What's the best Lisa Simpson episode? I submit to you

what's the best Lisa Simpson episode? I submit to you

Summer of 2 ft 4

Other urls found in this thread:


>2ft 4
Holy shit Lisa is tiny

Lisa the Beauty Queen
I Love Lisa
Lisa vs Malibu Stacy
Lisa the Vegetarian
Lisa's Wedding
Lisa the Iconoclast
the one where she helps Mr Burns start a recycling company

She was in E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt), so that one.

Ya, she's 8

Source: my headcanon

The one where she dressed like a boy named Jake Toilet.

Lisa's Substitute, back when she was a sympathetic enough character for that story to work

Shelbyville being a scumbag.


>Jewish liberal substitute teacher shows her the wonder of the world


Moaning Lisa, Lisa's Substitute, Lisa's Wedding, and Lisa the Greek

thank you based user

All yours friend

Leeshit Shitson thread?

Lisa apologists out in fullforce, you fucking pancakefags never shut the fuck up.


Typical pancakefag in full damage control mode

I dont even know what that means

only wafflefags will get this joke

So, where do you want to show off your new hip togs?
The Sherbet Shoppe?
The Candle District?
Big Sue's Tap Water Taffy?


These don't exist

I agree. Lisa's substitute, Lisa the Greek and Iove Lisa are some of my favorite episodes let alone top tier Lisa eps.

I've always liked this one.