What if Picard took the D back in time to save the C but got stuck? Would its presence alter the power balance of the Alpha Quadrant or was it just a cruiseship with guns? What would you do?
What if Picard took the D back in time to save the C but got stuck...
Thirty years? Of course he would have altered history, some. He was under attack at the time but let's say they're heading for the singularity and enters with C. With their guns they would have probably kicked the Romulan's ass. With their replicators they could have advanced the federation thirty years.
>tfw you find the later time travel shenanigans of Voyages and Enterprise and wished there was an entire show set in the 30th century about the temporal cold war
Instead we get STD, a show about strong minorities and fags and feelings and sjw issues, and shit. The ride never ends, bruh.
Yeah, I mean, fuck cultural relevancy. It's not like 40% of America elected a vicious, brain dead, consciously evil orange shitgibbon in a historic whitelash, and now the whole world is getting darker every day.
God. Literally fuck diversity and human rights, okay?
Surely a Trek show built around some obscure time travel shit would be so much better for the world, and not a pathetic wetdream only for nerdy white closet Skinheads...
Its not only the advances in technology that the D would bring but its going to have all those 30 years of history including medical, social, cultural and tactical areas. For example they'd know the military doctrines, indepth strengths / weaknesses etc, if any spies were uncovered then their identity is fucked and so on. Sure the other races could change but it wouldnt happen overnight, suddenly you know their every move.
Wow. It still hurts, doesn't it?
You mean the shenanigans of an absolute madman captain who fucks literally everything with a pussy. Which I'm fine with.
schezuan sauce!!!
Ugh. You've basically got the JJVerse with Starfleet up instead of the Klingons.
fuck Hillary fuck Trump
>>Sup Forums
bleeding heart liberal here-
Somehow, they managed to fuck up Star trek with sjw bullshit. Apparently the only narrative arc an African American is allowed to have is "overcoming systemic adversity", and since Starfleet is a progressive organization that would never judge her for race but always action, she had to fuck up to get that me-against-the-world narrative going.
Except the punishment is deserved. Mutiny and nearly starting a war because "my dead parents cliche REEEEEEE" is not acceptable behavior for a star fleet officer. Janeway didn't start pulling anything half that bullshit until she literally began to run out of fuel/food, and even then rule bending was preferred to this brand of psychosis.
This isn't a tale of redemption. This is a tale of inconsistent bullshit that is fundamentally offensive to me. The wonder of how progressive star trek is is how normal a black lesbian would be in a captains chair. I Should remind you that a black disabled man was our engineering officer back in the 1980s, and no one cared because he was good at his job, and we needed someone who was good at their job to keep everyone alive.
The point of Utopian fiction is not that it's problem free, but that its a future we can work toward where we don't make new bullshit problems for ourselves. Putting a black character into yet another arc about overcoming adversity is not only completely out of place in Star trek, but also deeply offensive to those of us who want to see minority actors showcase their skills in a plot line that isn't an analog or reference to racial adversity. Just have her be captain, and pilot her own destiny. Let her have complex plot lines that aren't about race, because minorities are people too, not just your ratings/voting base cultural beat-stick.
They completely changed everything about the show and it's direction once Trump was rightfully elected president of the United States though.
Nothing about this show is even close to what it was intended to be.
The show is complete trash. One as a ST show. Two as a sci-fi show. And if you throw away the ST base then it's a trash show that's barely even mediocre sci-fi.
>brain dead
that explains why he's been BTFO OF EVERYONE
this guy gets it
We should switch to Dr. Who
>bleeding heart liberal here-
Post hidden.
reminder that TNG was the epitome
>We Wuz Yeezus
actually might be OK
Doctor who is getting new writers. I dont give a fuck about their genitals, but i really like the fact that they're not stephen fucking moffat.
>dude thinks he'll be the one with the rope, on the day of it
You're gonna need to get over it, loser. You'll have your yass kween in the White House someday even if it takes her a hundred years.
Everything is progressive to the eyes of a Sup Forumsturd
You're a moron.
ST has always been about inclusivity in what is essentially a post-scarcity meritocracy. It has never felt the need to explicitly say LOOK HOW GAY AND BLACK AND STRONG THESE CHARACTERS ARE. LOOK HOW INCLUDED THEY ARE. Because in every other show The Federations values speak for themselves, they are shown in the character and actions of it's officers, not in clunky exposition. ST isn't an allegory for todays politics, it's a utopian society. It's not a big deal to have gays and blacks on ships in the 22nd century because racism has been canonically dead for hundreds of years. So why do we need to have it so front and centre like it's a big deal? It's fucking business as usual for The Federation.
>it's a 'progressive' writing team has the opportunity to normalize something but instead half-wittedly forces their own political beliefs into the star trek lore episode and it comes off as being hamfisted.
>I dont give a fuck about their genitals
forward-thinking, deep and P O W E R F U L
i'd upvote you if i could
I know right? We get it: Lorca is heterosexual. No need to shove it in our faces like that. Frankly, it's pretty disgusting that the writers felt like they had to virtue signal this sort of thing for brownie points. It wasn't even relevant to the plot, just two straight people having sexual relations to show the viewers how "progressive" they are! I'm never watching STD ever again until next week.
That was also really shitty. What the fuck were they thinking. Discovery is fucking trash.
Except that scene defines and cements the dynamic between Lorca and the Admiral whose name I forget. It explains why she gives him the time of day and why she's previously been his advocate at Starfleet Command. The point of the gay scene was to show you the engineer is a cheating piece of shit anyway.
i'm not trying to make some insinuiating point- i literally don't care. The show was decent under Russel T Davies, but he made the mistake of assuming that Stephen Moffat was competent.
That's when shit started to literally degenerate into this Weeping angel/STROK INDEPENTENT MARY SUE/ LOOK AT MY TUMBLR MEMES bullshit. Hell, he even let his failing marriage taint the script with the whole rory/amy/doctor borderline literal-cuckolding shit.
When i say i don't care about the new writer's gender, i fucking mean that. because the pimple on my ballsack could make a better writer than Moffat at this point. good fucking riddance.
>Admiral whose name I forget
She's Admiral Concerned Hallmark Mom.
I'm not a moron. I didn't vote for Donald Fuckface.
You still don't get it.
Every day, I see these threads here screaming how unbearable it is to have point-blank didactic social commentary like STD.
Bitter white skinheada aside, the complainypants don't get that we fucking NEED this. We really really do.
We tried the subtle approach you're describing for years. Decades, even.
Where did it get us?
A permanent ugly racist underbelly aimed at anybody worshipping Allah.
Black kids being mowed down like dogs by sneering pigs in blue.
A sex offender in the White House.
Impoverished white fucktards voting for their right to another mass shooting instead of free fucking healthcare.
I could go in and on and on and on.
Get this down: the election changed everything.
The minute America elected a literal rapist thug like President Asshole, you showed every sane person gentle counseling isn't the answer. Not anymore.
You need fucking shock therapy.
So when a goddamn good show with decent writing like STD comes out, and it's hammering you in the fucking head with a message Skinheads consider insufferable, how about you shut the fuck up and LISTEN?
This isn't about white men and their precious geeky jackoff sessions. It's for marginalized people fighting for their very lives.
We desperately need STD.
White America needs this chemo before it poisons and kills the entire world.
man Iggy pop sure loves to do Star Trek cameos
If the show was about Lorca I'd fucking love it. but it's about vulcanog and her adventures with plants, diversity and fucking up every aspect of starfleet so the show seems '''''''''modern'''''''''
I think you might like to know that my 2 year old daughter looked at your image and laughed.
Congratulations plebbitfag, you have the same taste in humor as someone who watches peppa pig.
How do I upvote on here?
good going man
This, Jason Issacs is a total chad and Lorca is a bro and this whole fucking show sucks ass any time he's not on screen. It fucking kills me he's probably going to get killed so Mary Michael Sue can become Captain in S2. I will stop watching the moment he's gone.
he's not going to die, he's gonna be in the brig or something ridiculous so they can tempt us to come back, but with half the Lorca. the worst part is that it'll work. I fucking hate this show so much.
It's fucking terrible, which is a shame because the pilot was pretty great even with no Lorca. I wouldn't have started watching this show if he wasn't in it though.
Unlike TNG which was character-driven drama this entire fucking show is all about Michael, the most boring fucking Mary Sue ever. It's truly grating. I DO NOT care about this bitch.
no that would create a paradox and make no sense. btw natasha should have transformed back into walking skeleton.
I didn't really like the pilot but Choose You Pain was my favourite because Lorca. Honestly i fucking hate all of the crew. The fag is downright mutineering every episode, micheal is a nog and the cadet literally wears a special needs badge. nobody acts looks or behaves like a starfleet officer.
Last episode was focused more on Lorca. Stop pretending to have an aneurysm over nothing.
>micheal is a nog
So was Geordi. And Worf. And Sisko. And Uhura.
no. Geordie was an outstanding engineer, fighting against disability. Worf was a proud and fierce warrior (well supposed to be). Sisko was a damaged man, fighting to rebuild for his son and the Bajorans. Uhura was a bridge officer aboard the Enterprise, a flagship that's reputation was built on her and the rest of the bridges actions.
Micheal is just black. that's all she is.that's what she's written as, that's what all her choices lead to. and thats why I hate her.
but that's what worries me.That focus might be leading to a demise. not only for Lorca, but for anything worthwhile the series has.
Yeah, it had plenty of Lorca but it was a shit episode because it wasn't really ABOUT Lorca. It was just setting him up as an unrepentant asshole who only cares about his command and the war. Also it makes him look like a retard for not taking a literal who and putting them in a sensitive position (or putting a mutineer on the bridge, wtf).
He's going to get axed by the end of the season if not sooner, which is a real shame. I don't get to see Jason Isaacs in enough stuff. he always winds up in garbage like this or The O.A.
I can't even find a good torrent of his Peter Pan film ffs.
Sure, if you ignore her whole story so far and only focus on her being black.
wait was tuvok white?
I'm betting he'll stay on. The show is still being made and he's quickly becoming a fan favorite.
>Micheal is just black. that's all she is.that's what she's written as
Except her being black is literally never brought up in the show, not even once.
Michael is also an obvious Mary Sue, I mean do we really need to get into why?
>top of her class, better than actual Vulcans
>only one who knew how to greet the Klingons
>sentenced to life in prison only to get sprung the very next episode
>only one who can figure out the mystery of the tardigrade
>convinced Captain Lorca to break protocol to save a single Vulcan, despite his apparent obsession with fighting a war and nothing else
>beats Sarek in (dream) hand-to-hand combat
And it just goes on and on and on. Who knows what miraculous shit she'll do next episode!
You can tell the writers hate him though, he's just le evil captain
alright. lets go through the story.
>mutineers because muh ancestors killed
>gonna go to prison, but get's out because she's special
>happily settles for a lower position
>doesn't get the higher position because people think she's different
I mean, that seems pretty stereotypical of an african american.
He might stay on, but they'll change him to fit in.
>fuck diversity
yes fuck diversity, because diversity only seems to matter for Western countries.
Nobody is crying because Africa doesn't have enough white people (see South Africa). Nobody seems to give a shit about the fact that South Korea, Japan and china are pretty much homogenous and they like it that way.
Infact I bet you that if we forced Japan to take in diversity quotas like we are and there started to pop up kebab shops and starbucks everyone would bitch and moan about the death of their favourite weeb culture.
Racism is bad, diversity is worse.
You totally watch Disco. The cognitive dissonance here is gale force, who thought nostalgia could cure Sup Forums of it's entho-centric bent.
She is a fucking bridge officer now. She mutineered. If they were focusing on her being black and being relevant to modern America Lorca would have shot her in the back already.
actually i think Sup Forums is fucking ridiculous. Honestly I just want trek to be trek, and she just doesn't fit. Also it's funny because racist humor makes me giggle like an edgy 12 year old
by far and away the best thing about ST:D
>mutineers because muh ancestors killed
Because Sarek said firing first is the only way with the Klingons
>gonna go to prison, but get's out because she's special
Lorca wants rogues on his ship, she's not the only one he adopted.
>happily settles for a lower position
I don't see anything happy about it, she just wants to serve.
>doesn't get the higher position because people think she's different
She got promoted to bridge specialist. Obviously she wants to work her way up but she still feels like atoning for her mutiny.
yeah it doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Just a way to look at it. I don't want the show to stop, just get better and I think this is one of the ways it's lacking.
Please respond to my much more nuance takedown instead of taking the easy bait you nonce You might fool them but you don't fool me
>This Uber Reddit-spacing
Just fucking go away.
holy shit, reddit
Should you not be on Neogaf or one of its dead on arrival replacements?
I did!
Michael is perfectly regular character. You must be racist to think otherwise.
Mine is
then i must be racist you chink, spick, jew, wetback and nigger!
>top of her class, better than actual Vulcans
Under the tutelage of a great Vulcan.
>only one who knew how to greet the Klingons
Because someone told her.
>sentenced to life in prison only to get sprung the very next episode
Because Lorca needs people for the war.
>only one who can figure out the mystery of the tardigrade
Because she's capable, as explained.
>convinced Captain Lorca to break protocol to save a single Vulcan, despite his apparent obsession with fighting a war and nothing else
Lorca made that decision on his own. If he'd said no then she would've complied.
>beats Sarek in (dream) hand-to-hand combat
He was severely weakened and the fight wasn't the point of the scene.
It's like you're cherrypicking what parts of the show you want to remember so you can push you're Sue narrative even though she's about in Kirk territory as far as Suedom goes, even lower really.
Well you're not wrong, but it's kind of inevitable if you force a star trek plot to work with only one character. instead of 5 characters making small advances you need one character to be fucking flawless and take strides without effort. just another example of how the show's attempts to distance itself from star trek fails it.
I think you just hate her because she's a woman and black and a main character. I get it though, that's way too much for most people and I admit I took some adjusting. Sisko was black but at least he was a dude. Janeway was a woman but at least she was white. Michael being a woman and black... it's just too much for most of us to wrap our heads around.
Man I wanted them to fuck in that scene. Too bad he's a fag.
I just watched Chaos on the Bridge and it REALLY puts this show into context. TNG suffered in it's first two seasons because it was aimless, alien-of-the-week shit. Then Roddenberry died, they dropped the dude who made cop shows and brought on a different guy, the man who made it a character-driven drama.
Now you had a Picard episode, a Data episode, a Giordi episode, and so on, each season. It allowed them to flesh out the characters, to introduce inter-personal conflicts and to deepen the drama. It was what made TNG truly great, a show that is ageless. You can see the same formula being used in so many shows today. The Leftovers is a perfect example: every episode is centered on a CHARACTER. None of them are about the mystery itself.
DSC has so far been about one character: Michael Burnham, who can do everything. Everyone revolves around here. Everone seems to exist just so she can do amazing things. And it's boring as shit.
>dude thinks he will gain african american status for sticking up for minorities across the globe on image boards
>be born on klingon
>raised by klingons
>named Micahel by Klingons
what the fuck did they mean by this? Why did Klingons call a human female Michael?
The engineer was the one who went through the sporedrive/interdimensional awakening, I'd say that's more amazing than anything Michael has done. Also Lorca for focusing a crew of weirdos into weaponized crazy.
Sisko is my favourite captain (Commander?) and honestly race doesnt do much for me. it's culture. the reason Georfie and others work is because there's no black culture, or white culture. we're just people and those people are good. It's the culture that keeps this from being good, from me liking her, not her race.
absolutely. intresting stories are made with intresting characters. more characters = more stories. intresting character = good story. You have neither and there's nothing worthwhile.
Why do people who don't watch the show pretend to have watched it?
We don't know shit about that character except he became a total pothead after doing so. It's surface-tier shit.
ignore the spelling mistakes my daughter is ill and looking after both her and this thread is a strain.
just watch like one episode. how fucking hard is that?
Where's her black culture? She was raised on Vulcan. So far, Sisko pushed the black shit way, WAY more with his obsession with the way blacks were treated in that Vic holedeck episode. So far Michael hasn't made a single mention of her race other than being a human on Vulcan.
vulcan = white
human = black.
you get the gist. there's other examples. ancestors, being pushed down because shes the (ironically) the black sheep.
Except we see white humans and black vulcans.
Sisko was straight up crying about muh racism in the 20th century and that's the best you can come up with for Michael?
I think you might be vulcan. it's a metaphor.
honestly? havent seen DS9 for a while. my views have probably changed since last time. will rewatch soon!
Maybe YOU'RE the Vulcan you fucking JEW.
but, but, but... MUH LOGIC EXTREMISTS!!!
JEW!? Well listen up Cardie, you're a CHINK!
The D stands for destruction. Just remember "In a mirror darkly"
oh! this thread wasn't about Discovery was it?
>What if Picard took the D back in time
>rick and morty image
>reddit spacing
>ultra leftist garbage opinions
>praising STD
that's some fine virtue signaling there, user. you should be proud
>future human civilization
>no religion
>tips fedora