"SHE WILL SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT TO HEAR" advertised on billboards

>"SHE WILL SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT TO HEAR" advertised on billboards
>Tells human bean that she loves him and eggs him on into thinking he's the son of a human and was born and that his memories are real.

Reminder she didn't have a consciousness or personality she just reflected whatever the program analysed were what he wanted to hear.

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Perhaps shes good at emulating love because she is really experiencing it? Method acting for robots.


Hey OP,

Prove that you have a consciousness.

cogito ergo sum

how is that a proof?

But that's exactly what a program programmed to say "cogito ergo sum" would say.

i don't say it

i think it

therefore i exist

This has been proved false, tho.
You failed.

So you claim; but that's exactly what a program programmed to say "I think therefore I exist" would say.


>Fancher: I just thought it’s a reflection of the world. Automation breeds automation. The image I had in my head of K, as I wrote in that first little short story, was that this guy is a handbook. He follows the rules. He’s a machine in a way. But the image was this: A handbook turns into a poem through his experiences and his ordeal and love. And the same thing with the digital woman.

Brainlets couldn't pick up on the underlying theme of the film and instead focused on the obvious misdirection.

>i think it
got any proof?

in this scene, does K realize how empty his "relationship" with his AI was


is she somehow genuinely referring to him as Joe, indicating that K is witnessing a miracle?

Sapper alluded to seeing a miracle, and the replicant leader reinforces this by stating Sapper allowed himself to be killed, foreshadowing K's actions at the end of the film

Are you forgetting the scene where K's spinner crashes and he's unconcious? She clearly shows concern, and is distraught, so much so that she even tries to wake him up by saying his name over and over again. If she was just a program designed to tell him what he wants to hear she wouldn't bother, because he can't hear anything, but she does because she loves him, which makes the scene where k thinks that she was just another fake thing in his life even more heartbreaking.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that the underlying question here isn't whether the love she showed him was simulated, but at what point the simulation of love becomes indistinguishable from the real thing.

Because aspies are incapable of imagining mental states other than their own, thus every other conscious mind is essentially a simulation anyway.

But one's made of meat and the other isn't, so there's a clear difference.

He looks at her and sees how different she is to his own. How all that made her is gone and getting a replacement wouldn’t work or be the same.

>Just like a real girl

She's just like real female programs then.

>Pre-Order JOI so I get the pre-order bonus
>Buy the Digital Deluxe Edition so I get all the premium content
>Buy the season pass so she gets all the outfit pack DLC's
>Buy tons of WallacePoints to spend on the WallaceCorp Creation Club
>Everything is going fine
>She downloads the latest patch
>Suddenly she won't stop talking about how I should buy lots of Mountain Dew and Doritos
>Tells me I don't love her if I don't support the sponsors
>Spend everything I have left on Mountain Dew and Doritos
>She immediately tells me she wants an emanator

Anyone else beginning to think JOI is just a scam?

yah that's probably most correct

At the same time visually she looks identical. Torment sums it up.

I think the fact that so much subtle things are going over people’s heads like this means the film has more depth than most realize. Over time it will get dissected by the masses more.

>i don't say it
>i spray it
say it don't spray it!!!

Reminder that Joie risked her life by coming out of the emmanator to beg for K's life after he was knocked down in the vegas high rise. She knew she was drawing attention to herself and she didn't care because she wanted to keep K safe.
If that isn't love I don't know what is.

>Pre-Order JOI so I get the pre-order bonus
>Buy the Digital Deluxe Edition so I get all the premium content
>Buy the season pass so she gets all the outfit pack DLC's
>Buy tons of WallacePoints to spend on the WallaceCorp Creation Club
>Still use the default look

>Have to get a WallaceLive gold subscription to unlock custom appearances

yea shes identical yet different with the eyes, skin and such.K realizes its not HIS joi and just buying another one wouldnt replace her. he experiences actual loss, a very human experience. right there he takes the agency to save deckard because hes not going to allow deckard to lose his daughter like K lost Joi. its why hes so furious with Luv as hes choking her out. by killing joi Luv simultaneously broke his heart, caused him to gain free agency and break his chains, and gave him a purpose. In a weird way K should thank Luv for killing Joi, and i cant bring the thoughts together clearly but im sure that has something to do with the subverted romantic angle between K and Luv

>WallacePoints to spend on the WallaceCorp Creation Club

Thing is she's designed to be perfect to him, even small things like that when he isn't concious or things she seemingly does for her self like wanting to see the world and feel the rain is all because he wants her to be like that. She do care about him, and truly, deeply loves him because that's what's shes progrrammed to do. If they were split apart she would do anything to get back to him, but that's because he wants her to act that way.

My take on it:

I think she is truly programmed to "say what you want to hear", but each JOI developes some kind of unique consciousness based on their user, that's why his JOI is dead and the pink big one, or any other new JOI, will never be that exact JOI that he loved. This is also mirriroed in Harrisons Ford scene and his dialogue with meme leto where he brings the copy GF and Ford states that "Her eyes were green (not brown)" (notice also how big pink JOI has brown eyes), his true love can never be fully replicated. Also, interestingly Leto brings up the possiblty that even Fords girlfriend was just programmed to make him fall in love with him, which Ford refues to accept "i know it was real".

i guess it comes down to what's real to the individual , even if JOI was programmed to be everything Goosy wanted she still developed a personality and maybe consciousness thorugh their relationship. If they're love was real to him, that's good enough.

((another take is that their relationship is just shallow and fake and it's not until she dies he realise that he's living a almost virtual and superfiscial "hero fantasy". He fnally grows up and does the right thing and makes a REAL human decsison based on his own moral compass (to save ford)))

either way we can all agree; he was a real human bean ;(

What if
Get this
Tyrell was actually a replicant version of the original Tyrell and so masterminded this entire thing happening, deckard and rachel meeting, creating a child and then having that child implant it's own memories into other replicants so that they could all finally rise up.

It's retarded but fun to think about

She didn't have a life, she didn't have a choice either. Program a robot to die in battle and it will. She had no concept of self. She was what he wanted her to be. He wanted to be loved like that so she gave it. Or emulated it anyway.

Would you say a fleshlight craves sex? No. It's designed to be used for that. Joi was just there to fulfill his desires. She'd be a passive and cold bitch if that's what he wanted.

This guy gets it.

Reminder that nobody cares about consciousness or personality.

Yeah. But what if what K wants is for JOI to be independent and free? 'You don't have to say that.'
If she does whatever K wants, then she's a real girl.

This is perfectly acceptable, I was more argueing against the notion that she didn't really have any autonomy whatsoever. I also like the notion that it doesnt matter if she was made to feel that way or she simply felt it, and it runs a great parallel with the notion of whether or not deckard is a replicant, as he doesn't care whether he is or not he won't let labels devalue his life.

Also minor nitpic but Deckard says "I know what's real" not " I knew it was real" and the line was in response to Leto suggesting that Deckard himself was replicated to fall in love with Rachel and run away with her.

>"I love you user... but you know what I love more than you? KNOWLEDGE"

>Machines become something more through their ordeals and love, both replicants and digital
Face it Joihatefags. You already lost
Screenwriter's words not mine
>B-but muh programming...
Brainlets eternally BTFO




What's bad about that?

After a long, exhausting day of retiring replicants should K really have to deal with loneliness or a nagging wife?

Is bad when she's lying to you.