Is he ready for leading man roles?

Is he ready for leading man roles?

Damn... He looks like James Dean.

Both of those girls are uglier than that french reporter lady and she's like an 8 max. she's still laughing and hitting the slopes with Leo and Brad.

look at the size of his ear

He's a goddamn heartthrob!

cool chick Feldstein!

w2c those white sneakers?

maniac looks r8 good

is that his sister on the left?

No, his sister is like 300 pounds.

jnkos making a comeback!

target $8 no lie

Why is Jonah Feldstein dating a literal 5 who looks like she shops at Forever 21?

might as well just stayed fat desu

>those clothes
New York is so weird

These are LA faggots. NYC chicks wouldn't be caught dead looking like that.

Fashionfags are followers and are incapable of thinking too hard for themselves.

Aesthetics are aesthetics.

These girls obviously are clueless.

Feldstein is a lot more stylish than they are desu.

I thought New York was the one with the modern art kinda junk

Maybe. But these chicks look like mall-tier normies.

thats a good deal


a gf has to be fancy and know how to dress well. the man can be a fuckup with no style, but the woman carries the style for both. a woman with no fashion sense might as well kill herself.

It can't be healthy for him to keep doing this

Are you a fat neckbeard that wears loose fitting clothing?

more of a lanklet that wears what harrison ford wore in BR2049, but have 3 different tees, gray one, red one, green one. and a pair of leather boots.

His jacket is pretty nice in this pic. Plush. I wear shoes like those. He looks good.

You have 3 whole t-shirts?????

pretty crazy, huh? used to have only one.

have tons of underwear though.

who cares if its not a yeesi
it covers and protect your foot
jobs done

Clothes dont fit. Colors dont match. Looks like a faggot, actually. Jacket might be good in a completely different attire, not that one.