Lets be honest, this is not bad by any means

Lets be honest, this is not bad by any means
Sup Forums just shits on it because of the annoying fans and to be contrarian

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Very original discussion question

It's meh and you know it.

But my IQ might not be high enough to appreciate it...

it's reddit
it's lame as fuck
it's completely out of touch

only people who like it are 13yo edgy white kids and 30yo white cucks

I barely made it though 1 episode

>not bad by any means
I didn't laugh once watching season 3. Does that count as "bad by any means"?

to be fair...

No shit sherlock

It's not bad by any means, its just incredibly overrated and the fans are fucking annoying.

Enlighten me about the humor hidden within "Pickle Rick" and "Szechuan Sauce" then. I do truly feel like my intelligence is too low, because I don't see it and apparently it's the funniest shit ever.

Seasons 1 and 2 are fine, Roiland is a really entertaining guy. Unfortunately Season 3 got totally Harmon'd

>obvious self-inserts with Pickle Rick monologues
>forced character development that they don't fully commit to
>finale is full of political grandstanding
>cringeworthy monologues ex. Rick's "you're not evil, you're smart" and Jerry apologizing to the alien chick he hooked up with
>le fourth wall breaking


This is a scene from Community where the cast stands in a circle for 8 minutes and zings each other over leaked e-mails. One of the worst scenes in television history, and Harmon had the balls to try and do it again in the R&M season 3 finale. Rick, the President, and a Secret Service detail stand in a circle and zing each other for a solid minute+.

Roiland and Ridley really need to kick that faggot off the show. He is creative poison and probably the worst writer in the industry today. Listen to the Grandma's Virginity Podcast and tell me that it isn't basically the best parts of Rick & Morty without Dan Harmon's "written for writers" brand of humor. The show will only benefit once he is fired/dies.

I think the origins of Pickle Rick was meant to be an unfunny anti-joke but God knows why it was an entire episode.

I'll admit that the annoying fans (le rick and morty is only for intelligent ppl xD) pushed me over the edge in how I feel about the show, but even when you take them out of the equation, it's just not a good show. It's not funny. It's not clever (despite what fans say). I don't get the appeal.

S1 is legit good.
S2 was meh, but entertaining

S3 is objectively bad

only binged this show about 2 months ago and it's kinda good sometimes
would be better if they didn't try so hard to be edgy

>they didn't try so hard to be edgy
I think you guys unironically don't get it, just like the fans by the way, Rick's edginess is not meant to be a good trait, he literally contradicts his own views when he sacrifcies himself for Morty, or admits that he cares for summer during the stand off. It true detective all over again, where people shitposted it because Rust was edgy, ignoring the fact that a lot of characters WITHIN the show called him out on it

the fun part is that Sup Forums is unironically too dumb to get rick and morty, holy shit

its redditkino

without harmon it would just be a string of fart jokes, harmon is an insane person but has some actual talent underneath unlike roiland

season 3 is pure garbage


thats a very brave opinion

Rick and Morty on it's own is another show that is okay at times and garbage other times, and I can ignore it. It isn't shilled in my face by the studio and I don't watch enough TV to really see it anyways.
But the fans are absolute pretentious and autistic cancer

I remember enjoying seasons 1 and 2, but now I cannot watch season 3 for the love of my life. It's probably because I know what the public perception is about it, so I'm actively looking for things people would make fun of instead of just watching it.
So yeah if you watched this show AFTER hearing how "reddit" it is and how cancer the fanbase is you probably could not watch it unbiased.
It was funny though

People like it because it is popular, this is a fact. If people hated shows for being pretentious and shit they would hate Daria instead

>I liked it, but I foud out Sup Forums doesn't like it, now I don't like it


Oh please, there are weed grinders of nearly everuthing in this world

Well to be fair... I really do not like it.

You know those new South Park episodes?

Hate 'em too. Used to love South Park, especially until about season 10. You still had an occasional good episode of course, but things were getting dumber, more forced, and more out of touch with its own characters and thus portions of its audience.

But Rick and Morty? Never liked it. Its juvenile in all the wrong ways. It insists on its pretentious "pointless" outlook on life, and that is simply very boring to me. It feels forced.

But, to be fair, I'm sure there has to be one episode (maybe two or three) that I would like, I just couldn't bother anymore after the first two.

Can't say I fully understand the hype, but I do enjoy the show.


Szechuan sauce was just Roiland rambling into the microphone to provide Rick foaming at the mouth with meaningless background noise. Rabid fandom took it too seriously.

that's your first problem, episode 1 is total garbage

they're anti-jokes that justin roiland threw in as last minute creative decisions that apparently nobody seems to understand

"wubba lubba dub dub" is also explicitly in the show so it can be used for an actually good punchline in season 2, after which it never appears again

it's ridiculous that we live in an era where Sup Forums trolls can sway public opinion of something that others haven't even bothered to watch

i bet you love XRA though you cuckboy

Why is it so important to moronic fanboys that everyone watch their favorite show, and that everyone else like what they like, and hate what they hate? God, you people are stupid.

>literally me when i see a RIck and Morty thread :D :D


Americans were a mistake

I saw one episode and it was one of the most unfunny, cringey shit I've ever seen. You have to have a room temperature IQ to like that garbage.

I'm not gonna let some stupid fans ruin my enjoyment I get out of the show. This isn't even the first thing I've enjoyed that has had really stupid fans of it.

this guy gets it, the show is good and I'm not allowing you or reddit fags to destroy it for me

Sup Forums are mostly trolling but I feel the same way now. The fanbase and S3 has killed any interest.

I really enjoyed it and unlike some hypocrites here I don't let a shitty fanbase ruining a show for me

Please, give me ONE cleverly written joke from this series

While the pickel rick meme is the im rick james bitch for a new generation, when he made the roach guts exoskeleton that was pretty cool

kys subhuman nigger

Well... it's fairly flawed desu and I'm someone who enjoys it.

The pickle rick joke is that therapy is a real pickle.

The Virgin Harmon
The Chad Roiland
The Wizard Ridley

user, you might want to watch those Szechuan videos again

>Cute. Your sister's boss gave me a microscope that would have made me retarded.
>Ooo, oh boy Rick, I-I don't think you're allowed to say that word. Ya know?
>Uh Morty, I'm not disparaging the differently abled. I'm stating the fact that if I had used this microscope it would have made me mentally retarded.
>Ok but yeah, I don't think it's about logic, Rick. I-I think the word has just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feel like they're doing the right thing.
>Well that's retarded.

Come on, you gotta admit that's pretty funny.

The pickle rick episode is literally about some autist reee-ing about therapy, if he'd been Frog Rick you all would've called it Kino.

>It's not funny

That's your opinion. This is the same as "it's boring criticism"

>without harmon it would just be a string of fart jokes
that would be way better than this

It's more about how self care is a boring thing and how the Smith-Sanchez family is dragged into Rick's neurosis.

fucking low test cucks and "muh deep thought provoking cartoon"

cartoons are for children. read some nietszche and shut the fuck up.

True, very rarely does TV actually challenge you, it's meant to sedate you, and Rick & Morty does that well.

Nobody itt thinks rick and morty is deep, seek help for that ugly superiority complex you carry everywhere

>he fell for the "rick and morty is made for le intellectuals" meme

way to expose yourself, brainlet.

buttmad wh*Tey

It's not the worst tv show out there but it's just cringy. It another example of how a certain fan base can ruin anything. Just like the new Star Wars films.

Are you excited for Hannukah?

season 3 was incredibly lackluster

I find it really creative, how they literally create different worlds and crazy aliens, like those dudes who are always trying to steal Rick's secrets.

Also, the fact that they can have an entire show with one guy improvising all the voices and it actually is fun to watch... that's some sort of accomplishment.

seasons 2 and 3 are fucking garbage. but I agree with the OP

these validation from my/tv/ buddies threads are all cringe. if you want to watch something then just do that. why would you give a fuck what a bunch of anonymous autists say about it ?
also are you going to post this thread each and everyday from now on op ?

I celebrate only KARA BOGA

s3 was alright, it had the best and worst episodes show ever had

but yeah, Sup Forums and even normies nowadays hate it a bit because its fanbase is literally cancer. Dan is an alcoholic cuck btw

>Also, the fact that they can have an entire show with one guy improvising all the voices and it actually is fun to watch... that's some sort of accomplishment.
*blocks your path*


The state of nu/tv/

I never heard of that shit
I'm admitting it. Are we all supposed to pretend that context doesn't affect our enjoyment of EVERYTHING? That would be dishonest. The show probably didn't get any worse or better.

Pretty sure it was never meant to be funny. Just some one doing everything in their power to get out of important things and it backfiring.

It has the quality and writing of a mid 2000's flash cartoon

>Are we all supposed to pretend that context doesn't affect our enjoyment of EVERYTHING?
Social validation is not a huge factor for most of the people lurking/posting here, obviously.

o be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


not off to a very good start there lad

It constantly shits on right wing rhetoric. That's the only reason why it's disliked here. Now they are trying to bury it in shit like they think they're some thirsty altar boy soldier fighting the 'good' fight.

Hola nu Sup Forums