Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it?
thinking about watching it tonight
Not really, unless you're a pedophile.
It's a great show but I'm sure it'll get shit on here since it was so popular.
Its actually bad. M-muh retro, m-muh really cool cast of outsiders that everyone likes so its unsure why they're referred to as outsiders to begin with
I watched one episode and wasn't into it
No one said anything about any of that in this thread you autistic mongol. Go post pictures of frogs somewhere.
The show was good. not perfect but it was far above average.
It's not a bad way to kill several hours but like any Netflix production you shouldn't expect much.
Not really, I watched all of it but I can't repember what it was about, all I remember is kids playing d and d, a telekinetic girl and a monster in a wall.
I don't remember when i watched it either.
Please tell us why it was good redditfriends.
if you grew up in the 80s or 90s playing shitty vidya, riding bikes, and having deep adventures then you will absolutely love it.
I think marvel movies are more your speed, they're good for those with short attention spans.
can someone tell me why they didnt give the nigger winston's nametag?
Derivative, zero originality, drab and ugly color palette/cinematography.
The 80s references were way too in your face, past the point of being clever, it was just obnoxious.
If you've seen maybe five movies in your life then it'll probably be interesting. Otherwise your time is best spent elsewhere.
It just feels so unoriginal and pandering. Opening musical theme says everything you need to know. Just listen to it, and if you don't cringe from how "muh 80's" it is, then it's your show.
why couldnt they just create cunny kino like spielberg did with Super 8?
I'm not a movie guy in general, except when they are really good and marvel movies are too shallow for my taste.
Movies are the worst for someone with a short attention span, you should have recommended sitcoms.
Its amazing.
I understand if people don't like it. It's not going to be everyone's thing but if you think it is flat out BAD then you are clearly delusional or shit posting because you think you are ironically funny for hating something popular.
Fun to watch, always makes you want to watch another episode.
Gets kinda dumb towards the end. Mystery dies out quite quick.
Still stocked for season 2, its a very comfy show.
IT had the same 80s summer coming of age bullshit vibe and I loved that too.
Muh 80's style over substance.
It's fine. Not amazing, but better than average and probably worth a watch.
You know what's funny? When it came out most people here praised it and we had giant threads everyday.
Now in every thread you get so much fucking hate.
9/10 it's ok
It's nostalgia fag, psuedo-geek garbage
no SHIT it wasn't said in this thread faggot. I'm just referring to general appeal. It's shit if you can't into that trash.
just say alt normie like every other pretentious fuck
Its far from trash.
Acting is pretty good all around.
Writing is decent.
Music is fucking fantastic.
Yeah, music is great.
Acting is amazing.
Good and bad is subjective senpai, personally i found it uninteresting and middle of road but if people liked it good for them
My girlfriend and I are going to order in sushi and binge watch the second season friday night and there's nothing any of you can do about it.
does anyone have any spoilers for season 2? I want to mass spoil everyone on the /r/strangerthings subreddit
Sup Forums used to love it, then normies enjoyed it so it's now shit.
I'd wager that reddit actually has mods unlike Sup Forums
>order in sushi
Fuck off newfag Sup Forums got sick of pedos spaming that hideous kid.
Sup Forums has a mod who is a tranny from reddit.
It's alright.
it's super mediocre
it doesn't do anything heinously wrong but it's not great, either
most overhyped show in recent years imo
I think the only thing that really bugged me was the fact that the Government/Department of Energy weren't listening in on the walkie talkies when the kids were running from them in the 7th episode I think it was. I mean you bet you ass the government would be listening to every frequency. I mean they knew the boys were finding ways to talk to Will before that.
People love kids against monsters. It's every kid's dream and for adults it brings back that sort of nostalgia. No wonder it blew up.
>Eleven comes back
>one of the kids dies for real, most likely Lucas
>the USSR has a similar espionage program
>Will's house becomes the new portal to the Upside Down
>Nancy and Jonathan fugg
>more 80's references than your brain can handle, such as the rise of the NES, glam rock and Reaganomics
It's pretty good. Overrated but it's still pretty good. Defiantly worth a watch. I binged watched it even though I was never actually that engaged. Weird never had that before
Anyone think private joker is still alive?
Jonathan literally has no friends and the younger kids only interaction with others at school is being bullied.
How exactly are any of them liked by everyone? There's a middle ground between uber chad and shut in autist you know.