Are we ever gonna get a good movie/mini series based on this, or is it unfilmable?

Are we ever gonna get a good movie/mini series based on this, or is it unfilmable?

Idris Elba as Ahab

Why does the castrated captain have to be black?

The guy who played the father in The Witch as Ahab. Edward Norton as Ishmael

Idris Elba as the whale

Only normies root for the whale. Ahab was a tragic hero.

Nobody should play Ishmael, it should be recorded first person from the perspective of Ishmael

There already was a tv miniseries with Patrick Stewart as Ahab. I shit you not.

You'd still need a disembodied voice to do the narration

It's filmable, but to do justice to the original it should be 10 hours long and the middle 8 hours should mostly be just ordinary whaling stuff depicted with genius filmmaking style and cinematography, with brief bursts of plot-related stuff.
If you make a 2-3 hour movie of it, you're probably only going to get the actiony parts.
t. big Moby Dick fan

It would have to be a mini series, and you'd need to film it in a style that blurred the line between documentary and fiction. Sort of like in Nymphomaniac Vol. 1 where von Trier includes old documentary footage and literal diagrams on screen whenever he professor's trying to illustrate a point.

No one's going to give a good filmmaker the budget required to make something like that.

unfilmable, it's too lovecraftian

the one ray bradbury wrote isn't bad, actually. it's hampered by the technology of the time but the screenplay's good.

you made this thread the other day?
is making failure threads so important to you or are you some kind of shill viral marketer testing responses for Moby Dick
fuck off and die in a fire

It predates Lovecraft

This is literally the first time i've made this thread

I made this thread a few times about 3 years ago.

Look into the films of Jacques Rivette (particularly La Belle Noiseuse) and Lav Diaz to see something that would work for those middle hours and the art of repetition.

Possible, but unlikely.

>predates Lovecraft

>It predates Lovecraft
I know, that's how lovecraftian it is

I'm not aware of Sup Forums memes

Most overrated book of all time

fuck you with your remakes. There is already a lot versions about that. chose some diferent fucking book

Underrated if anything. Normies hate the book.

Do you know what remakes are? A different adaptation of the same book isn't a remake


This fucking blew

>or is it unfilmable
If you've read the book then you know the answer to this.

>New England setting
>terrifying, unkillable evil out of the depths of the sea
>tattoed Polynesian native
>man obsessed to the point of self-destruction
Literally Lovecraftian.