Salem witch trials were real

>salem witch trials were real

americans are so dumb

Most witch trials were in europe though

>implying the women weren't witches

>what are the dumbass Puritans?

never understood this, people didn't even live in oregon at the time

>witches aren't real
Keep taking that bluepill son

>the Europeans used biological warfare on the native Americans by giving them blankets and coughing on them
>germ theory wasn't invented until 1864

Wizards exist so why can't witches?

You don't need to know what a germ is to know what a germ does.

Do you see any witches around today? Didn't think so.

You need to know what germs are in order to intentionally spread germs in a “germ warfare”.

the blanket thing is a myth

>d-don’t worry about these bloodied European scalps that we’re collecting! They have nothing to do with this recent spread of European disease! We dindu nuffin!
It was their culture, goyim, stop judging them!

yeah expect there were real witchers in europe



Those were real witches.


Underrated post


Maybe read about the siege of fort Pitt, or keep being one of the thousands of retards that say shit with authority that they actually have no fucking clue about, your choice kiddo.

That dude in the film adaptation of The Crucible liked to look at child porn.

Now this thread is Sup Forums

You have a new bunch with unnatural hair colors.