What is your opinion on Cinemasins?

What is your opinion on Cinemasins?

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fake, and gay.

They aren't funny.

You know what? That was *** badass right there. Five sins removed

Complete garbage made by someone with an annoying voice which he makes even more annoying by speeding it up who thinks he's both funnier and smarter than he really is. The number of times he's completely misunderstood something about a movie is ridiculous and makes Sup Forums shitposters look like film connoisseurs.

Haven't watched it in forever. Used to be five minutes of genuine mistakes, plot holes, and funny observations. Now it's 20 minutes of some numale making le snarky quips and bitching about stuff that a toddler could understand not making sense.

This is so fucking satisfying: youtube.com/watch?v=qnTZbZw1JPQ

Used to be fun and had some pretty valid criticism but then the dude started taking it to the most nit-picky and unfunny type of places.

It would be interesting if they actually focused on the shitty aspects of the movies they obviously don't actually watch.


I found this even more satisfying. The actual director of Kong made a point of taking this idiot down.

That's racist. *ding*

But racism is funny! *reverse ding*

That said, I'm gonna have to add another 50 sins because it's still racist. *d-d-d-d-d-d-d-ding*

Is this the one with the owner who is a rapist?

No, that's NeoGAF.

I dunno man like why the fuck did he keep equating cinema sins to Donald Trump? Like what the fuck does that have anything to do with anything? Just seems like a whiney triggered director whose last resort to someone making a silly youtube video is to try and garner support by basically saying "he made fun of my movie and he lied! HE IS LITRULLY HITLER"

Very tired and unfunny. More annoying than anything else. I can't stand the guy's voice anymore.
>Used to be five minutes of genuine mistakes, plot holes, and funny observations.
I recently rewatched their first video. It was always the same stupid bullshit. It's just stretched out so he can make more money on the videos now.

they are flaming gas worthy fags

Used to be good, then became too samey and then very try hard. He also removes sins for things being cute rather than things being good.

To be fair, Donald Trump's blatant lies piss me off too.

If you can get actual directors to come out and get publicly anal pained about your channel, you're doing something right

It was only the Kong director though. Is it really a testament to how powerful cinemasins is, or to how pathetic that director is? Now, if Spielberg got publicly assblasted about his Jurassic Park video, you might have a point.

>call out some idiot on lying
>get called pathetic for it
Trump supporters, everyone.

I don't recall what cinemasins lied about, but it doesn't matter. Why does the opinion of a youtuber matter so much to you?

His opinion doesn't matter to me, what matters is that it seems to matter to a lot of OTHER people. I hate when idiots have more power and influence than they deserve.

It really is a statement to how pathetic the director is. Cinema Sins videos are 40% joke sins, 30% things the guy finds personally annoying, and 30% actual plot holes. The Kong director went after him like every sin in that video was a slap to his face.

I think it's comfy, but I bet most of Sup Forums hates it

What dog to Trump supporters have in this fight? CinemaSins and the Kong dude are both anti-Trump.

>used to point out plot holes or inconsistencies
>nitpicked some but not a lot
>vids are 5-9 minutes
>seem a new video in reccomended
>fucking 20 minutes long
>nitpicking the fuck out of everything

It was never serious though but god damn thats still a way to fall.

>points out stupid mistake that only an autistic person notice

>30% things the guy finds personally annoying, and 30% actual plot holes
So 60% falsehoods and you don't see the problem?

>his opinion doesn't matter to me
But you remarked on the director "calling him out for lying." This shows that you believe it was important and needed to be done.
>I hate when idiots like that have more power and influence than they deserve
Did you miss the part where I heavily implied agreeing with that sentiment, or do you need it spelled out for you?

Trump is becoming the new "Hitler". If you relate something to him, no matter how tortured a connection, you automatically win the argument.
Discourse is literally dying right in front of us, user. We will have to bury it next to fact and reason

No one, especially not the Cinema Sins guy, treats the videos as objective statements about a movie's quality. They're all for fun, and they are presented as such. There's no "lying" to anybody.

>No one, especially not the Cinema Sins guy, treats the videos as objective statements about a movie's quality.
It amazes me that there are people who still don't understand this. Not that I'm a fan. I think he's very unfunny and a whiny faggot, but the fact is his videos are for comedic purposes, not legitimate reviews.

I think you need to read my post again instead of acting like a condescending prick.

Oh you’re being melodramatic like Trump is when he would say America isn’t great. Get the fuck out.

Of course his videos are intended to be comedy (even if they're awful comedy), but you underestimate how many people take the videos seriously and feel the need to give their own CinemaSins style nitpicks to the movie instead of, you know, enjoying the movie.

>I think you need to read my post again instead of acting like a condescending prick.



Not as good as it used to be.

he's the new annoying orange

That'sbecause youtube changed the money system so longer videos are the only way to make decent money. Have to pad them somehow.

Also why the fuck does he bleep out his profanity? It's not as if he's censoring it, it's the stupid kind of bleeping where you can still make out the entire word.

They really droped the ball on Moana.

>hating CinemaSins
>remember that Sup Forums hates everything good
CinemaSins confirmed best YouTube channel

I like Cinema Sins when it's a bad movie that deserves the bashing. But way too many nitpicks on otherwise kino films.

Nice try but no.

That implies they were ever holding the ball.

I like it but they review mostly capeshit

why would anyone find listening to 20 minutes of some nerd talking to be funny?

haha i know right! hi five fellow neogaf

This is the new boogeyman thanks to NeoGAF undergoing a mass exodus and people realizing that they're getting banned for boogeymanning Reddit.

>reddit: the youtube channel

"earn that paycheck Tyrese"

I actually like cinema sins,because it's entry level film critique for a 16-20 year old..

when the videos were under 3-5 minutes they were great.

now that they're 20 minutes its kinda alot of reaching and nitpicking, but it's a good way to watch a movie you don't wanna watch like capeshit

Cinema Sins was just breaking his balls a little bit that's all

I like it, but what I like most are the people that get ass blasted by it because they think its serious.

Like seriously, there are videos out there complaining that the "critiques" are too mean and can hurt the feelings of the people that made it. Those people are the faggots.

When they're just nitpicking and actually "sinning" the film they're all right, but nowadays the sins are mostly just jokes at the film's expense rather than objective flaws, and the way they constantly remove sins sort of miss the original point of the series.

>but it's a good way to watch a movie you don't wanna watch like capeshit
Fuck you for doing this. If you don't want to watch the movie, don't watch the movie.

thaaaaat's racist. *DING*

It was a decent concept when the videos where at most 5 minutes long, then they could point out the plot holes, bad acting, bad cgi or whatever.

Now they've stretched the length of videos for monetization and the need to fall back on pretentious nitpicking.

>neogaf dies
>like an exploding cyst germs go onto other similar message boards
>Sup Forums becomes flooded with anti trump shilling than normal
>WOW wtf stop calling me a boogeyman u r literally triggering me >.

CinemaWins is much better because it's positive and doesn't pad the video with stupid jokes.


Face it. People don't like Trump because he's an idiot. You need to accept the reality of a Democratic sweep in 2018, there's no sense being in denial about it.

hahaha alright neogaf, whatever you say

What are you going to do when you lose? Are you going to die?

Not him, but it seems to have gotten worse in the last couple of days. That said both sides are fucking terrible and wish they would fuck off and die.

you mean like what you guys did when you lost? still laughing btw!


This is a Fox News poll. So it's biased in favor of Republicans.

Things are not looking good for Trump.

hmm polls are accurate, especially during election cycles when they said hillary would win.. hmm..

Watched when i was 12

These are Fox News polls, which said Trump would win.

You cannot win this argument.

>nuh-uh! these specially cherry picked polls are accurate because I say so!

such a horribly desperate neofag you are

shat on a movie I like, now I hate them

Unfunny, pretentious, garbage.

fifth post best post

no i don't want to listen to some 19-yr-old autist with wikipedia droning on for 45 minutes about how 'this car model actually didn't come out until 1976' or some shit

I droppd them after they dropped the chick for brand sins

that and the video lengths were getting out of hand

You know how YouTube criticism usually at it's laziness is just droning on and ranting about how shitty something is? Well, imagine something arguably more thorough, but even simpler and more myopic by just giving complaint after complaint and the most obvious fashion of chronological order.

The guy has a really annoying way of speaking. It's tough listening.