Why do people find Gal Gadot attractive again? She looks extremely unflattering here, in costume in a brief trailer for her role in Wonder Woman™!
Why do people find Gal Gadot attractive again? She looks extremely unflattering here...
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>spam pausing through a movie trailer to find an unflattering frame of a celebrity to gossip about them on the Internet
The modern "man"
I would facefuck her all night long faggot
You mad because she's JEWISH? That's right. A full blown kike. And she's hotter than any girl you will ever land in your entire miserable existence. Let that sink in, naziboy.
most "people" don't, (((they))) are pushing her as part of an overall agenda
She's cute in that movie
anybody got a webm of her trying to go through the revolving doors?
personally i don't. find her forehead kinda off
>y-you insulted my waifu! you alt-right douchebag!
>reddit spacing
I think you know where you need to go
I think she's super cute
To get us to fuck hot jewesses? It worked
>hotter than any girl you will ever land in your entire miserable existence.
Impossible, she is an ugly skeleton.
Actually I didn't spam pausing through a trailer to do that, io9 did that for me you stupid cuck.
It's literally the header of their article.
She looks like an old hag in that shot.
What the fuck did they do to my waifu
Newfag virgins are appealing to jewesses now with countless Emma Roberts, scarlett johannsen and Gal Gadot threads. This is not the Sup Forums of old. Sure there's some portman, mila, silverman threads here and there but they were sparse in comparison to gal or emma
Lana was trash, Chloe was best waifu
Because shes actually attractive?
I mean forcing an unflattering still and constantly saying skeleton gets old after the 500th time.
Geez she really could have used a body double here. Flabby
How do I get a gf like this?
I would unironically kiss that ass
>when you realize every single female extra in the scene has a better body than the main actress
>The extras are all hotter than she is
What is oldboy staring at? There's literally nothing to see.
Too bad she joined a sex cult. Probably a hollow shell by now from all the dicking.
>not Ahmanet mummyfu, but still
giv egypt-clothing gf
find a girl with zika and starve her
What's the meme here? She looks like a cute slim chick in a bikini.
This is not even Wonder Woman
Shit thread for her retarded waifuists to derail
I think she is cute, she was a model for gods sake
>Why do people find Gal Gadot attractive again?
I hate Gal Gadot but this has got to be bait. Anyone who wouldn't jump at the chance to go out on single date with her has to be a raging, parade marching, fruity drink sipping, sunhat wearing, homosexual.
Her movie was bad but I liked the ending a lot.
Imagine if you liked her
The opposite actually, the movie was one of the best capeshit of the last years but the third act dragged it down.
I wanna suck Wonder Woman’s dick!
>people are actually so stupid they cant see the sarcasm in OPs post
she's a cute!
thats.. uh.. .some good art there..
who. .who drew that?
>Gal's terrible acting
>the first act villain's scenes were like pulling teeth
>that beautiful moral they built up to all movie about how humanity is flawed but nonetheless worth fighting for coming to fruition right at the end
The ending was the only thing that made those two hours marginally worth my time. I choked up a little at some of that final dialogue.
Got to try that breakfast special.
whoa wait what? more info pls
I wonder why muslims get so mad over skinny israeli's.....
I'd tell you if I didn't think there was a significant chance you are some underager or autist manchild in the know already just trying to force off topic fetishes where they don't belong.
they don't want to embarrass fat americut females so instead of a fatty they went with "no body"
OP here, didn't say a single thing about her being Jewish so I don't know where you got the idea that I'm a Nazi.
Why does this fucking read like a trump tweet.
Could be Maggie Gyllenhaal's sister.
>Why do people find Gal Gadot attractive again?
She's a hero and a symbol of progress.
this is what a R
woman looks like faggot
cry more ahmed
you mean (((people)))
Skinny Gal is nasty. As she is putting on more weight and muscle, she is starting to look hot as fuck.
It's not crass enough to be a Trump tweet. Sad!
She's usually pretty fucking qt but I can't deny that this is an extremely bad shot of her
sign of the times when a trashy celebrity gossip poster can sound like the President of the US
shes def got "work" done
the nose is dejewifed
wat a cuck
she just got lowballed to get a job
Stop insulting the Jewish Princess.
and a face double too!
Boom. Roasted.
Miss Israel, huh?
She's got natural comic timing and charm. She's great on Conan. So what if she's built like a distance runner?
>complain about unrealistic body image until you go blue in the face
>think "only men" complain about Gadot the Twig
The state of modern "woman"
No judging if you're into that flatland stuff
im not into inbreds, but that is just me for some groups its a fetish though.
What the fuck illusion is this?
>found one not completely flattering picture, gg
She's obviously gorgeous.
Did she spawn the brainlet meme?
You're not giving her credit for being hilarious Kyle.
>he actually seems bored as hell
his reaction was spot on actually
THIS .Given the right angle and the right lighting, every Godess is bound to look hideous at some point. Of course, works the other way around too
her skin is fucking awful and her haughty nature is insufferable. Also her husband looks like a cuck.
She has a very attractive face.
Conventionally attractive.
Her body isn't impressive, but the face is a face everyone would get attracted to without context.
i want to suck her dick
Agreed she is ugly AF and chain smokes.
The only people who find her attractive are the virgin DC (DicklessCucks) fans.
I think women like her because shes not intimidating to them.
Definitely meh tier.
>Thor 3 is confirmed shit
>WW made more than Civil War in the United States
>JL collapsed Fandango when the presale tickets were released
>the guy who made The Raid movies is now making movies for DC
Can you guys be any more transparent?
every time
You need more FLEM
>Every day the same Gal Gadot hate thread fill with the same pics and posts
>Thor Ragnorok just came out
Hmm.... Probably just a coincidence amirite fellas?
She actually reminds me of someone from the mountains of Bolivia, the same shaped head from oxygen depletion in childhood.
Quit samefagging
Also Thor 3 is only out in the UK not the US where most people who start these threads live
>being such an insecure DC cuck that you chalk up any criticism of DC movie actors to Marvel fans being butthurt
It's out in Australia, the shitpost capital of the world
Yes because nothing screams “I'm not insecure” like making and/or posting in threads about how you find some actress unattractive every single day
Yeah but that happens every day regardless, I don't see you REEEEEEEEEing about Marvellets in those threads, why only the Gal Gatwig ones?
IMAGINE being the chink
Do the opposite and show us your results.
its true