Why do you think this scene was cut from the final film?

Why do you think this scene was cut from the final film?

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Wow really made me think Denis

It wasn't made for arts sake like MOTHER! They were banking on a logan/deadpool type success


How do you become a Hollywood director?

this is so fucking cute

1. be jewish
2. ask your uncle for a job during synagogue

He probably shot hours worth of Ana just for himself.


The run time is 2:48:XX, with what is sure to be a shitload of cut scenes. It is kino, and was always designed to be kino. I say this as someone who expected it to be a shitty, blatant cash in. We were given a gift, the rarest gift of a good film/art piece in an age of morally and creatively bankrupt sophistry.





that's a pretty funny dance scene XD

lol thats kinda how that kid whos playing hansolo was picked. Speelblerg saw him at a bahmitzma

Dead wrong.
Nearly 3 hours of dialogue heavy 'feels' with homage to the original where ever possible and hours worth of extra footage.
The movie performed as expected and will be a long term winner, a cult classic.

>A CUTE. :^3 XD

This is actually how I got my first job in Hollywood (as a production assistant). You goyim should work harder instead of being jealous.

WHite people should never ever dance in public.
Cringe as fuck

>le pretending to be lesbians to get attention
How is this still a thing in [current year]?

>Girls dancing together = pretending to be lesbians
t. virgin who has never been on a night out

>Sony meant to lose money

When was the last time you had contact with a woman?

When was the last time your neurons had contact

Is this "there's a lesbian 3way sex scene honest!!" meme just Sony shilling or what?

imagine their heads on a stick

Jesus Christ what's wrong with you people

Fucking white American whores

>the year is 2017
>deformed downs babies are "beautiful"
>being morbidly obese is "brave"
>being a whore is "cute"

>Dancing makes you a whore

come the fuck on, stop baiting

>t. Sup Forums

The whole biological purpose of dancing is advertising you're a whore.

>he hasn't read/watched American Psycho

what's wrong with *you* people


You're great, you should be doing TED talks.

Because it takes actual balls and skill to have a working scene like this in your film/show.

Ask Sorenkino.


>Dancing is now whorish
Serious question: Why did LARPing as a 1930's Amish traditionalist become the hip new internet trend? Does it stem from a deep desire to rebel and be different in a society where standard forms of rebellion (sex, edgy music, alternative lifestyles etc) are no longer taboo or am I missing something here?

It's Sup Forumsreddit doing their thing. Supporting the establishment is the new counterculture, bro.

There's no americans in that webm

It's LARPing as Isis, mate.

>stupid fuck thinks mass media like edgy music isn't all astroturfing degeneracy on the public and is fighting "the establishment".

>dancing is whorish
The only people who hate dancing are mudslimes, who ban art and music as well. They're mindless animals that hate everything. Especially the dancing in the webms, which aren't even garbage like twerking. You're a fucking idiot

yeah, you're pretty much spot on there I think

Sup Forums is just so deprived of human contact they think shit like dancing with eachother and having fun is something bad

I'm not going to stone you just because you're dancing, but get real. The only purpose of clubs is sex and dancing is just for fucking. Some woman who wears shiny cloths and hooker boots isn't there because she's a monogamous moral idealist, she's looking for dicks. It's just how it is. Maybe not mine, maybe not yours, but it's bait and she has thrown it into the water to see who might bite.

Jesus Christ, maybe actual go to a club. Tell me clubs like Tresor or Fabric or just for fucking. If you just look to normalfag clubs you're obviously going just whores and shit.

totally right on that

Please, what other purpose is there for clubs?

Ana de Armas exposes her nude body while engaging in graphic threesome sex scenes with Lorenza Izzo and Keanu Reeves in the video above from the movie “Knock Knock”.

It is clear from this video that “Knock Knock” is a Halloween horror film, for nothing strikes more fear into the hearts of the emasculated limp-dick infidel men then the thought of two women offering up their naked bodies for no strings attached orgy sex (not to mention the petrifying scene of hot daddy/daughter role playing).

Yes there is no doubt that after seeing this movie Ana de Armas’ nude scenes will haunt the dreams of the homoqueer heathen men. Of course this sort of scenario is what one can expect in a barbaric culture that does not circumcise their women, and instead celebrates blasphemous female sexuality. You better believe that this movie would have turned out quite differently if Ana and Lorenza had shown up soaking wet and horny on the doorstep of a virile Muslim, for he would have brutally banged them both with his enormous tunic snake right there on the spot… And the only “Knock Knock” would have come from the stones smashing into the back of their heads as they tried to crawl their way out the door.

Bro Ana is Cuban. Nice try Mohammed.

wh*te people are cringy.

Listen to bangers. Go to Berlin, Amsterdam, etc. and you'll find lots of people in the club who are there because of the artists playing.

european degeneracy 95 % of the men there are mentally ill.

So instead of fucking, it's about doing drugs. Neat. Also,
>implying half of the people on those gigs aren't there just to get laid

They haven't lost money.
The film only just opened in Asia today


It does though.

85.3% of American men have sucked a black penis

It's more like 81.3% fucking europoor.

why isn't the goose dancing with them?

giv giraffe gf

kenzie should have been hologramfu

She's only 1m78, how much of a manlet is that guy?

Probably about 5'8" if she's wearing heels

I swear I once saw a webm of Ana dancing in a garden with her gay friend here. Can somebody post it please.

>tfw I'm 163
kill me but first gibe tall gf

Why do you think this scene was cut from BR2049?

>tfw no cute girl boobs to suck on

why even bother

>tfw no tall gf to end my miserable manlet existence

I thought Ana was something like 5'7 but apparently she is around 5'6. I also thought Sylvia would be taller but she must be around 5'7 given she seems a little taller than barefoot Mackenzie with heels.

>tfw manlet pajeet and will never get a beautiful white gf

You cannot understand suffering as i have suffered

>no /hr/ ana thread

we were born to suffer



Don't mind me, just converting them to a non-retarded measurement system so everyone can understand

This. Imagine how much uncut footage the director of Blue is the Warmest Color has of those two foxes having sex. It makes me jelly.

God bless him for making that movie though.

idk nothing about gook numbers I just give big hugs and back cracks at the end of the day

I'm surprised this thread hasn't been invaded by Karliefags already
Talking about tall women is their summoning ritual


RIP Fabric ;_;

Sylvia totally shows up both of those stupid roasties


How much do you think it would cost to buy these two? Everything has a price. I'm guessing if you were to auction them off, the final price would be at LEAST 50 million dollars.

Meanwhile, I'd probably fetch less than 50,000. Life as an average male is a SCAM.

do you think kenzie got jelly of that spanish slut on set ever?


She is like a goddess walking among us human plebs ;_;

>artists playing
EDM is shit
It's fucking shit I hate hate hate hate EDM. I would literally slit my fucking wrists and call it a day than listen to EDM.

that's a bit much, what can you do?

Never 5get. But don't despair, Jezza will make Fabric great again.

There's no EDM played in those clubs.

Ecstasy exists.

A shame her part in BR2049 wasn't longer. I was actually looking forward to it after I saw her in the trailer. I am not a waifufag or anything but I think she got a unique look. I like her big green eyes and thick natural eyebrows and think she has a cute smile.

Didn't realize Alicia was so tiny

>There's no EDM played in those clubs.
EDM is the general genre for our electronic music. That includes techno, dubstep, drum and bass, house music, etc. It's just a term.

Sure, I was thinking that that's how you'd use it. But EDM can also refer to a version within that got popular in America. To me calling genres as varied as techno, dubstep, dnb, etc. just "EDM" is like calling rock, metal, folk, etc. "string music". No one familar with the genres would ever use it that way.

You could buy them with love but that's impossible for a degenerate autistic fa/tv/irgin outcast so you could give up and try to win an average boring female that's also introverted like you because you're likely a middle class poorfag.

the politically correct term is smol

I know this isn't Sup Forums but I'd honestly say it's hard for me to get into electronic music without some drug, while I admittedly listen to metal and enjoying. I don't know if I'm secretly some emo rebellious faggot or I actually enjoy listen to some depressed suicidal incels screaming about death and "philosophy". I'm listening to it right now as while posting on fucking Sup Forums for christ's sakes.

Me when I forget to set my alarm and wake up with a half an hour to get out the door

Watching that webm 50 times in a row has made me very sad. I've never done anything like that with a female. I would be near them, to share in their happiness, but girls simply aren't happy around me. I'm 28 years old and have never dated or kissed one. They just seem so nice. I guess it's too late for me now though, it'll never happen now. Oh well. I don't have much longer to live.

Prostitutes. Backpage.

What is wrong with people they can't figure this out? Lots of women will have sex for money, and only money. It's great.

At 1:17
>Is that a sexual toy?
Ana confirmed a dirty slut

Are you oblivious on purpose? Lonely people are not looking for sex with a prostitute. That's just enhanced masturbation. They want to be genuinely loved. Something money just doesn't buy.