We are slowly approaching Halloween, what are some of Sup Forums's favorite horror films?
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We are slowly approaching Halloween, what are some of Sup Forums's favorite horror films?
>slowly approaching
Are you 12?
What does him saying something stupid have to do with his age?
That's not a horror movie, you stupid stupid asshole
time goes by slow for kids.
Good enough for me.
I'm 12 at heart.
I'm 12 in penis.
12mm most likely
I'll give you time to figure it out.
Have you even seen it? Why would it not be considered a horror film?
The Hills Have Of Eyes.
I'm going with this guyHalloween is basically tomorrow if not already over for adults
It was a simple typing error, how about we get this thread back on the rails
but we aren't done patronizing you yet
because it's cheesy as fuck, it was like the eric andre show
A true horror film would be Texas Chainsaw Massacre
this ... I like the atmosphere and Lovecraftian touch. Also Sam Neil can do no wrong.
It actually had pretty good special effects for a movie from 1977, also Evil Dead is considered a horror movie but that was campy as fuck
Evil Dead 2 was campy as fuck, not the first
I don't remember Evil Dead being as campy and stupid as House
Prince of Darkness is the fucking best.
Cabin in the woods
Movie will always get you laid.
This movie is jap art bullshit not horror. It's a fucking joke. Turned it off and deleted the torrent 30 min in.