What is your opinion of Josh from RLM?

What is your opinion of Josh from RLM?

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He's the best one that isn't Mike, Jay, or Rich Evans?

The Wizard. He's cooler than Aids Moby.

Share the patreon link user

So this is your second attempt to post a screenshot from their new video that isn't public yet without flat out saying
>durr I'm a brainless Patreon supporter

Just brag that you have access to the video and quit trying to be coy, you worthless faggot.

>having every RLM video memorized to the point they know instantly a mundane screenshot is from an as yet unseen episode

boring bugman who wines about rape too much for a guy that reviews b movies

Nice attempt to shift the focus, Patreon faggot


Best Of The Worst
youtube.com/watch?v=CQ1pfdrhcPM [Remove]


Half in the shitbag


He's funny, but his libtard opinions are majorly cringeworthy

I'd still rate him below Jack

He seems like a nice person.

why do you this? I could just go to their youtube channel, are you retarded?

likes good music
likes good movies
no sense of humour and wears shirts two sizes too small

this is patreon content only retard

wtf? DELET

He has a point though.

I tried watching Rlm and just can't get into them, it seems like they're trying to hard or something idk

beardfat is a disgusting embarrassment of a human being, I wouldn't mind if he died.

>Give opinion on Josh
>No abusive comments

OP didn't say you have to be honest.

i will have his head on a spike bismillah

>What is your opinion of Josh from RLM?

who? is there another person other than mike, jay, rich, and jack?

i dont remember anyone else

>Daily reminder that Jay Bauman sexually harassed this woman

Do tell sir.


Well you see, some user got bored and decided to just make up random shit about an internet nobody.

being this much of a newfag

>Look up Nadine's revenge on RLM content
>Two years ago there was a leak about RLM NOT THE GILCHREST THREAD
>Truthfull claims of Jay being a sexual predator

Please take this comment down. They're unlisted for a reason.

He's knowledgeable, which is good sometimes, but he's not funny. He's a good fit for re:View but keep him away from Best of the Worst.

Literally nothing you’re saying has any connection to reality

>What is your opinion
>Please do not post abusive comments.

He is a queer for crying about that scene where a guy was pouring his beer on a naked girl

>muh politics

no he isn't

Pretty sure nobody remembers this because you just made it up


Better than Aidsmoby, worse than everyone else

Unbearable faggot.
BotW lineup should always be Mike + Jay + Rich + boring guest.

I'll bet money that they call him "The Wizard" because he thought it'd be cool and asked them to.

I like the wizard on BotW and especially Re:View.

Jay > Rich > Mike == Josh > Jack

I like Mike in a lot of stuff, but I don't miss him when he's not on BotW.

When he came out as a hardcore sjw he suddenly became intolerable, which may have been an out of proportion reaction since his rlm stuff is about the same as it always was. It was hard to separate rlm beardfat from real life raving lunatic beardfat I guess.

>When he came out as a hardcore sjw he suddenly became intolerable
But none of that is reflected in their actual videos. You'd have to actively go out of your way to look at his twitter to see that shit, and if you've done that, you're an idiot faggot to begin with.

>It was hard to separate rlm beardfat from real life raving lunatic beardfat I guess.
No it really isn't hard at all.

hello newfag, watch that post just (((puff))) disappear

Jay > Jack > Mike > Rich > Colin > Jim > Any other guest or broad > Licking dog shit off the foot of a My 600lb. Life subject > Beardfat

he looks like the kind of man who's buried a body or two in the woods


You wouldn't download a car

well his tweets were posted here incessantly a year or so ago. I take it you weren't here then.

>But none of that is reflected in their actual videos

I hate it when people get butthurt about their friend simulators politics, but that's wrong. He's fucking insufferable.

This is Josh's hand. Say something nice about it.

Stubby little sausage fingers faggot

Holy Christ, look at those Wisconsin sausages.

Waito he cried that episode?

I literally can't think of anything I could possibly give less of a shit about than some e-celeb's fingers. Kill yourself.

His hand has a higher BMI than my body does.

They literally do look like poorly made overstuffed Vienna sausages.

Eat something you fucking starving niglett

He's inserted his politics into videos before. He's made a stink about rape jokes and shit like that in BOTW

So it IS reflected in their videos, the ones that he's on at least.

The serious nature of Re:View suits Josh. BOTW on the other hand is full of shit movies that they don't want to watch so they fuck around and talk about Juicy Shaq meat.

the only two members of RLM who have any ability to usefully critique film are mike and jay. everyone else is just baggage

You're saying "rape is bad" isn't quality commentary from neckbeardo?


I can agree with that. He had some decent stuff to say about True Stories, but if you listen to him on Pre Rec when he's supposedly a "music expert" he kind of comes off as pretty dumb. Don't get me wrong, I know he's played with some pretty good musicians like Father John, but he definitely is a bit up his own ass while not being able to back it up with actual knowledge a person who trolled Sup Forums once a week for a year knows, and they know jack shit about music.

is previously recorded any good if im looking for half in the bag with vidya but with the same quality?

it's not good, it's terrific.

>Please do not post abusive comments.

what for

You're not going to get the same quality in any way. It will make you hate Rich and like Jack if you don't already. Just search for the Jay episodes, there's a playlist on youtube updated whenever he is on there.


That's not Jack.

Thanks for this. I love this great content.

Mike > Jay > Rich > Josh > everyone else

Can his new name be Sausage Hands?

Mike > Rich > Jay > Josh > everyone else

Mike > Jay = Rich > Josh > everyone else

*Sausage Hands McBeardfat

SausageBeard? BeardyMcSausageHands?

This. He's pretty cool. I like him.

mike > jay > rich > jim > len > colin > jack > max > josh

>do not post abusive comments
What part of this do you not understand?

How the hell do your fingers even get fat?

They really do look like sausages

>He's made a stink about rape jokes and shit like that in BOTW
not laughing at their cringy tryhard edgy banter is one thing but it was his tweets that really made him unbearable for me.

My opinion of beardfat is kinda meh.
I don't hate anyone that hangs with rlm really like a lot of people here seem to do.

Mike > Jay > Josh > Rich > everyone else

Jay makes her suck his dick everytime she's in a project.

He's like a bisexual youtube only Harvey Weinstein ...

Mike = Jay > Rich > Josh > everyone else



I only like Josh in his appearances on Half in the Bag.

I like him. He's a film geek like me. Jay and Josh reViews are really comfy

Josh is good on re:View, but not on Best of the Worst.

Like pretty much everything in these threads, user is just talking bullshit.

Everyone in Sup Forums are convinced that Jay is gay or at least bi.

I prefer him on Best of the Worst over Review.
He's never been on Half in the Bag.

No, they're terrible and know jack shit about video games. Avoid at all cost.

I don't hate him, I don't even know him, I just think he sucks.

i never got that vibe but then again my gaydar never works

He didn't cry, he just felt awkward watching a rape scene in front of others just like everyone else.

If you had any friends you'd know that watching rape scenes isn't exactly good fodder for socializing.

I don't get the hate, really.

>He's never gotten jerked off by Jay for $15 by the underpass near the Manhole

lel such casuals in these threads.

Jay has never given any indication that he's attracted to guys. He was very clearly horny for Barbara Crampton on their Re-animator re:view however.

muh imaginary e-celeb drama