Why do people act like the prequels were at all good? They were more creative than the Disney films, admittedly, but that's it.
Why do people act like the prequels were at all good? They were more creative than the Disney films, admittedly...
It's cool to be contrarian
From my point of view the prequels are superior!!!!!!!
People who saw them as impressionable children and can't let it go, or else memes to upset RLM fans. Like how most people who post long-winded praise for Batman vs Superman are kidding, but some of them really mean it.
they were unique and interesting
the story was trite because it was for kids
it's not that the prequels were good, it's that they weren't much worse than the OT, and it because popular to hate them by autistic nerds
Why do people like things I don’t like? I mean god! My opinion is always correct! No one is allowed to think differently from me. Everyone else is wrong and I’m always right. I was just explaining this to my mom when she was microwaving my chicken tendies for me.
The only correct answer
>the story was trite because it was for kids
Kids care about shipping embargoes? You have no idea what you're talking about. The story was far more needlessly complex and dull for kids or adults.
The prequels are all shit with zero redeeming qualities and if you think people hate them because it's the popular thing to do, you're not very bright. People hate them because they're terrible.
What was the most creative part of the prequels? Was it throwing c-3P0, r2d2 and chewbacca in there for no reason?
>better than anything
>needlessly complex
like I said, autistic nerds hate them
People who like the prequels unironically have objectively shit tastes. That is not an opinion.
Well, if all your argument is basically name-calling . Simpleton morons like them.
People who like things I don’t like unironically have objectively shit tastes. That is not an opinion.
r1 is better than episode 7: "a new hope remastered" though
If someone shoves a pile of cat shit in their mouth and say it tastes good, then their opinion is bad and they should not be taken seriously. The world is a lot more objective than your pussy view that all opinions are equal.
my argument was that they aren't staggeringly worse than the OT, the story is just as trite, and there is just as much stupid shit
acting like smart people like the OT and dumb people like the prequels is hilarious
none of star wars is smart and acting like there's some gaping chasm between the two is being an autistic nerd, and retarded
Yeah they're better then the prequels.
star wars is shit, and the difference between each film is less than the difference between star wars and things that aren't shit
1 is a very flawed masterpiece
2 can be enjoyable if you hold your nose but belongs at 3'rd worst
3 is fun and ambitious but laughably flawed
If someone has a different opinion than me then clearly they are wrong. My personal tastes are the standard by which all things must be judged. Even my mom agrees.
Mostly nostalgia, contrarianism, and lack of exposure to actual quality movies, I think.
The prequels do have some good aspects, but it's pretty hard for me to imagine anyone who is familiar with actual great kino thinking that the prequels are good.
I've seen some people here say that the prequels are 8/10. And I thought, 8/10? Wut? That should be what you give movies like Seven Samurai and Casablanca.
>the story is just as trite
No. It completes the hero's journey flawlessly. The prequels did nothing flawlessly in the story, in fact the exact opposite.
>just as much stupid shit
Only ROTJ had stupid shit and that wasn't nearly enough as the first two prequels which was comprised of 95% stupid shit
>acting like smart people like the OT and dumb people like the prequels
Anyone can like the OT, but only dumb-fuck mouth-breathers can like the prequels. There's a difference.
>none of the star wars is smart
Never said it was. I said the prequels are fucking horseshit. Again: there's a difference.
>it's that they weren't much worse than the OT,
I'll admit that the OT is a big overrated (especially ROTJ), but nothing in the PT comes close to any scene in the OT.
The radical change in vehicles makes no sense. It's 2017, yet the us airforce is still using jets designed in the 1950s. TIEs and Xwings should have been in use during the prequels.
I can tell that you're hard of understanding, so I wont trouble your already over-capacity brain with more replies.
aren't the the most universally reviled movies ever?
There are a lot of objectively poorly-done things in the prequels. Let the retard think that bad writing is somehow completely subjective.
>hero's journey film study bullshit
stopped reading, nobody cares about your autistic criteria for a good film
people who unironically use the term hero's journey as a serious category of study as if films are a science are the worst type of people
autistic nerds
Children still like the prequels. It's hard to not go on youtube and see some minecraft kid telling you they're not bad movies and you're just a "oldhead".
The thing is, the prequels have what I'd call objectively bad character development. The core of the prequels is Anakin's turn into Vader, and it's implausible the way it's presented to us. The OT had some bad character development too. For example, the Vader=Luke's dad retcon breaks Obi-Wan's character, since it makes his actions in ANH nonsensical. The difference, though, is that Obi-Wan's character was not the core of the OT, whereas Anakin's character is the core of the PT.
Sup Forums has a fairly strong contingent of prequel defenders, and actually so do many Star Wars communities, such as theforce.net
If a movie attempts a certain story-arc, it should be judged on that. The OT did it and did it well.
The prequels tried to do something like it and did nothing of it well.
You have no argument except using the word autistic in every post. If you like the dog-shit prequels, you're welcomed to do so. Just admit you like the fuckery and move on.
>yoda fucking around in lukes shit is top tier kinography with no equal among the prequels
seriously, can you autists take a step back and actually impartially look at the OT?
Oops, sorry - I edited my comment into: and left you hanging.
>if it attempts a story arc
>movies attempt to fulfill the ideal hero's journey and not their own way of telling a story
>you have no argument except using the word autistic
it fits so incredibly well for people like you though
The thing is, opinions that differ from my own are inherently wrong and are not worth addressing. My opinion is the only correct opinion and all others are obviously wrong. All opinions aside from my own are weak and indefensible. They are conjured by small minded people who are wrong about everything they say or think.
They're not that bad. ROTS is even unironically good.
Yoda's training is essential Star Wars, what is your point? That isn't an opinion, its part of Star Wars iconography whether you like it or not. What can be compared to it in the PT? I'm not going to pick apart certain scenes in the PT and say its total shit, but there really isn't an iconic moment in the PT other than a overly choreographed lightsaber duel at the end of TPP.
>nothing iconic at all in the PT
the hyperbole OT fags use is unrivaled among any fanbase
I think its because we love the characters/actors more than we do the movies. Also the prequels brought us fun videogames and really good scores.
Can you explain to me how Anakin and Padme's character development in the PT makes sense? Why does Anakin not try to go back to Tatooine and get his mother? Why does Padme stay with Anakin after he reveals to her that he's murdered women and children? Why does Anakin side with Palpatine even after Palpatine reveals that he doesn't really know how to save Padme? Why does Anakin side with Palpatine to the point that he murders the Jedi kids on his orders?
I didn't care for It Comes At Night. If you like it, fine. It's still a commendable movie. I didn't care for Twilight, in fact I hated it, but if you like it- fine. It serves its purpose and it does it relatively well given the source material.
Know what the difference between movies I don't like versus the prequels? I understand subjectively different opinions on movies and don't mind it, but objectivity in an objectively bad movie that fuckwits like you try to act like it's a good movie is where I tell you that- Yes, you opinion is shit and wrong. You could like the prequels and still say it's a bad movie, but if you like the prequels and argue they're good movies, you're an idiot and probably underage and probably ACTUALLY autistic if you aren't underage, and I have nothing more to say to you. Go eat a pile of cat shit and tell the world that you think it tastes good and they're autistic for saying no.
George had this great idea but they didn't know how to translate, simple.
Normies hate a good complex story, and complain about all the politics and how it starts with a meeting and not ''muh pretty action scenes''
>Anakin vs Obi-Wan
>Palpatine's "ironic"
All iconic.
The only things iconic in the PT are all the terrible scenes that have been meme'd to death. Even the racing scene in the first one isn't iconic, it's just mildly cool in-between a shit movie.
>"complex"=equals good
Maybe normies are like that. As for me, I actually like the prequel politics a lot, but I still think the prequels are bad movies. The politics are one of the relatively good things about them.
The first 40 minutes or so of ANH are pretty slowly paced, but normies loved it in 1977. I don't know if they would today, though.
>"Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!"
>"It's not a story the Jedi would tell you."
These aren't just memes.
I know that there is an entire prequel cartoon show that heavily uses the look of the prequel, but is that what really comes to mind when most people hear Star Wars? Lightsabers, distant planets, Imperial Troops, Vader, Tie FIghters, and X-Wings. Realize that SW is defined by the OT in our collective conciousness; how can anything in the PT compare to that?
This. The opening scene of Phantom immerses one into the deep huge new universe of complex politics, it slowly eases you into the world, where everything all began
But retard attention spans can't appreciate a deep universe which the prequels offer
Get the stick out of your ass and stop being a retard, and maybe you will enjoy being immersed in the massive world that George expanded upon
They can't. Which is why even now all these new star wars movies are basically just remakes of the OT. The OT is so iconic that almost every attempt to make something new pails in comparison and ends up being dumb. They really need to just let Star Wars die.
the opening scene is comfy as fuck, it really does make you feel like you're a part of the world before shit goes down
it was a genius way to start it all off
And then the following 6 hours of PT movies that came afterwards did nothing with that opening or feeling. The fuck is your point, nigga.
>looking to Star Wars for political drama
Really? To each his own, but you could do a lot better.
>hating jar jar with a passion
yeah, because Star Wars always had such a serious tone (sarcasm)
they were great material to base videogames off of
Not seriousl doesn't equate to retard.
goofy aliens has always been essential kino in Star Wars
making up almost honest sounding reasons why you like them is a meme
but at least they're better than the OT
star wars ep 3 is literally the greatest star wars film of all time. it's embarrassing seeing this RLM leddit fags spew out "muhh sequels, muh older movies = better"
i'm not being ironic with my post btw. if you don't think ep3 is the best in the series then you don't know shit about movie-making.
This is the final and most objectively correct order to end all orders:
Quit being ironic
Because the toys were better and Star Wars was always about the toys. Yeah the movies were shit but they were creative enough that I wasn’t just buying repaints of my TIE and X-Wing toys.
the way i'd rank the prequels is
my reasoning being that while 3 may be fun at parts, it has some of the most laughable scenes out of all of them, 2 has tolerable action but the goddamn love story ruins it, and 1 just has jar jar
Batman and Robin was better than The Dark Knight because the toys were better too.
nobody does this
yeah, 1 has the least bad. Jar Jar and the podracing scene. Aside from some other bad cgi, I'd put 1 ahead of the other 2 prequels and in some ways I like it better than 6