Millie Bobby Brown makes a million dollars off Godzilla 2
Well, what is she going to do with all that money?

Cocaine, Prada and Gucci. Like everyone else.

Fix her teeth.

Conversion therapy for Finn.

Adult prostitutes.

You just know her career is already going downhill as she’s turning ugly fast

Sure, her unmatched beauty is definitely what made her famous in stranger things.

Playing a side role in a blockbuster is the last thing a child actor needs, it takes years to come out and but the time it does it’ll be forgotten in a week
And unlike the other kids in ST she doesn’t have a likeable personality

Crazy how we live in a time where doing television is actually good for your career

>this talentless twat will be in the Godzilla sequel

They just can't get anyone good for these, first Bryan "I'M ACTING!!!!" Cranston and Aaron Kiss-Ass, now this.