You're not narrow-minded, are you???
You're not narrow-minded, are you???
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I'd take that over Rey getting blacked
how about a decent story line for once you kike hack?
This. You know how kiked Hollywood is when you'd rather see a spic and nig fag out than yet another black male, white female combo.
>having sex with an alien is fine
>having sex with another man is bad
Just stop.
Gay niggers in space.
>blocks your path
Progressive, I like it. How do I upvote you here?
The thing is, there's no reason to assume that all the OT characters were straight. Some of them might have been gay. There's no reason to assume that there's never been a gay SW character just because the SW movies never made a big deal out of sexuality. It would be silly to add gay characters just for the sake of adding gay characters. Sexuality has never been a major part of Star Wars, except in the tangential sense that it can lead to childbirth. Han and Leia were about as central as sexuality ever got in SW, and given that 80-90% of people are straight, it makes sense that they were straight, in the sense that it's statistically the most likely thing.
Would Boyega be willing to kiss a guy on camera?
>literally gay niggers from outer space
No, who cares? Are you afraid of a god torturing you for ever and ever for being kind?
I hope this happens i want to see that nigger be forced to kiss a man, feel bad for oscar isaac though
Make em all gay, I don't give a shit. Nothing is going to save this shitty franchise after Episode 6 so they may as well fly this bitch into the ground at top speed.
I really hope they make the nigger gay. It would be hilarious.
>You look around that board meeting and you see the most jewish fucking room in the history of time. It's just unbelievably jewish. And I just thought, we jews are pushing this agenda and we have an opportunity to do anything we want and call everyone who questions us antisemitic-nazis."
>Every single A Wyatt Mann aka Ben Garrison cartoon becomes physical reality
>80-90% of people are straight,
Try 97,5%. I don't know why people are convinced that there's as many gay people as 10% of the population. You'd know if there were that many.
CDC puts gays at 1.6%
As opposed to those pro-semitic nazis you see running around
If we're talking statistics there are less red heads in the world than gays, but that doesn't stop the media being absolutely saturated with red heads.
It's more funny to me if he has to end with the Rose asian-lady as a romantic interest.
>hey boyega, tumblr is like shipping you so much with Rose, so you're female interests is going to be the goofiest-looking person of a Star Wars movie ever :D
I don't care if it's not forced.
>I don't care if it's not forced.
That's extremely easy to explain though, since redheads are pretty prominent in people from the british islands, themselves being most of rhe leads in Hollywood. It's also a unique feature, and lots of actors dye their hair red to give their character an edge. But sure worldwide, it's probably minuscule what with how only white people can be ginger.
Meanwhile gays are a constant, and are 2,5% of 7 billion people. Of course there's a lot.
They're just planting seeds that will come to fruit in about 15 years.
>That left pic
I'd be scared to death if I was one of those children
>pushing homosexual propaganda in a children's movie
>a hollywood jew says he loves this idea
Sup Forums is always right
Gay Star Wars characters? I don't care, says user
Gays and the 382 other genders are just like redheads user, it's genetics!
>in the world
Well duh, the world is almost entirely populated by people with black hair.
You want movies to represent the entire worlds population youd almost have no whites and way more asians and indians.
john boyega is up for it.
Genetics are a social construct
Is he not self-aware enough to realize coming back to direct Episode 9 works against this, does he think we're stupid, or does he just not care because the jews relish in their hypocrisy?
*rolls eyes*
it's a good thing that most americans aren't as ignorant as you
try going outside sometime
Youre all clear kid now lets blow this thing and go home.
I would honestly think that shit would be fun as a kid. It looks forced yeah, but I do think that there is a positive cheerful atmosphere in that room
I mean, I don't like the political wackery of identitarians, but is it really that hard to believe that human sexuality is pretty complicated, even if limited to two genders? You act surprised that in this increasingly homogenous world people cling onto the last vestiges of individuality that they possess. Some of those gender descriptors aren't that dumb - some people are only attracted to intellectual equals, for example (it's called demisexual, I think?). Sure, maybe it isn't a "gender", but I can understand that preference.
Satanic black magic, sick shit.
So progressive
>y-you're not a nazi, user. Are you?
Its not complicated. People are individuals with preferences, nothing new here.
Making a cult out of it is retarded.
JJ really doesn’t give a flying fuck about gays, he just pretends to because he’s a Jewish blockbuster director.
the progressive left, ladies and gentlemen
i hope we have an adult cunny relationship
some men like little girls. and some little girls like big daddies. get over it bigots
Its probably on the cards for the next trilogy
that body shape LMAO
It's not complicated because you said so? Wow, now everything makes sense. What about politics, user? Are they not complicated as well? Care to comment, so I can call the UN and tell them that politics are now solved, thanks to an anonymous commenter on Sup Forums?
And after every cast is at least 50% gay we will start on transsexual representation. Then we can start on the other 200+ tumblr genders.
It's a never ending cluster fuck with the end game of destroying western culture so it can be rebuilt with globalist ideals
>utilizing ideologies they don't even believe in to make dosh
why are jews so based?
It's not. There are two genders. Snowflakes creating hundreds of new genders is cult behavior. Said cult behavior is pushed by the (((media))) for their political purposes. I smell pastrami.
Then maybe wash your ass, faggot. After you receive that Nobel Peace Prize for Solving Everything, that is. Want me to post pictures of mutilated US Marines?
Queers need to stop making up random shit.
the irony being that if I told you to stop autistically spouting these Sup Forums buzzwords you would then demonize me as being part of the (((conspiracy))) autmotically rendering anything I said as being work of the enemy (as cults do)
you're not being clever. get a new hobby
(((America))), fuck yeah! :^)
Black women would love this, like most women they have a thing for gay pairings and they hate the white female and black man pairing with a passion that makes this boards dislike look like a candle next to the sun.
Black men would loathe the idea.
Gender is a social construct
Alt right is always retarded
Is it really gay when one of them has the widest hips on set? I’d consider it honorary straight
I dont want gay or straight star wars characters. I don't watch star wars for the fucking relationships
You've put more thought into how butthurt you where over being told you are a little bitch faggot over spamming than actually caring about what they write. Virtue signaling for others is no substitute for real self worth in one self, family, people and country.
This is disgusting.
It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Sheev!!!
Maybe you just can't feel empathy and compassion anymore and project your vileness on others?
is he thinking about fucking the girl or boy?
>feel empathy
yes, yes, let your (((empathy))) flow goyim
Can you communicate in other ways, or have memes eaten through your brain? I'll keep feeding your paranoia, though, it's pretty entertaining.
Under rated
>Jews and females get a hold of star wars
>immediately add bitches, niggers and faggots
This is why we hate you.
i wish i could piece together quips like that
what’s your reddit username user?