Why is there so much negativity toward the concept of the extragalactic invasion in Star Wars...

Why is there so much negativity toward the concept of the extragalactic invasion in Star Wars? Just googling in response to that possible leak that got posted here brings up lots of negative articles.

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Change makes manchildren nervous, especially when its changing something they love.

The concept of an external threat is fine. The Vong were pants on head retarded.

I didn’t read anything in the EU so I have no clue

Because they know the sequel storyline sucks and are trying to bury the superior alternatives


The Vong are a race of edgy BDSM space orcs that are immune to the Force and just kick everybody's shit in. Like some 40K race that got lost in the wrong franchise.

Don't forget that they killed Chewie by dropping a moon on him.

That was the moment I decided I hated the Vong.

365 trillion confirmed kills

Holy shit

Yuuzhan Vong invasion >>>>>>>> TFA

>Yuuzhan Vong are legitimate galactic-tier threat whose level of power makes sense, "First Order" are just a comically inept nonsensical "not empire" and nobody (even the writers) don't know why it exists.
>Sense of threat and stakes to conflict, as opposed to TFA's bland, harmless atmosphere
>Galaxy seems like a big community instead of a tiny street full of coincidences
>Chewie's death was a heroic sacrifice built up for ages and with meaningful consequences. Han's death in TFA was a shitshow everyone saw coming that was a spit int he face to the audience and just JJ copying Obi-wan in ANH
>Jacen Solo's powerups is somehow much less retarded than Rey being a master-level Jedi with no training
>Did a new thing with the setting (a truly alien outside race invading, republic & empire uniting, etc.) instead of just rehashing Episode 4 near scene-for-scene
>The new alien culture is well-developed and internally logical, as opposed to TFA's throaway gag races built up mostly so JJ could say "LOOK PRACTICAL EFFECTS XDDD"

The Yuuzhan Vong would have thrown escalated all the Jedi wankery. Episode 2 was proof enough that hundreds of lightsabers on screen is not what makes a good SW movie.

>Like some 40K race that got lost in the wrong franchise.
This is an extremely apt description. They look like they were designed by Clive Barker. They're written to counter everything established as powerful in the Star Wars universe like being immune to the force. There's so little to them other than being edgy and overpowered and the story is the ever more familiar "we have to join forces against a new stronger enemy that is going to kill us all indiscriminately." It's not struggle of ideals or principles like Rebels v Empire, they're just another locust alien race that you can't reason with.

They're the worst part of the ever devolving shit of the EU. Way past Luuke and Sheev clones.

>read a random SW book years ago
>it was fine I guess
>years later, read the comics that deal with the invasion
>like the YV
>get on the internet
>everyone fucking hates the Yuuzhan Vong with a passion and always did

I thought they were pretty neat desu. Though they should have been immune to the force because the force as an energy field only covers the SW galaxy, not because of getting cut off for being evil or whatever.

Yeah there are a few places you could naturally go with Star Wars yet they chose to just do the most boring rehash imaginable.
Instead of the same shit we've already seen, they could have done an alien invasion, a story about the ancient war with the Sith, or a droid revolt story (which is seriously something they need to do at some point).

'YUUZHAN VONG' sounds too Chink-like for a movie studio like Disney to even consider.

Its just manchildren hating change. The EU books that deserve to be hated are the 600 about Imperial generals or gangsters using Imperial tech attacking the New Republic so the writers have an excuse to do the same X-Wings vs TIE fighters shit we've already seen a million times again.

originally though the Vong were from the SW galaxy.

That further demystifies the Force, though. I think the Force is best when it is legitimately a mysterious spiritual thing.

If anything the Jedi were too weak. There's no point in taking these guys as defenders of the galaxy seriously if they get beaten as easily as they were in Episode 2.

More than 3 lightsabers on the screen at a time usually = crap. Lightsabers are supposed to be dignified weapons of mystical warrior-monks, not melee weapons of a glorified infantry. When there are hundreds of them on the screen, it starts to seem ridiculous that Jedi are so effective at blocking blaster bolts, etc. That scene in AotC sucked. You'd think that Jedi would be able to know not to be in the path of blaster bolts to begin with, rather than have to block them at the last second over and over.

Only the EU gets the power of the stronger Jedi right. Starkiller can just go through the Death Star mowing down stormtroopers and walk into the throne room.

SJWars is shit.

It's a lot easier to move a sword into the path of a projectile than it is to move your entire body out of the way.

But I figure Jedi should not have their bodies in the way in the first place.

People often forget that the NJO series was generally well received during its run. It also introduced the world to Matthew Stover who wrote one of the BEST books in the old EU (Traitor).

In fact it was everything that came AFTERWARDS that fucked the old EU and its characters beyond repair (Dark Nest Trilogy, LOTF, FOTJ), and where most of the bad reputation comes from.


sounds sick as
the star wars galaxy needs some shaking up. some beasts to come over and put a bit of stick about.

The idea of the force not working on things is silly. As the force grants partial precognition. So even if you can't predict what the COLD STEELE THE ALIEN is going to do, you can predict the effects they'll have on everything.

Probably because in classical theories of drama, the threats and drivers of conflict should be contained within a "stage" of narratives and characters established near the beginning of the drama, and introducing shit that takes the plot in a different direction from out of nowhere is basically a deus ex machina (or more precisely, deus ex machina is a subtype of this narrative flaw when the externally introduced force is helpful). What these clickbait sites forget is that Star Wars is a pulpy space opera and that they should kill themselves.

Tell that to Kanji Club

the problem with the vonglords is they're just about completely opposite of everything in star wars. They aren't pulpy space opera, they're cenobites who got lost on the way to hellraiser.

>that you can't reason with
That couldn't be more wrong. Towards the middle/later part of the series (starting with Anakin learning about the shamed ones) there was dissent and even open rebellion among their ranks with some YV defecting to support the Jedi, when they realised their leader was lying megalomaniac that had gone mad.

>dude these insane aliens are totally insane and on a rampage!

>wait now they're not nevermind guys

the inconsistent aliens couldn't even remain inconsistent with the universe.

Who cares, Star Wars is for children, manbabies and halfwit normies.

A dictator brainwashing the masses to follow their (however edgy) agenda is a pretty common trope not exclusive to Star Wars.

I seriously couldn't get into Traitor. even now it's sitting on my shelf half-read.

And I can power through a book like nobody's business.

>be Sith Lord
>live in corrupt galaxy full of bickering pacifists
>have a vision that in 40 years a massive army of homicidal crab people from beyond the galactic rim will arrive and murder everybody

>reform entire galaxy into a unified and militarized state, building legions of Stormtroopers, giant combat mechs, fleets of mile long Star Destroyers, and even battlestations that can blow up entire worlds to prepare for their arrival
He's literally the greatest hero in history isn't he?

When the Vong shit started I stopped reading anything in the EU that wasn't old republic era.

Did he actually have a vision about it?

>Information of Yuuzhan Vong activity within the galaxy for the next few decades is scarce. It is known that, by 27 BBY, at the start of the Outbound Flight Project, Palpatine had somehow gained knowledge of the incoming Yuuzhan Vong fleet, though he planned to withhold it from the Republic until after his New Order could be instituted. At least one of his subordinates, Kinman Doriana, was informed, however. The distant threat of invasion was also part of the reason Palpatine ordered the destruction of Outbound Flight in order to prevent its occupants from falling into the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong (and also to eliminate six Jedi Masters and 12 Jedi Knights).[30] Following the end of the Clone Wars, Emperor Palpatine let out hints of the Yuuzhan Vong to the public. One of his official justifications for maintaining the Imperial Navy even after the war had ended was to ward off the threat of extra-galactic invasion.[31]

Source: starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Breast/Legends

He created the empire to basically make a unified force for the eventual invasion he alone knew was coming. It makes his character a lot less shit, but fuck it I'd rather have Mary Sue girl instead

Did you read the Darth Bane novels?


The sequels should have been the Thrawn Trilogy with some necessary changes to the narrative. Instantly 100x better than the rehash we got.

One thing I've noticed about hipsters (the people who write these articles) is that they have a really negative reaction towards the Star Wars EU. The books aren't even really that great aside from the X-Wing books of course, but their take on it is usually over-the-top. This was something I noticed even before The Force Awakens was even announced, some guy was on Cracked and wrote a vicious fucking article blasting the EU books.


Because it vindicates Palpatine and the Empire, and (((they))) wouldn't allow that.

>aside from the X-Wing books of course
Good taste.

I wouldn't mind Thrawn being in the new movies, but not have the entire story. That evil cloned Jedi shit was fucking retarded. They could have had part of the movie be shit like Rogue Squadron up against Thrawn.

You guys know Thrawn is in Rebels, right? So he ended up being a part of the Star Wars canon anyway.

Give it ten years and there will be a marvel Star Wars crossover series

Hahaha, that fucking page. Wookieepedia never fails to amuse me.

There literally already is.


Isn't Stover the guy who wrote the novelization of ep 3 as well? That guy is amazing.

I did not know that, I never watched Rebels. I just looked it up and it put a picture of Thrawn next to Snoke. Is that what they're doing?

Isn't it also established the emperor made the empire to fight the vong or some stupid bullshit. Or was that revan with the sith

>tfw it's rumored that Vader Down will be a independent feature film in the future
>Han and Chewie running around with lightsabers on the big screen

I have no idea, I haven't watched it either. I'm just aware of it from seeing the threads on Sup Forums.

Frankly it annoys me because they toss out the EU and then they're like "But we're going to use it anyway because fuck you."

Still better than the new trilogy. I'd take it.


>bioengineering everything
>black hole guns
>stuck around way too long

How would the prequel era Republic fare against the Yuuzhan Vong?

IMO the Yuuzhan Vong basically sound like something right out of Star Trek, which is weird to put in Star Wars.

On the other hand, at least it's something new and not a retread of the Death Stars. The whole reason the Death Stars even existed is because the Empire's influence was so fucking vast and enormous. It makes no sense for them to be able to make an even stronger one when they're weakened. The EU novel Darksaber makes a point of showing that the Death Star attempted by anyone else would fail catastrophically.

They also turned Han Solo's son into a Sith, like in the books. Jacen Solo became Darth Caedus after killing Mara Jade.

I think they were speculating how the Empire might have handled it, and were musing how it would probably have been better for them to be in charge during the Vong invasion. Han says something smart ass about how they would have built a fleet of Death Stars or something, but forgot to cover something up.

Just think we could have actually gotten a good start wars movie featuring a despondent drug addict having a redemption Arc, nah let's make a bag of shit instead

Complete decimation, they didn't have a standing army or a large Navy to fight some as powerful as yuuzhan vong.

>The EU took a throwaway joke like deathsticks and put it to genuine use in the comics
I'm actually impressed.

We almost got the Twi'lek Sith Lord from those books instead of Kylo Ren.


Wrong. Fuck off with you shit opinion

Because Star Wars is only as good as its parallels with real world politics. Once you start with "galaxy invasion" bullshit, you alienate people from the universe building that made it famous to begin with. What plot would they do with that? Please don't tell me you want a muslim immigration Star Wars movie...

I didn't need three feels

It's just another one of those plot holes that some people like to overlook. I think the vast amount of people actually understand how fucking stupid the Starkiller was.

The Vong were fucking retarded

>IMO the Yuuzhan Vong basically sound like something right out of Star Trek, which is weird to put in Star Wars.

Well take a look at what the EU books did to Star Wars as a whole. The movies are basically space fantasy, not really sci-fi. The movies don't really get in depth about the planets, the different alien faces, or how the technology works. It's sword fighting wizards in space, not that there's anything wrong with it.

Now what the books have done is take all that shit from Star Wars, and start gearing it towards a more Sci-Fi tone. Especially the X-Wing books. It was dogfights in space, and they talked about the different planets, different cultures, different alien races, all the different technology, different foods and drinks. It had very little to do with the Jedi. So I guess it was natural that they would start bringing in shit that reminds you more of Star Trek.

Now any of the Old Republic books are still Star Wars space opera shit. I'm pretty sure people who wanted to write basically one level up from fanfiction chose that era because they could make up their own Jedi and do whatever the fuck they wanted with them without effecting the canon story.

Cade Skywalker was a neat idea and probably would have made for an interesting movie (although I cannot imagine Disney would have ever let it happen) but IIRC the comics didn't even get a chance to finish properly because they were made right before Disney decided "YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK THE EU!"

The villain of TFA was always planned to be a "Jedi Killer" who derailed Luke's attempts at reviving the order by killing his students.

Talon's seductress qualities would have been played up as part of her Jedi hunting strategy. However, she fell to the wayside in favor of the idea of a Vader LARPer, which eventually lead to Kylo Ren.

But they had clone troopers.

Why the fuck would they call her Talon? That overlaps with Talon Karrde who is awesome.

>Because Star Wars is only as good as its parallels with real world politics.

What the fuck are you talking about?

You're mentally retarded aren't you?

Because that's just Warhammer 40k and it's shit. It also reeks of Star Trek.

Was there really a need to post twice?

>As villains, the Yuuzhan Vong had very little depth to begin with. But since 9/11 occurred right in the middle of the New Jedi Order book series that covered the Yuuzhan Vong War, they became clear analogs of religious extremism and terrorism. It was a ham-fisted allegory

So let me get this straight...
They create a religious fanatic race and storyline in star wars in 1999. But because muslims attacked the US in 2001 that 2 year old idea suddenly becomes racist because it parallels a real event.
Yes, your stories are now racist if a real-life event occurs that is similar to your story. But only if the parallel can be drawn to muslims and blacks.

an invasion is actually more relevant now

Disney hired JJ Abrams to do what he does best: copy and paste other people's work and add lens flare. There's not a chance in hell of any of the Disney SW movies having scripts that aren't complete rehashes of the original trilogy as Disney won't take any chances. They know people will buy tickets to see the same shit they've seen before. Also, it would take a hell of a lot more work to make Yuuzhan Vong invasion kino. All of the negative reactions to the idea of an invasion storyline are planted by Disney to convince people that their shitty movies really are the best things ever.

Not to America. England, maybe.

>the bad guys were the good guys all along!!!!1
doesnt belong in sw

Yeah it does. The series could actually use some moral ambiguity instead of "the Jedi are so perfect and the Sith are mustache-twirlingly evil." From my point of view...



>They're written to counter everything established as powerful in the Star Wars universe like being immune to the force.

Like the tree sloths that are resistant to the Force?....




>phoneposting filename
You don't fool me.

And then later on in the prequel trilogy we had Toydarians which are also Force-resistant. So this kind of thing is literally in the movies.

Really? Because with the stupid shit you say in your posts it doesn't seem like it would take much to fool an idiot like yourself

They’re more of a Star Trek, high-concept style enemy. Star Wars is all just regular susceptible humanoid troops and their military technology.

Not even going to dignify this post with a response.

Idk if Wato was force-resistant so much as he was probably just too simple-minded to be jedi-mind tricked

It's not difficult to be better than TFA