can't believe what he has done to Snyders kino
i hope he burns in the deepest pits of hell for this abomination
can't believe what he has done to Snyders kino
i hope he burns in the deepest pits of hell for this abomination
>false flag marvel paki with the fake news again
both pictures are behind the scenes shots. not even promotional still
guess which one is whedon
DCucks already preparing excuses for when its shit on release?
>people actually like zack snyder's colour palette's
what a world
The one on the left is from a TV spot you fucking altright retarDCuck
>when you were promised Capekino but you get Capeflick instead
left looks alot better
is that snyder?
>Must shove a filter in there, name is Joss Whedon
It's amazing what lighting and a few pounds can do.
Top right looks like a determined kindergarten teacher.