Story time

Moon girl and devil dinosaur #15
Riri comes to town



Who the fuck is Moon Girl?

Christ, Marvel, a guy takes a break for a couple years, and I don't even recognize the place.









Fucking Doombots, when will they learn?



>my favorite superhero
Are you fucking kidding me? Hasn't Riri only been a superhero for, like, a month?

>Riri comes to town

These are new writers that have to adhere to the Bendis word that Riri is the most sought after hero on the planet


And when we look back on this day it will be known it was Marvel that started the DD x Lunella ship


Can't save the world with nappy hair



>Can't save the world with nappy hair
Can't you though?



Not if you're a black woman. I know my older sister when she was younger tried to refuse to go to school because her hair was all nappy and shit and she didn't have time to get it right.

It's a fucking Doombot, how is this hard to understand?

Next time, professor weird joins the fray

FINALLY the main character shows up.

>the dumbest that ever was
RUDE! Devil is a good boy, he dindu nuffin!

This is a very charming book but however does the marketing needs to be taken behind a shed and shot.

>black child refuses to go to school because of "bad hair"

Uh huh. Sure, user. Sure thing. Not a single person here or anywhere else is skeptical of that being the motivation.

Don't knock it till you try it user
I really like this series, something about kid superheroes fighting in unorthodox ways gets me

sex ed

This. It's a good book but the marketing makes it out to be a pandering fest, even though it's not really that at all

A result of Marvel not paying people enough to check and make sure character names aren't unintentionally racist.

Will duct tape fix my broken heart?

nice page

The only people I've ever seen complain about Moon-Girl's name are Sup Forumslacks upset that no one is upset over Moon-Girl's name.

>Every issue is a fucking crossover

And deal with the shitstorm from angry white people because your hair was unacceptable to them? It's less time just getting it done beforehands than time wasted dealing with the random comments.

I have nothing to do with them. From what i personally can tell it's "too easy" for Sup Forums which makes them start freezing up from too many options. It's not like it's a bad book or we can't give the benefit of the doubt to the people who gave her her name.
I simply made a snide remark about how cheap Marvel is with a side of them accidentally naming their characters in ways where "name" into google could easily have unpleasant results for Marvel. Case in point being Ironheart.
Sounds like Luna hasn't been taught about racism yet since she has no clue as to why a black kid in NY isn't getting into a better school.

Because she's the best thing that has ever happened to the Marvel unicerse. Do you live under a rock user?

Why is she complaining that she gets an awesome dinosaur body. True lack mechanical dexterity but I am sure she can invent something to make up for that. Doesn't seem much of a curse.

That's what happens when a book doesn't sell.

I though they kept it alive by the fact that its one of the only kid oriented books that they have.

I just finished reading and I am asking the question, she just appears, gives speech and then leaves. I understand they want to make her known but couldn't we have seen some cool adventure that she and Moon Girl have together instead of them just investigating doom.

>I'm smarter than you are
How will Riri recover

Well, if I was eight and some hero came saving my ass right now, you bet I wouldn't think twice before sucking up to them.

I don't know about that.
But then again, I'm a grown man with a degree, so I am not quite the target audience for this, I guess.
Nevertheless, this is all quite heavy handed for my liking.
But so is Sunzi, I guess.

What is the problem with her name?
I don't get where you are coming from.

you'd really be surprised, I got a bad haircut once and my mom told me she would've let me skip school because the other kids would've laughed at my ass all day

Marvel's just pushing her, like the WWE does with a new wrestler.

The Moon part. Eg Moon Cricket. It's like if any of the asian superheroes had Gook, Yellow,etc as part of their hero name. It's archaic enough that it's reasonable for you not to notice it but anyone from say 40 years ago or that is actually part of the PR department of a billion dollar company should have thrown a fit. Marvel is extremely lucky that most people didn't seem to notice just like how noone noticed when they did a black bucky for the second time when young avengers came out.

Marvel's marketing in general is terrible and makes a number of books seem different than they really are. Like I think there wouldn't be nearly as much bitching about the Captain Marvel book if not for that retarded "YAAS QUEEN" moment.

>I'm smarter than you are

I have heard a ton of slurs, but this one is completely new to me.

I know the solits aren't by the writers but half the time they don't seem to be even written by people who have read the comics. More and more turn about to be misleading or straight up lies

Its some random kid. Kids say dumb shit

>Riri comes to town

I don't know why because Riri sucks and Moon girl is actually good.

Moon girl should the one doing cameos in Riri books...............oh that's right

>That body language

Riri is the sidekick

Uncle Ruckus used it if that makes you feel any better.
