Yes, yes, well done, Tolkien, well done.
Yes, yes, well done, Tolkien, well done.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
Like you've never had the galloping shits before.
Daenerys, addressing the only familiar face among the men, stated, “Ser Mormont, I’m queen,” continuing to display her authoritative figure and confident expression.
“He wasn’t alone,” replied Qaggaz as his men lifted the Queen’s treasure into the carriage.
“Uhh, you don’t get to bring friends,” retorted the queen, motioning towards Qaggaz’s prisoners. Jorah interjected, “They are not my friends.” Qaggaz chuckled, “Don’t worry, no charge for them.”
“And why would I want them?” Daenerys asked sternly.
“They were trying to grab your prize,” Qaggaz stated, as Daenerys’ appearance of confidence transitioned into one of intrigue.”They work for the Lannister, the halfman,” Qaggaz continued.
>"If the audit is defeated, and Aragorn made chief shareholder and all that you hoped for in your primary investments portfolio comes true… you will still have to taste the bitterness of bankruptcy.
>Whether by the audit or the slow decay of waneing quarterly margins Aragorn's company will die. And there will be no golden parachute for you. No bailout to ease the pain of his crashing.
>He will come to file chapter 11. An image of the stocks of the kings of men in glory, freefalling before the ringing of the bell.
>But you, my primary shares comptroller, you will linger on in darkness and in debt. As a dead cat who has hit the market with no bounce.
>Here you will dwell, bound to your collapsing CDO, hidden away in your distant non extraditing tax haven, until all the world economy has changed and the long years of your repayments are utterly spent.
>Arwen… there is nothing for you here, only debt.
>William Shakespeare writes Macbeth, one of the best pieces of western literature
>Tolkien thinks not having Macbeth killed by a woman is a cop out to the "no son of woman" thing and has Eowyn kill the Witch King in Lord of the Rings in response
>Lord of the Rings is also ones of the best pieces of western literature
>George RR Martin thinks Tolkien not detailing Aragorn's tax policy in Lord of the Rings is a cop out and so writes A Song of Ice and Fire
>A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the best pieces of western literature
So how long until someone writes something amazing based on having issues with A Song of Ice and Fire?
This is surprisingly detailed.
Show me the detailed tax policy in ASOIAF
Already happened m8
>some angry neckbeard gets upset how Martin has a proplem with Aragorn's tax policy and writes a multi-volume epic farce descontructing not only fantasy but liturature, politics, and society as a whole.
>is one of the best pieces of western literature
>dies with his hard drive as he furiously rubs a magnet on it as the fbi break down his door for cunnyposting
We've been stuck at this step for years
I hope he says something innocuous about LOTR so you spergs can rage for 5 years
Hey, it's realistic. That kind of stuff does happen.
I want to drink Daenerys' diarrhea!
>blocks your path
>First book(1000 pages) - 2010
>Second book(1000 pages) - 2014
>Third book(1200 pages) - 2017
fucking nigger
I like Sanderson, but his writing is no where near Martin's level.
A lot of his stories tend to read like first drafts with plots jumping around like he has no clear idea which direction the story it heading and dozens of spelling a punctuation mistakes.
It has more believable power politics than LotR, but the tax shit is limited to mentions of the iron bank debt.
>I like Sanderson, but his writing is no where near Martin's level.
He's pretty close user, maybe not as good, but close
It used to until everything got reduced to "le bad vs evil" like every other story, not bad itself but pretty dishonest since Martin used to swing his cock saying that was exactly the opposite of what his books are
>power politics
Such things were barely even touched upon in LotR and weren't that important to the story. Criticizing LotR for that is absurd. It's like criticizing ASOIAF for not explaining how people mow their lawns.
>muh tax policy
how high on your own farts do you even have to be to write something like that
Daenerys knew well who she was dealing with, “IMP?! Bring them inside, I’ll call it in.”
Rotting, vile hands grabbed the prisoners, one of which immediately puked, possibly from his turbulent journey through Essos, or perhaps it was the notion of imminent execution. Daenerys and the prisoners proceeded inside the palace and climbed the seemingly countless steps that lead to the throne room. When they reached the top floor the party was blasted by a chilling gust of wind as if foreshadowing their inevitable deaths. They stumbled through the foreign palace at a snail’s pace; the only sound Jorah could hear was the ominous echoes of the prisoner’s chains scraping against the marble floors. Jorah glanced ahead and saw the decorated entrance to what was presumably Daenerys’ throne room, the entrance itself was adorned with the corpses of former Mereneese slave owners. Jorah noticed a distinctively noisome odor which he initially believed originated from one of the many abscesses spewing pus like a hose, which hung from the decaying skin of the Unsullied. To Jorah’s horror, the pungent musk was not emanating from the Unsullied, but from the Dragon Queen herself! The Queen’s dress was not woven with typical threads, it was composed of the uniquely pale skin that is explicitly different than that of the working class Meereenese man. This is the skin of a Meereenese slave owner that no doubt Daenarys had slowly tortured before butchering. The reek of the skein as it stretched across her sweeling titflesh was comparable only to to the smell of an unwashed ear stretcher cavity, or the accumulated scent of a week's worth of dick cheese built up under the foreskin.
>Dies before he can finish the series
Tolkien was an author while also being an Oxford professor. What's GRRM's excuse?
Seems about right. Someone who is that fat can't have much self-discipline to begin with.
Is he the final boss of the manchild army?
Fat pink mast
reminder that this fat, short, old, ugly beta male is drowning in negress pussy every night
what's your excuse, Sup Forums?
Just because he's rich doesn't mean he should be able to own slaves
His ugliness is actually distracting
I'm still waiting for some big twist where the Night King is good and Danny gets eaten by one of her dragons.
Such vivid imagery.
He didn't say he dislikes Tolkien he's just justifying the existence of his own works, in that it's not a rip off because he has something new to offer
Lord of the Rings is a story of pureness of heart
ASOIAF isn't meant to be that, it's a much darker story
Id lost all hope after reading that he is not planning to kill Arya, if it was old game of throned Jaquen had cutted her throat long ago
Wasn't that just because his wife liked the character and asked him not to kill her off?
tolkien finished the series with the silmarillion, he wanted to have it published but none of the publishers liked it so it was only after he was dead that it got published
Name one film.
Does it matters? The league of shadows tried to destroy gotham twice after bruce betrayed them and is not like she's a likeable character anymore.
that's still cherry picking though
bad bait
The Hunger Games
The story is better than the writing style
Still a good fucking story
Wow that is shitty bait
Huh? Those are fantasy, not westerns.
Martin has spoken out against Trump in the past, now telling Esquire: “I think Joffrey is now the king in America. And he’s grown up just as petulant and irrational as he was when he was thirteen in the books.”
Oooh, what's this? I've noticed out of dozens of incredible series around, there is fuck all fantasy art for them besides Lotr, GoT and like Wheel of Time or something, I mean even Feist has fuck all artwork.
Words of Radience
It's pretty good. The setting isn't your standard middle age europe.
Also I believe it has pictures between chapters of outfits and monsters and stuff.
why are some so butthurt about the death of little finger in show? he had it coming, that guy lives dangerously, always trying to manipulate dangerous people and he was bound to mess up
he didn't have a ''cool'' death, but I thought you are the types of people who don't want to show to be overly ''trope-y'' anyhow
>Lady Shansha, I believe you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon door? Does this not matter?
>Ah, I shuppoze we are taking a crippled boy's dreams as facts, then? Should all trials be settled this way?
>Do great deeds not weigh in on my innocence? Saving you from the Lannisters, returning you to your seat in Winterfell, saving your brother and bringing the Vale into your service. A fair trial is the least you can offer me.
>No? Very well. I shall demand trial by combat.
>Not even that? Fine, then the Night's Watch will serve me well enough, with the dead on the way you need every man you can spare.
>No? Very well, but you are a Stark, my lady. I shall not accept accept your sentence if you are not the one to look me in the eye and take my life yourself.
>Or, whatever, just have the goblin bitch mutilate my throat with my dagger. Then burn my body.
>Or you can just leave my corpse on the floor. That would be acceptable as well.
Black people love GoT.
He didn't expect Arya to be such a crazy bitch otherwise I'm sure he would had more clever lines to try and worm his way out of the situation
it was poetic to show how being a manipulative little bitch gets you killed
he died like one and didn't even see his death coming
>implying GRRM has a clear idea where he is going
Because he was the one non noble in the show that felt like he could actually achieve something and upset the system.
I wonder how Elves shit.
>trial by combat
Why do people bring up this meme so often? Who would fight for him and why would they bother?
Trying to hard to be Quentin desu
it's not that, it's the fact that literally no one cares about anything just because plot convenience
remember that autistic kid who really loved him and was the entire reason the north got saved because he had a big army?
never mentioned and never will be
it is explained in the extended lore, basically they don't, the lembas is so hard on their colon they can only burp the waste up
entire GoT is a one trick pony
>give name to character
>mention them occasionally
>kill them off
when it gets really boring you need bigger sacrifices
there are no big deaths anymore
main characters have impenetrable plot armour, up until maybe the last episode for some ebin sacrifice
>Who would fight for the Lord of the Vale and one of the richest men in the kingdom with one of the most powerful surviving armies
Yes, I doubt he'd find anyone.
pssh, they'd all surrender once they saw who they'd be up against
in fact I'm glad there was no trial by combat because you just know it'd go like that
honestly, littlefinger should have prepared the same for sansa as he did for ned. Killing him off was cheap thrills, imagine the shock if both stark girls gets killed in one ep and the final showdown is littlefinger vs cersei/dany
stupid showfag
uber betas were actually rooting for him to rape sansa or something
Imagine being you in that editorial meeting and having to be all like "damn, George R. R. Martin, you fuckin' fine, all profound with your hackneyed historical allegories and distorted political realism. I would totally read your books, both my pen name and the real me." when all you really want to do is reread Lolita in your corner office. Like seriously imagine having to be you and not only sit in that chair while George R. R. Martin flaunts his disgusting prose in front of you, the embarrassing metaphors barely concealing his utter lack of literary nuance, and just sit there, page after page, chapter after chapter, while he perfected that novel. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking drivel but his haughty attitude as everyone on the board tells him he's SURPASSED TOLKIEN and DAMN, GEORGE R. R. MARTIN WRITES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his overt perversions contort into types of fetishization you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been reading nothing but a healthy diet of Joyce, Pynchon and Wallace for your ENTIRE ADULT LIFE coming straight out of a boarding school in Europe. You've never even read anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you encounter the pinnacles of his work, every stool that was looser than the one before and her cunt that became the world, as he recites them while gesturing suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "painstaking (for that is what he calls it)" writing, the writing he worked so sporadically for in the previous decades. And then the editor in chief calls for another discussion, and you know you could discredit Martin’s entire bibliography before the SJW and diversity hires could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking you. You're not going to lose your future publisher’s career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
The rest still stands, he had it coming. Sansa and Arya wanted him dead and they figured out the shit he pulls, nothing was going to save him anyways. It's heavily implied they talked before hand and decided they want him dead
I'm sure they will mention the kid a little more but he's not that important anyhow
>he's not that important anyhow
He's just some stupid kid
Who cares about him? talk about a boring story line
I can see why the latest seasons of GoT are such are success when this is the mindset of the average viewer.
Season 7 was the best and I'm sure season 8 will be better
You're just being pretentious
just watched last episode of S7
only reason I was still interested in the books/show was I thought Littlefinger had some awesome long game plan. but GRRM gonna GRRM, he's dead, I'm out
make your bait less obvious next time
what do you mean non noble? i'm pretty sure Baelish is a noble house.
it's lower-than-shit-tier house, like a landed knight or something
basically his grandfather was given a tiny piece of shitty land for being useful in a war or something
so not really considered "noble" by anyone
the second best tripfag that ever was
reminder that Sandkings > Asoiaf
preston > everyone tbqh
finish the book fatass
Because in order for him to die Littlefinger had to become braindead, that is, the writers were not able to keep his character what it had always been and create a story to kill him realistically.
>>A Song of Ice and Fire is one of the best pieces of western literature
It's fun watching Preston's descent into madness.
Unironic question: how does this thread belong to Sup Forums? There are already generals on /lit/ about books for kids, why don't you stay there?
his hairline isn't looking too good
is he simply too high test?
Stress from watching the show I imagine.
>Tolkien was an author while also being an Oxford professor.
Tolkien was notorious in his own time for being a lazy, evasive professor who misused his position to write gay midget fanfic.
Martin's prose is mostly mediocre and okay at best, but he knows how to craft a story, write characters and build the world.
Do you have an ounce of proof to back that up?
During lectures he'd end up talking about his work instead of the course.
But you obviously wouldn't know that, fag.
This guy is literally ashamed of his works. That's why he claims he has no time to watch the show but tweets about a C-list medieval drama.
His book was not "inspired" in history, it copied history because he was too lazy.
>ancient civilization that had better standards of living than medieval times and collapsed long before?
Valyria = Rome
>main location of the movie is a nation island in the west of a large continental mass
Westeros=Great Britain
>an ethnicity that migrated to the island long ago
>ethnicity that was already inhabiting it
First men= Celts
>geographical location to the west of the nation island
Ireland, Ir Land, Irn island, Iron Islands. Genius! How creative!
>brown rivals of the British
Dorne = spain + portugal
>continent to the east of the nation island
Esos = Europe
>individualist fencing nation
Braavos = Italy + France
>banking ethnicity and culture
Iron Bank = Jewish cabals that survived the fall of Rome
>horse riding warlord
Dothraki = Mongolians
>slant eyed people to the far east with names with lots of Ys Ls and Ns
By the way, I could go on for another couple of hours.
GRR Martin didn't merely "inspire" in history, he literally just copied history and changed the names to create his "original" universe.
He said proof faggot.
>implying I'm wrong.
Only beta white men marry asian women