Do you believe in God Sup Forums?
Do you believe in God Sup Forums?
No. It wasn't a concept that was pushed on me as a child, so as an adult I just can't see any plausibility in anything the Bible, Quran, or any other holy book says.
You slumber a cucumber
Yeah, I'm a cradle Catholic and my family believes that the Bible isn't meant to be taken literally. It's something that leads us to lead good and fulfilling lives regardless of if it's true or not.
Are you asking or is it a Xavier thread?
I'm no Hypochrist
Therefore i shall commit sacricide
Yes and I believe he's very angry with me as he is with all of us
You snoze you loze
F I N D O U T T H E T R U T H A T H E T R U T H C O N T E S T . C O M
No idea I feel like I might be making God sad by feeling like I was meant to be female but people wanted to fix my cleft lip and stuff
>didn't read Thomas Aquinas
>the Bible isn't meant to be taken literally
>there wasn't literally a man named Paul who literally sent letters to other literal churches that were later literally transcribed word-for-word in the Bible
You do realize that "the Bible" isn't one book by one author with one genre right?
I'm a Fedora.
Ranch, or Cool Ranch?
>actually thinking any of it survived word-for-word
Is this "Super Columbine Massacre RPG in 3D!!!"?
You nappa you get slappa
I've always been rather spiritual. So yeah, I like to think some higher being made all this. I just don't feel that I need to worship him all the time.
Oh, and nothing in the Bible actually happened. Its just a nice collection of stories that show us how to lead good lives.
No. Raised Catholic but soon realised it was bullshit by high school. Then went through a brief edgy phase but now just neutral on religion. Don't really care what you believe as long as it doesn't interfere with me.
I don't want the people I hate to be with me for eternity, whether heaven or hell.
I also don't want the people I hate to be in heaven while I'm in hell.
So, no.
This show got carried away with the 2deep stuff in the latter part of season 2
Still the best thing to ever air on tv though
Really? I loved the 2deep shit just being tossed arounf
I feel like the writers got out everything they really wanted to say in season 1 and just spent the next season going completely off the rails to get the show canceled
The idea of an intelligent creator that always existed makes exactly as much sense as the idea that the building blocks of matter always existed.
No. God is dead. We killed him.
*tips fedora*
No because God is dead.
i really don't know why religious people hold him in such high esteem. his logic has been refuted for hundreds of years now.
bullshit. people live good fulfilling lives without the bible all the time. the fact that you need it to do the same is just proof that religion is like crack or heroine in it's addictive qualities.
>tells you to burn whores at the stake
>tells you to beat disobedient children
>tells you to kill gays
>tells you to sell 5 year old boys into slavery for 3 shekels.
it really shows you the good path, don't it.
>tranny w birth defects
I feel bad for you son
It's not just about killing gays and sluts, it's also about killing people who eat any animal that doesnt have cloven hooves and people who mix their fabrics. Polyester and shrimp cocktails are sins against G-d.
There might be a God, but he definitely isn't here.
Well, some of it anyway...
Why is that barcode dressed like CIA?
Im not sure how anyone who reads the bible can actually take it seriously.