We don't know much about Sharteshane's military. Being king of the corrupt as shit hill must mean you got the muscle to back you up.

More like being the puppet of shit hill's top shit shovelers. There's a reason Sonorie makes a crack about his testicles. The mob runs the country, such as it is. It's really more that they run their territories and let the country do the minimal amount of countrying to keep things stable enough to have people to fleece. The king probably doesn't have much to call upon personally, but you can sure as shit bet the mobs wouldn't look kindly on holy than thou Crescians waltzing into their place of legitimate business hunting down some poor weapon's manufacturer and his valuable resources. But the best they could hope for against a committed Cresce is probably a Pyrrhic victory.

No one like's Sharteshane much like no one likes Alderode, but Sharteshane keeps its insanity within its borders so people don't bother wasting time with them. Or at least, that was the idea before Stockyard came to Ethelmik. Which is probably why the King is doing his song and dance. The puppetmasters don't want Cresce to be messing up their game. Better to trot out their king and make him do some apologies to keep them away. Cresce has bigger fish to fry and they don't want them thinking Sharteshane just got a bit bigger and bump them up to the top of the shitlist.

IIRC Sharteshane has a powerful and fanatical Gefendur military cult. So you could probably justify taking apart that weapons manufacturer. And they have been involved in big power plays: they gave Alderode a bloody nose in a territorial dispute.

It's the disunited nature, yeah, and you're right that it might be easier politically to make the apology, but I wouldn't assume Sharteshane is so weak to Crescian pressure. The king probably has something he wants to ask too.

I wasn't meaning to make Sharteshane seem totally without forces, but provide a reason why one of the two big forces on the continent isn't really doing so much to keep their shit from flowing downstream. Sharteshane seems to be focused internally, rather than externally like Alderode and Cresce. They could hold their own against Cresce and make them regret a full invasion, but they'd also prefer not to have to deal with it since they just want to keep mobbing. Polticking and the threat of how bothersome it would be to deal with Sharteshane is probably what keeps them where they are on the international stage.

I did forget some of the stuff about their military forces and victories, though. We also got a line drop that the eastern sea is patrolled by both Alderode and Sharteshane, so they do have the forces to stop smugglers and have been doing so.

No one's ever colored a dog's fur weird colors IRL!

What kinda giant dog would you have, Sup Forums?

Ashley has been salty as fuck lately
Wait is his name actually pronounced "hater"?
I thought it was "Het tier"

The dog groomer in that picture isn't crescian though she's ulestrian.





According to the wiki Sharteshane has the largest navy on the continent and it is incredibly up to date.

(interest increases)

Exact quote from wiki:

>Eager to protect the country's vast shipping fleet from both pirates and Aldish antagonism, trade merchants have banded together with the palace to form the largest naval fleet on the continent, a semi-privatized, tax-subsidized force that utilizes the epitome of current maritime technology.

Wrights being no good at sea probably helps.

I know right? Queen 'Rie is boring af.