The best Alexander The Great movie we have is this piece of shit

>The best Alexander The Great movie we have is this piece of shit.

Which version is the best? Can Sup Forums recommend a good documentary of Alexander?

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Hollywood doesn't do Greek movies, they rekt Jews for millenia.

extended cut and nope

Watch TGC lectures, and The Final Cut did a good job.


>not Greek

It wasnt bad though

The '56 movie is better

>watching movies made before the 60's

you're trying too hard

The most recent cut (I won't bother trying to remember the name) is the best. It starts off showing peak Alexander without any of the distressing crap of him arguing with his friends and family. Then you start to see the little disagreements, and the flashbacks give bits of context to explain why Alex is so insecure. After enough flashbacks, it's apparent that Alex is mentally ill, and you see it manifest at the end of his campaign.

It's the only cut that seems to be coherently organized. The other cuts are nonsense. Stone didn't film the first half of Alexander's campaign, so it's impossible to show things chronologically without inexplicably jumping forward.

He's Macedonian.
Pretty close to being Greek butt still different

Is the problem just that they accurately depicted Alexander as a ponce, fudge packing faggot?

t. fyrom wewuzer

the recut is pure kino

>everyone says it was piece of shit
>I enjoyed it

come on, it was cinematic

This, their first entrance into Babylon and the Persian kings harem was amazing.

>Macedonian fags were butthurt about marrying qt Persian

and because of this film i purchased some history books about alexander and put them on a shelf where they will never be fully read

His mother was Greek

More like Alexander the Gay.

>a piece of shit

only thing I remember about it is the awful soundtrack

>this shit is composed by the same guy who did the original blade runner soundtrack