Is Justice League going to tank because of Ben Affleck's groping scandal?

Is Justice League going to tank because of Ben Affleck's groping scandal?


>Ben Affleck apology tweet

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>hardly fondled her titty

>uhh this is worse than roman polanski drugging and anally raping a 13 year old, molesting a 10 year old, and raping a 15 year old and two 16 year olds!

It's gonna tank because of the 17% Rotten Tomatoes rating

Polanski fled the country and will be immediately arrested if he ever sets foot in the U.S. again.


yet hollywood signs petitions to get him off

So? They clearly haven’t succeeded.

of course she didn't forget she probably masturbates thinking about it every night but now that she can get social brownie points she'll play the victim card

Reminder that Rose McGowan is a giant piece of shit hypocrite. Calling out Aflleck, Damon, etc. for saying "it's none of my business" to ALLEGED sexual assault, when she says the same thing about a CONVICTED sex offender. She needs to fuck off.

>complaining about Ben hugging you ten years ago.
>trying to steal the spot light from women who were literally raped by hollywood
holy shit are women awful.
Cant you go on for a few days without trying to be the center of attention?

Roman Polanski has excellent taste, as evidenced by all his critically acclaimed films. Plebs such as yourself should be castrated for questioning it.

Is that true? Where's the proof?

this is just some sickness of hollywood being acted out on the real life stage
the kind of person it takes to become and actress and the kind of person who has suffered some form of trauma or abuse go together part and parcel, or at least fall under a wide cross-sectional area
you take a guy like ben afleck and transport him out of this phony facade, out of jungle of addiction and deviancy that is the so-called movie star world
you take him and just like drop him off somewhere rural like Alaska with the most rapes per capita in the whole country
just take him and drop him off there and he can go to town because those girls know a thing or two, they know how to cope with these bullheaded pussy slammers because they're out there in the bar still riding the cock carousel despite probably being raped multitple times, they don't even report it anymore unless the guy ruptured something, compare that shit to what his life must be like now where he can even breath on a chick without it being some big fucking lawsuit

Actually if you want to counter this instead of the usual invented vitriol you should probably just watch the video of it because he visibly doesn't touch her breasts

Never bothered watching the video. I bet is was some elbow to side boob tough or something completely innocuous



I hope it tanks because I hate joss whedon and it looks like xbox 360 level garbage

he admitted it

Harvey did nothing wrong.

its just a hug. if he brushed up on her boob it was by accident (also ben is clearly drunk)
Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears, Alexander Payne, Michael Mann, Wim Wenders, Tilda Swinton, Julian Schnabel, and Pedro Almodovar

Actually I was wrong. You can't see her chest in the video because Affleck's body blocks it view, but his Tweet seems to confirm it did happen.

Daily reminder that if you want to ask a girl out you gotta have at least 2 eyewitnesses, both parties must pass a sobriety test, and she must sign a contract that she agrees to go out with you. You have to get that contract notarized and if you want to hold her hand you must ask her a minimum of three times, get the parents permission(even if she's above 18) and also have at least 2 eyewitnesses. Anything less than this it's literally sexual assault.

Honestly this whole thing seems blown way the fuck out of proportion. The video shows absolutely nothing and I've not heard anything else come out against Affleck. I don't even like the guy but all this witch-hunting shit is ridiculous.

Affleck almost certainly had nothing to do with that tweet, it's so hastily shat out. I guarantee you he rang up the publicist who runs his Twitter, said "handle it", and immediately hung up and continued snorting lines out of some whore's ass crack

don't call his daughter a whore

Yeah it's stupid because if he just said "it didn't happen lol" or even just waited, then everyone would've taken his side

Thanks. Even the victim is over it though and wants it to go away.

>Samantha Geimer, who was raped at 13 by director Roman Polanski, urged a judge on Friday to resolve the 40-year-old case.

>“I would implore you to finally bring this to a close as an act of mercy to myself and my family,” Geimer told L.A. Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon. “We are human beings, not wins and losses.”

>Geimer said this was the first time she has been allowed to address the court in the long history of the case. Over the years, she has repeatedly expressed her wish that the case come to an end, and has said that the media circus was worse than the rape.

>“He got arrested. I knew he was sorry the next day,” she said after the hearing. “I was sure he instantly regretted what he had done and wished it hadn’t happened. It just wasn’t as traumatic for me as everyone would like to believe it was. I was a young sexually active teenager and it was a scary thing, but it was not an uncommon thing. I understood much worse things happened to people. So, I was just not as traumatized as everybody thinks I should have been.”

Oh so I can rape a lot of kids and if in 40 years they don't care about justice it's okay? :^)

does anyone show her this now or does she just ignore that?

>people in 2003 laughed about sexual harrassment.

Discusting. I'm glad we have advanced as a society since then.

I don't have a twitter otherwise I'd bombard her with it every single day. But even then, she probably wouldn't listen unless it was a bunch of people giving her shit about it.

So tired of her constant holier-than-thou Hollywood nonsense.

He had to apologize otherwise there could be some backlash. He didn't admit it.

I doubt she gives a shit about any of this, she is just out to promote her book and become relevant again

Things stop mattering as more time passes. Imagine that.

Why would someone apologize for something they didn't do? Does everyone have to apologize for all the things they didn't do?

If some producer would ask Rose to be in any upcoming superhero movie in exchange for a blowjob she'd be all over that dick in an instant.

What's really going on here is that women are more than likely descended from parasites. Whether you're an evolution guy or a creation guy is beside the point, on this issue both Darwin and God's infallible word agree. If you really hunger for discovery, man I'm telling you, this is beefy topic for any aspiring scholars out there because it's such an open playing field and the implications are simply staggering.

Just from my own observations I've found that women acting as the gatekeepers to sex and procreation react to errant glances from men deemed unworthy of passage through the hallowed walls of their cunt in the same way that feral animals who do not normally attack humans will suddenly burst into attack mode when looked at the wrong way. Lacking the strength of a hyena, they bottle their rage and instead borrowing a much more powerful trait, cunning. The difference is once you fuck up, you won't get mauled in a physical sense, but basically you're put on the "creep" list, essentially the no-pussy list.

You can change your dress, your hair... you can fucking move towns and you'll find yourself still on the no-pussy list. This isn't human physiology at work here, this is something atmospheric, I mean we're looking at telepathy basically. And if you're a "creep" it is very hard to rid yourself of that label. Women have this insect like ability to detect properties of your semen even if it's been hours since you jacked off, like how ant's always know where the picnic is at. If you're a creep, and you're cumming anywhere but your pillow, they'll fucking know -- it's like reverse santa claus, and when you think you're alone, there's probably some girl down the street who knows exactly what your diet is, how stressed you are, how unhappy you are, everything. The only difference is it doesn't matter how good you behave because in the end you get the toys and she gets the coal.

get over those 6 million jews that i murdered i shouldn't have to pay for that! ha ha

its going to tank cause they are leaving out firestorm

100% she is. Hopefully her hypocrisy comes and bites her in the ass and she fades back into obscurity and filming her vibrator-stuffed pussy.

>yet hollywood signs petitions to get him off
Unless it's a 13 year old, it's not going to work.

How's that sub-90 IQ working out for you?

I bet you really enjoyed the Ed Kemper scenes in Mindhunter and aspire to be like him

she seems perfectly fine about it when it happened, and she even went back on tv and laughed about it...

this is more about Ben Affleck being young and hot when he groped her, and now that he's an elderly alcoholic with bloat face she wants some more attention

no its just disney shills trying to sabotage pure kino justice league, we need to expose the pedophiles at disney

you need to see someone about that anger m8 kek

http was a mistake.

>all this because he had to virtue signal about Harvey

She always seemed like the kind of slag who fucked willingly for parts and got ashamed of it.

Jl will make a ton opening weekend just off the goodwill from WW. From there it will depend on how good the movie is

I've been a good person my whole life and I just wanna no when the fuck am I going to get some pussy? You people out there calling yourselves social justice warriors, well how exactly is this justice? I've never hurt anyone, I've never been accused of any sort of crime, sexual or otherwise. Usually I don't even use bad language, yet still I am cast aside like some unwanted pet. Extending down my family tree is a long line of men who never failed to get pussy, you go back far enough and every one of them probably dragged the bitch into his cave, got what he wanted from, and deposited one less great off the great-grandfather in her belly while he was out getting even more pussy for himself. Then you look at me, look at the state of things around here, it's so damn absurd I feel like I could just set myself on fire in protest. I resent the fact that I've been born into this awful time in human history. The web is cool and everything, and it's not like I'd particularly enjoy fighting off saber tooth tigers or contracting the black death, but being born into a barren wasteland where I can't get any pussy is it's own kind of struggle, I just resent the fact that it has to be my struggle and not some other generation's. It's like some big practical joke being played, like maybe in a past life I was such a player and got so much pussy that upon reincarnation they thrust me into a body of person who's entire life is one gigantic ruined orgasm.

How is he allowed to live in these European countries? Aren't rape and child mollestation crimes there? (inb4 Sup Forums)

Case Affleck was accused of sexual harassment and abuse, yet still won the Oscar and was celebrate by Hollywood liberals. Ben's movie will be fine

its really kind of bullshit how matriarchal things are becoming
like if a woman decides she's had it with men, she go to the government and apply for a surrogate husband in the form welfare check
if I went to the government demanding they give me a surrogate pussy to take home, they'd probably keep me instead, lock me up in jail with some real delinquents and make ME into the surrogate pussy
all I know is that shit needs to change
when you hear people talk about rome and about bread and circuses they always forget to mention that prostitution was a big part of it all too, they just threw pussy at their subjects out of pocket, for the good of the empire

all I'm saying I that there needs ot be some kind of nurse paid for by the government who comes by and jerks you off for medical / therapeutic reasons -- there wouldn't be any mass shooters, things in general would be so much more mellow and not this giant rat race where women are all on bikes and you still get to be just another fucking rat