What was so special about Dorsia? What the fuck even is sea urchin ceviche?

What was so special about Dorsia? What the fuck even is sea urchin ceviche?

btw, check these digits

I'm more curious about "mud soup and charcoal arugula"

Have you ever had it? Your lack of culture is showing... Sea Urchin Ceviche (yes the capitalization is necessary for each component of the name) is one the greatest thing a human can experience. I have had SUC better than sex, IT is that good. Sometimes I'll just go crazy and hire a hooker and make her cover herself in SUC and I just go to town. Honestly, if you haven't enjoyed SUC, I'll just assume you live a lonely, depressing life. And Dorsia, don't even get me started on that.

They serve fresh dubs there

baka no dubs

Imagine if Dorsia was a restaurant irl . The calls about sea urchin ceviche would literally never stop



I said goddamn

It's ceviche with sea urchin in it?
Presumedly Dorsia made it very well.
Not that hard of a question.

what's special is that you can't get a reservation

Here's something special.




>What the fuck even is sea urchin ceviche?
it's grrrrreat

I unironically believe this is Jared Leto's only good performance, and I further believe that it's one hell of a performance.

how embarrassing

Its soecial because its exclusive

Well yeah he plays himself a rich pompous yuppie

Ceviche is a type of seafood salad dish in which the seafood is cooked through lemon/lime exposure rather than heat. The acids in the lemon-lime react with the seafood and chemically cook it while giving it a unique flavor. The seafood component is usually shrimp but more exotic things like sea-urchin or octopus are possible. Usually there are light vegetables and spices in the dish as well.

It's pretty good desu. The problem is it requires a lot of work and attention to make without getting people sick, and sea urchin is notoriously hard to cook in a way that doesn't taste like ass. A Sea Urchin ceviche is just a really fancy chef wank dish that wouldn't taste nearly as good as the amount of work you would have to do to make it taste decent.

Impressive, very nice.

Bateman is good too


>What was so special about Dorsia?
It was exclusive. Thats all. Like everything else in the movie its just a shallow status thing.


look at these babies though

Check ’em.

So how was American Psycho 2?



Pleb confirmed. Real Yuppie here, there's always some hip new restaurant that everyone wants to get into but no-one can. Not even joking.

Was just gonna say, people will envy anything thats overhyped and unavailable


This film is so good, could watch it 200 Times in a row

Living in SF. I have been laughed-at by the hostess on the phone, asking for a reservation.

I'd like a girl, early 20's who does doubles. DOUBLES.



Evelyn: You can do anything you want silly, your father practically owns the site.
Patrick: I don't want to talk about it.
Evelyn: You hate shitposting there anyway, I don't know why you just quit.
Patrick: Because I want, to get, DUBS.

I need to return some delegates

>tfw so autistic I bought these glasses specifically because dubsguy has them


loves this movie and the card scene

So this...is the power of singles