Well that was fucking stressful

Well that was fucking stressful

Carriage of the baseball player's friends was fucked up man

Yeah, the ending was shit too tbqh

Time to rewatch this.

What else could they have done though. If they'd shot them i would be out for blood

babbys first korean horror movie

The first half was cool, claustrophobic, scary. Then it turned into who kills 100 zombies first.

entertaining enough to watch but even for a zombie movie it was dumb

>Implying communist dad isn't the greatest hero of our time

Stressful because of the wilful stupidity they display solely to advance the plot. Some of the dialogue was so incredibly cheesey. Gooks have quite a ways to go before catching up to modern film making

>want to watch this (or any movie with subtitles)
>torrent uploaders never do hardcoded subs anymore
>pc to far from bed / small monitor


fucking love this guy, its good to see kick ass father figures in movies once in a while

Open Subtitles

i dont think you understand. my tv and ps4 cant read subtitle files

Hardcoded subs are cancer, especially if you want to watch with subtitles of your own. You can't even change their size, they're always too small too, like look at this shit.

What the fuck? Even the ps3 could


Yes it could i used to watch my films on it

me too? you sure you werent watching a dvd user

Try TEencoder, I think you can hardcode an external subtitle file into a video

Yes i'm sure my tiny island of 100000 people who have never met an asian in their life did not have korean dvds. I used a usb or failing that streamed to it