>up from 98% to 99%
Is this real life?
>up from 98% to 99%
Is this real life?
Other urls found in this thread:
Can someone tell me the point of RT?
>we need an extra million to pay off shills
>say no more
t. disney
>Is this real life?
is this fantasy?
I'm not seeing Thor 4. Fuck off and kill yourself
That one 'rotten' was the entirety of Sup Forums
it's not possible for you to have made a more reddit post
and they didn't see it
>They doubted based Taika
btw the scores really don't start tanking until the movie comes out in america because the shit reviewers that don't get invited to the screenings have to wait
> Taika Waititi also known as Taika Cohen
there's your answer
good because you can see Thor 3, which is in theaters soon
Boy was his best
It's about time we got a fun superhero movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.
What will Justice Leagues score be?
What We Do in the Shadows is fantastic though and now I'm interested in this Capekino.
O-only 72 reviews in, w-we can still stop this
Post yfw br2049 flops and this garbage is the only 'cinema' you'll see for the next decade or so
>yfw all the marvel movies this year were comedies but guardians of the galaxy 2 had the best emotion in any marvel movie
Caught in a landslide no escape from reality
Every Marvel movie is "haha jokes wee haha we're just havin fun!" bullshit.
There's only one review that matters.
>"is this real life?"
>caring this much about what one, or both, of the major comic book-related film studios are doing
You are now aware that you live in a world, a terrifying world, where there are people right this moment who use terms such as "canon" and "cinematic universe" when talking about films and television shows.
A terrifying world where imagined characters on a screen are required, according to those who discuss them, to adhere to "ground rules" set out by the creators of said-characters. A terrifying world where those that discuss these characters and their actions, are actually enraged if said-characters deviate from the mannerisms expected of them, the mannerisms that may have initially been set in the pages of a comic book.
Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children, that are actually read by adults. Adults who then bicker and express their frustration at film-adaptations of these comic books not being "faithful". Faithful to a comic book. That's supposed to be read by young children.
This is your world. This is the world of capeshit. Terrifying, isn't it?
Br2049 is garbage though. Even a brainless capeshit would be better than it
It gives an idea of the critical consensus on a film. Like in that picture the movie has 72 reviews and only one of them is negative, meaning 99% of all reviews are positive. It's not an actual score of the movie itself.
fuck off reddit
Fun Ragnaquip is the MCU flick released closest to Justice League, of fucking course Disnigger will be shilling it overtime for this garbage.
sure thing, shill
Fucking how?? The shit cgi was enough to warrant a rotten review. It looked bad in the cinema i can't imagine how bad It's gonna look on webm on/tv/ in 4 months
>it's not possible for you to have made a more reddit post
and i really enjoy myself :)
You mean like Deadpool?Guardians of the Galaxy?Superhero from Drake Bell ? Hancock?
Not even trying
I mean i wont defend Cyborg to an impossible extent and i hate to say this, but jesus fuck Ang Lee's hulk tried to look realistic.
they literally can just put 6/10s and put a fresh rating and somehow it'll get a 99.
He means every movie in the MCU, dumbass
>not fanta sea
A quipping marvel movie gets a high tomato score Woah, that's sure new.
All capeshit should dissappear tbqh
It's so Justice League will be guaranteed a lower score and Marvelets can gloat, despite both being equally shit.
If it's actually, genuinely good, then a 65% max, and even then it's entirely possible that it will get rotten scores on principle
If it's mixed/bad then we're looking at something in the 20-30% range. WW got the benefit of having the whole feminist vibe work in it's favor without being overt about it, which shielded it from most critics, but you can tell that they're ready to tear JL a new one, either because it sticks too closely to Snyder's "grim, depressing" tone instead of being fun, or because Joss Whedon's rewrite's to make it "fun" conflict too harshly with the rest of the DCEU
I don't give a fuck if it's 100%. Disney suits don't have the balls to treat the characters with an ounce of respect, so all it is is 100% shit to me. They could have given us an heir to Arnie's Conan, instead, they gave us forgettable schlocky "fun."
it was honestly just a good movie
amazing how thor 1 and 2 were complete trash, but this one just nailed it.
Well yeah. Of course its going to go up. The disney checks just cleared in the "critics" accounts.
I don't believe Rotten Tomatoes after Homecoming and Wonder Woman got 92% each, both were near 100% before the first 100 critics.
nice copypasta m8 imma use this
I have been waiting so long for them to make a planet hulk movie. It's shaping up to be everything I ever wanted.
Open your eyes
keep it to a minimum good gentlesirs
>but also fun
what the fuck
I hate movies
Wonder woman was the archetypal 10/10, I'm going to see it again this weekend
>That poster
Fucking eye cancer.
To be misleading? The tomato meter went up but the average rating went down.
No user, it's at 7.7 unless you're looking in the wrong place.
>If it's actually, genuinely good, then a 65% max, and even then it's entirely possible that it will get rotten scores on principle
>That low a score even if it's good
Why do we use this site as gospel when we know how biased it can be?
If this is what passes as a 99% movie nowadays, I'll have to find a new hobby.
Wrong flag
Have you watched it?
Aus and NZ desu
Do you need to watch it to now that it’s not the greatest movie of all-time? If you’re scoring movies out of 100 then your scoring system should be much more accurate.
Look at the average rating
This is why we should use metacritic
it's on 7.7 out of 10.
99% fresh is not a 99/100 score.
What's the big deal? They've got a good director.
It's got an average rating of 7.7 which seems fair enough. Just by guessing based on the director, but with the downside being that it's another fucking superhero movie, I'd expect to give it a decent 7 once I can torrent it.
>every critic said it was a decent movie
might be worth a watch
>the only review that matters is the review so predictable that a random user could write it without seeing the movie
Average rating is all that matters
Is a good time m8s
>the tomato meter is a review score like metacritic
is it blanchettkino?
look up to skys and seaaaaaaaa
I'm just a po'boy
I need no sourcream
>funny, and above all fun
>sets a new standard for its franchise
This is like the 4th time I've seen those phrases
cry more
Mad DC Faggot.
Huh would you look at that it is owned by hollyjew.
>99% =/= 99%
pushing cultural marxist agenda, lowballing doubleplusungood works and incessant corporate shilling.
99% means that 99% of the critics thought the movie was 6/10 or better.
It's a people don't know what the tomato score means thread
Marvel has derisked movie making. They have the greatest combination of critical and financial success of any movie studio ever. They are an unstoppable goliath.
99% !? That must be the best any capeshit has ever gotten.
Capeshit comedy really is the winning formula.
are there any movies with an average score of 6.-something/10 that have over 90% on RT?
The first Sharknado is close.
keep me posted if it goes back to 100
Making inocuous, formulaic, and bland movies look good, while making controversial, challenging i.e. movies worth discussing look bad.
How retarded are you?
this guy gets it
He seems really insecure with that tweet
Philly representin', motherfucker!
What is wrong with Americans?
People will mock you for this but this is unironically correct