Is it that good or is just reddit memes?
Is it that good or is just reddit memes?
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Only you can decide that for yourself. Personally think it's got its flaws like some weak acting and bewildering character moments but overall enjoyable.
Good reddit memes
who told you it's "that good"? it's incredibly reddit, regardless of whether you're a film enthusiast or just wanna watch something fun
only good thing i can remember was jon hamm and jamie foxx, even tho jamie is kinda reddit
awful characters
>For a big job like this, we'll need a 2017 Chevy Silverado. Built strong, tough, and easy to use.
The fuck? Was it an ad?
It is quintessential redditcore
Jon Hamm and his lady are pretty good but other than that it is pretty boring.
Ansel Elgort is the most plain and uninteresting human being on earth, plus his character makes really stupid decisions that make you root against him like taping the conversations, and fucking up the ending heist just to be vindictive towards Jamie Foxx over killing a security guard. Who the fuck acts as a getaway driver for bank robberies and then gets all pissy over a security guard getting shot? Not to mention that it's his fault for tipping off the bank employee who was probably not going to be harmed regardless. So in light of all this, he makes the decision to fuck over Jon Hamm and his wife even though they were the only people throughout the movie who were actually nice to him.
Also the "syncing the action to the music" is literally done in almost every action trailer from the past 15 years. As others have said, the music is pretty shit too.
It's horrible they didn't even try
Dude seen DRIVE and made a half backed movie
I liked it, but then again I don't go on reddit
God, this flick was fucking awful.
Thing I don't get is why Reddit loved it so much, I mean sure it's le Edgar Wright (beyond overrated) and "cool" old music they can pretend to know and be singing along to, but there was so much cringe it was hard to handle.
The first scene after the pre-credits driving sequence was a copy-paste of the dance-walking Peter Parker scene from Spidey 3 and ripping on that is a famous I'm a super nerd XD dogwhistle for fuck's sake.
The music was bad, the "characters" were clearly just plot devices that could quip and emote on cue, the plot was dumb anyway, the jokes were unfunny.
Ok there was one time I chuckled, the asian guy talking about the removed tattoo was pretty funny, but that was the only time I laughed at all.
Aside from that, give me one (1) good thing about this pile of shit.
they try to appeal to that kind of person for sure
Let's be real the music was horrible.
Movie is for 18 and they used music for kids
Surprisingly enjoyable flick. Just have low expectations, which isn't hard because the second half is much better than the first half.
it was alright
got a little too close to hudson hawk territory at times imo
itt: redditors explaining why this movie is reddit and pretending they think it's a bad thing
It's reddit because its all 'style'(even this is a stretch) and no substance. Your average braindead redditor immediately claims ownership of these type of flicks in order to make others see them in a more socially favorable light.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums loved Baby Driver when it came out, despite the bad ending.
another redditor talking shit about his fellow redditors
I can confirm that
I was browsing everyday and seen a thread every day praising the movie.
Seen the movie last week. I was disappointed
It's a fun popcorn flick with a hip soundtrack.
There is nothing great about it
Nope. The board was all about Dunkirk
>the music is pretty shit too
idk, it's pretty recognizable but pretty old too. Like, I might have had that music on my playlist years ago, but it's pretty obvious that it's just Edgar Wright's playlist, which contributes immensely to the "reddit" score of the movie, ie fucking out of touch and lame
if they had interesting music it might have changed the entire movie. like imagine if they used vaporwave to complement the main character's autism, it would be something never before seen in movies but would also be in line with that "I WANNA BE DRIVE" 80's feel
Yes - that was a month later
>t. redditfag in damage controlmode
I'll agree that Wright was probably cautious not to completely rip off Drive with the neon-and-synthwave vibe, but he basically ripped the whole concept/vibe from Guardians Of The Galaxy and did it worse.
>Baby is implied to be an audiophile with a full analog audio workstation in his apartment
>is rich
>listens to all his music on iPod earbuds
I don't go on reddit. I just find it strange that people think "this movie is reddit" is valid criticism. To know what reddit likes you have to be a redditor yourself, so I'm not sure why you'd use "reddit" as criticism for a movie.
"Oh look the main character is a normal kid listening to music on his iPod just like me !!"
Prententious reddit flick designed to trick stupid millennials.
>The first scene after the pre-credits driving sequence was a copy-paste of the dance-walking Peter Parker scene from Spidey 3
Really terrible movie...
I'd rather have spent that time watching a marvel quip flick
Millennial dogshit movie, devoid of any compelling plot points. In fact I can barely remember the main scenes.
just paid shills doing their job
>you have to eat shit to know it tastes bad
I don't go on reddit because I know it's shit. But to know what reddit supposedly likes, yeah, you have to go there quite regularly I imagine.
They come here pal. They come here.
7/10: The Director
>good film
Normies: I like it
Critics: Most of us like it
Sup Forums: It's reddit shit
>average film
Normies: I like it
Critics: Some aspects of this film are good, others not so
Sup Forums: It's shit
>shit film
Normies: I like it
Critics: Most of us hate it
Sup Forums: K I N O
I really wanted to like it but the characters were wooden stereotypes, the main character is an autist, the song choices were cringe and there were a ton of plotholes. I don't see why it was necessary to make a movie so similar to Drive when Drive isn't even that old. It's not a meme when people say this is a reddit movie.
whacky dancey guy does the epic music and car chase just like me in gtav
Sup Forums summed up in one post
It's good except for the ending.