What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Just about everything after season 2.
a mega corporation network who doesn't understand how to judge the popularity of it's programming
chang arc was funny asf troy becoming air conditioner repairmen was funny asf. after season 3 was completely unwatchable I could actually feel the actors acting
>What went wrong?
Dan Harmon decided to take up writing as a career
Same thing with every dan harmon show
The characters become cartoony and shitty one note caricatures
Not enough annie tits and Glover left the show.
The only people who like season 3 live on Reddit. I would suggest you return there.
Show went to shit way before that.
Dan Harmon
>Chase being kicked off the show
>Glover leaving
>Any new character they tried to shoehorn like that older black guy, other girl
>The show started to become too nonsensical and unrealistic >Overusing gags like the paintball episodes
>Any new character they tried to shoehorn like that older black guy, other girl
Those don't even ring a bell. The only new character I remember is Mike from Breaking Bad. Who I think was there for only one season.
Not him but the first half of S3 still had some memorable episodes.
>Those don't even ring a bell.
I don't blame you for not remembering.
How are you so familiar with reddits consumption habits?
>you best start believing in reddit outposts, user
>you're in one
Far too few episodes involving Annie and the blonde feminist taking their clothes off and Donald Glover was the funniest character in the group - which is saying alot because after playing Troy he turned into a total WE WAZ KANGS bitch.
Also Jeff was annoying as all fucking hell and Joel Mchale is a shitty leading man.
Harmon admit s3 was bad due to no sleep and adderall writing as he was looking up to the wire s3 quailty. s4 no him s5 chevy is already fueded with sony and Donald leaves and ep are cut to half. The show is one of my favs due to what a prime tv show can do. When it was bad, it was never eye rolling or just fucking awful like most other prime-time tv shows. Dan said about Donald leaving was true, i liked season 6 but without the 3 stars it felt more off than 5.
>Far too few episodes involving Annie and the blonde feminist taking their clothes off
>after playing Troy he turned into a total WE WAZ KANGS bitch.
>Jeff was annoying as all fucking hell
wew lad
>wew lad
All regular opinions, valid. Wew lad.
That amazing alternate timelines episode
That was an excellent one. The documentary one with Luis Guzman was one of my favourites.
>Chevy Chase leaving
>No more Troy and abed (abeds great but they were the tag team champions)
>Jeff was annoying as all fucking hell
Also extra cringe because certain elements were self-inserts of what Harmon thinks himself to be. Same with Rick Sanchez and his "i'm smart that's why i'm a nihilist" rants
>tfw Remedial Chaos Theory foreshadows the future of the show
>Pierce leaves to get the pizza, everything is harmony
>Jeff leaves, everyone is happy at the end
>Jeff and Pierce cannot co-exist in the same group even though they are so similar to each other
>Chevy leaves the show in the middle of Season 4
>Troy leaves, and it's the worst time-line, everything falls apart
>Donald Glover leaves the show in Season 5, the quality of the show drops sharply
>Show dies after season 6
>Dan Harmon is a moron
>The cast fucking run away from the show
I mean, lets add the guy from breaking bad, a random hippie nigger and that girl from criminal mind who cares!
>while playing Troy, Donald Glover did stand up about how the word "nigger" needs to lose its power and shouldn't be more offensive than any other swear word, and how black kids need fathers
>then went and did a speech this year at some hollywood circlejerk about how black people are the most oppressed people in the world now somehow
What happened to Glover's rap career? I heard he was pretty good at it.
He's gotten a bit bigger from what I can tell but he seems to have been straying away from his original "message"
I really hate the phrase "sold out" but I can't think of anything else that fits it
Harmon only listened to what was good/what Reddit (I mean this unironically, Dan Harmon browsed Community subreddits for opinions on the show) liked with the show and didn't listen to actual valid criticism.
Are you a Britta man or an Annie man?
Annie > Britta
Gillian > Alison
This is correct surprisingly
>Keith David
>random hippie nigger
Get some taste faggot
He's just changed who he's pandering to. Used to be white kids, now it's black kids and sjw. It's all a calculated career choice. Generally speaking, you want to ignore the opinions of anyone who's been living in the hollywood bubble for more than a couple years.
Started out Annie, but by the end I was a Britta man.
Annie is L O V E
Annie is L I F E
Alison will be Sup Forums's peak waifu wehn everything comes to a close during technological singularity closely followed by Sersh
Britta got dumber as the show progressed.
And Annie got more annoying. Maybe I like my girls dumb fuck you.
>Maybe I like my girls dumb fuck you
Speak a lot about you user.
It stopped being about them as a group taking various semi realistic classes and getting to know each other better.
I was totally an Annie guy, but then she started her crusade against "boob-fetishists" and turned ugly so i became a Britta guy.
Did enjoy Brie's old nudes though.
Like.. enjoyed them A LOT!
Gonna enjoy them right now as a matter of fact.
This. The multiple dimension episode in particular is massively overrated and was the catalyst of everything that went wrong with the show.
How can one woman be so perfect, so pure.
Gambino left
>but then she started her crusade against "boob-fetishists"
What crusade? She has always been chill about her objectification. Very few actresses around like that.
> and turned ugly
pic related is how she looks now. This is ugly to you?
>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
It stopped being about a group of society misfits trying to better themselves by means of a fresh education in a funny community college and turned into a couple of two dimensional characters getting into hi-jinks together while the group got more and more replaced with new characters as time went on.
season 4, the rest of the show was good, despite the whinings of the "waaah season 3" people
I always wonder if the people behind these post pretend to be degenerate fetishists ora they actually are.
>What went wrong?
Well they never properly continued the whole Annie-Jeff-Britta love story,
it was set up all ready to go but then.. Harmon tried to stretch his stuff and got fired and at the end Brie became CIA while Jeff lamented the lost opportunity to have babies with Brie.
Insulting to the viewers imo.
She seems quite chill about her objectification from this.
What a qt
Well this was pre-leak, she probably feels a bit different now that guys everywhere are whackin' it to her perfect 2010 boobs.
She's the only celeb I can jack off to now. Her leaks are almost hypnotic.
Not that guy, but I have posted material like pic related whenever I've had the chance.
>tfw Alison Brie will never stick you in her anus until she has to poop
>not being degenerate
Creator is a dick, Chevy Chase is a dick, they both wanted to see who's the biggest dick, drama happened and chemistry went broke.
>>tfw Alison Brie will never stick you in her anus until she has to poop
I'm the castration guy and even I am disgusted by that fetish.
Yes, it says I'm smart enough to realize women are inherently stupid.
Annie not showing her prime boobs.
Troy leaving.
Smart Woman : Its good to let in a billion male refugees, its the right thing to do! remember WW2? I do, because I studied!
Dumb Woman : let those poor billion refugees in, its so sad that all those LONE MEN are fleeing from war. they're probably super scared.
Smart.. Dumb.. makes no difference when it comes to women, they'd justify anything as long as their "feelings" say its the right thing to do.
...and what does this have to do with this thread?
>Chevy Chase is a dick
I'm not saying he isn't, but they were fucking up his character pretty badly.
The joy of watching Pierce was that he represented a fear that's inside all of us.
that of one day being relevant and the next day.. the world has moved on, and you're outdated.. unwanted.
and you keep thinking to yourself "wait a minute, I was the man!" but now you're not.
It was sweet to see Pierce go from being a man who saw it all and did it all to a man who didn't understand the new younger culture and trying to adapt because he wanted to stay relevant.
Instead they turned him into a cardboard villain, no wonder he kept feuding with Joel McHale, who's part of being the dick lawyer who's discovering friendship was turned into a two dimensional goody two shoes robot.
So I guess that sums it up, instead of developing the characters they turned two dimensional.
Annie became the girl next door who never did anything important.
Jeff became the billboard guy "YOU CAN DO IT IF YOU HOLD HANDS AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL!"
Abed became autistic to the point of screeching whenever he didn't get his way.
Pierce became Dick Dastardly
Britta turned into the dumb blonde who kept forgetting to breathe.
Shirley DE-evolved into the housewife role that she originally tried so hard to shed.
Chang turned from conniving moron into standard friend who just sat there.
Troy went from strong former football player into Abed's sidekick.
And The Dean who was originally a bit flamboyant turned full homosexual who wanted to ride Jeff's wiener hard while dressed as a dalmatian in a pink dress.
Fuck you Harmon you hack.
Men may be smarter but you're definitely an outelier if you prefer dumb women.
>chang arc was funny asf
Chang being a retarded detective was funny, then Harmon had to go full Harmon and make him a fucking dictator
>troy becoming air conditioner repairmen was funny asf
This wasn't funny.
>>then went and did a speech this year at some hollywood circlejerk about how black people are the most oppressed people in the world now somehow
I always thought that was a dig at the Emmys for giving him the award just because he was black
I liked Chang more when he was a teacher since he abused his authority pretty much. When he became a fucking retard goon in their group it was just too cringy
Reddit started liking it
Killing Pierce
>Six seasons
>No movie
The is 100% accurate. Reddit got an actual input on the show like they were a damn test audience.
The worst thing is that they don't own up to fucking it up either. It's the classic reddit head in the sand-behaviour
>Happy thoughts gotta feel good haha, get karma, haha don't think just laugh, no negativity, no accountability, call in sick to work, haha weed and cereal pickle rick, fuck christianity morty!!
it lasted too long. They ran out of things to do. It was great up until harmon left.
On a community marathon since last month for the first time and I see all of your points.
On season 5 rn and pic related is the prime Pussy on the show so far
sounds like she's making a joke
I'm pretty sure I've watched the show about 25 times now. I tend to do that with stuff I like.
Yeah that's what I meant really, overly idealistic and emotional to the point that their reasoning is clouded.
Any intellect a woman may have will only be wasted reading up on feminism. Smarter for a woman just ends up meaning more cunty in the long run. Trust me :^)
You sound like a fedora virgin
t. Sup Forumsredditor who had sex a few times but still dislikes women
>Smarter for a woman just ends up meaning more cunty in the long run.
>Be me
>Young teen
>Become interested in women
>They're all insulting bitches
>Ah yes so strong.. so brave..
And they know they can get away with it in today's society, because they can do everything or nothing and at the end of the day when they decide its time to become a mommy they'll just spread their legs and whistle and no matter how much of a bitch they were before.. some idiot always comes a running to knock her up.
aah Sup Forums, where everything bad is blamed on reddit and people with different opinions are fedora virgins t.pol.t.reddit.t.kukz.t.autistic.turbo.grampas.t.t.t.t.sneed
As much as I love the first three seasons (yeah latter half of s3 was subpar who cares) rewatching them right now would be depressing as fuck because i might relate to Pierce more than everyone else now
>the D&D episode where he lashes out for being left out
>"Invite me to your crap!"
Jesus when did I go so wrong
>arguing with holes
fat cunt detected
Season 6 was solid. Frankie should've been a character since S1. Preferably in place of Shirley.
As most of my friends seem to move away and move on with their life I start to relate to Pierce sometimes as well but in the DnB episode he was in the wrong, I think.
The response from Jeff is fucking great.
Prefered S6 over S5 2bh. Season 4 will always be WOAT.
Yeah but they also get cramps and bleed from their genitals for a few days every month, find it almost impossible to get taken seriously at work, and live with a basically permanent subconscious terror of/fascination with being physically overpowered by strangers
Life has a way of being fair in the long run, despite what everybody says about it