Can anyone explain why they made up an entire word for this scene, which we never heard used again?
Can anyone explain why they made up an entire word for this scene, which we never heard used again?
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Why was he so mean?
because friendo is an awesome word and you're a faggot
I've always thought that he was assuming the cashier was being kind of dismissive to him because of stereotypical old Texan racism; he didn't like how he thought the cashier was treating him, so he threw some mock Spanish into the conversation to throw it in the cashier's face.
That's also why I was so confused that "friendo" because such a meme at the time. It wasn't supposed to be a lighthearted catchphrase; it was psychopath making a thinly veiled threat towards a person for almost no reason.
it's easy fago, just use your head
quit being such a faggo
>call it sbarro
im gonna paint this btw
>mexican language is just english with -o or -a at the end
what's the problem?
Did you ever paint Rooney with the LEGO bricks in the background? Could you paint Abbey Lee getting hit with the toilet roll (webm related)?
I thought the cashier was being friendly and Sugar was annoyed by his banality, so he decided to toy with him and gamble on murdering him... No clue where you got any of what youre saying.
He was clearly triggered by an imagined microagression
to me this was all pure cringe
the whole character, praised to hell and then I watch and it's just a shot of fucking cringe right up the bum
I don't think it has anything to do with the cashier's banality or his dislike of Mexicans.
I think the cashier was beginning to show fear and that, to Chigurh, is like a drug. He's like a predatory wild animal that senses fear and then moves in for the kill. So the more afraid the cashier was clearly getting, the more Chigurh intimidated him.
Based on your obsessive use of the word cringe and your latent homophobia, I'd contend that you aren't a very smart person.
The cashier asks Chigurh if he's had any rain "up his way" - implying he'd seen him come and go before or even had a rough idea of where he lived, or at least knew where he was staying. Chigurh hates the idea that anyone could know anything about him.
I'd agree he's a faggot but considering how fucking inoffensive his post was otherwise, you getting triggered by "latent homophobia" is even more laughable than anything he typed.
watch it, fucko
And anyone who uses the word "cringe" knows where he should go.
Just realize don’t I see this image all the time and have no idea what it’s feom. SOurce?
>implying that isn't common terminology, even outside of Sup Forums
No friend, it is you that must go.
No Country for Dead Men Tell No Tales: Sea Inside
>I see this image all the time
No you don't.
haven't done the lego background and that's interesting that you suggest one of my new regular webm spams. I definitely wanna do a rare Abbey but idk about tp bonk.
He saw plates on his car.
what's going on Jannies? Is there something I can help you with?