>"Uncle Ben,what are you trying to say? I know you can get it out!"
>"P-P.... P-Poles aren't white."
>*uncle ben gasps his past breaths and his eyes roll backwards*
>Y-you... you need to smash the p-patriarchy and... remove he-heteronormative presuppositions Pete
>yass.... queen...
geez, how did raimi get away with it
>Peter...the fuckin chinks...
This development has potential
Go get your fucking shinebox
>I... I turned myself into a corpse
, Peter...
>I'm corpse Ben...
le italian
hahahaaa im so smart, get triggered but ironically so it's smart! both sides are dumbfucks XD
>What are we gonna call this guy?
>That's crap.
>"Cheeto Mussolini"?
>"Donald Duck?".
>That's pretty good. But it's taken! Wait, wait! I got it! "Donald Drumpf".
>But... uh...
>I like it.
>Of course you do. "Donald Drumpf". New villain in town: "Drumpf".
>What, are you looking for a raise? Get out!
Harry tells me you're a holocaust denier. I'm somewhat of a logical thinker myself
>P-peter, you need to wipe my hard drive
Uncle Ben, h-he looked italian
>Oh thank you peter, such a good boy
>such a good.. boy..
*uncle ben dies with a smile on his face*
>P-Peter... It was the Jesuits all along Peter... The jews are innoce....
>Yes, Uncle Ben. It was.
>p-peter those god damn blacks shot me i always told you you cant trust them
why did he need to bring up race in this?
>P-P-Peter, you've been lied to. M-Mel Gibson t-tried to warn you! T-They fabricated it Peter. They control more than you know.
>"Uncle ben...please calm down you're in no-"
>Peter YOU MUST LISTEN! What you know is a Lie...I know the HOLOHOAX wasn't true but...but you...need to...
>"uncle ben? Uncle Ben?! PLEASE UNCLE BEEN
>Uncle b been..it was a white guy
>T then you must forgive him p Peter..it's my dying wish.
>B-But uncle Ben, what if he's Irish?
>I'll forgive your mistake if you do what must done.
I live for Raimi threads.
top kek
>P-Peter... You have to kill the gay people.. They are a disgusting pieces of shit... A disgrace for this world.. Also the niggers.. KILL THEM ALL GODDA...
"white man's burden" and "he looked italian" are the funny ones
>You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, spics, the chinks... on The Day of the Rope they shall all swing from the elm. We will have all niggers dead or in chains in the next ten years, and if I'm wrong may God have me shot by a carjacker this very night. God bless the American Nazi Party."
Powerful, powerful stuff.
>Peter... I need you to get rid of my porn collection... Magazines, videos, some security footage I bought on the black market... There are snuff films in there, Pete. If your Aunt May sees all the pictures I took of her feet while she was sleeping... It's all in the box in the basement labelled "Baby Pictures"... Before you ask: yes, there are baby pictures in there, they're just not of you... Actually, they're a part o the collection, but that doesn't matter now... You've gotta do this for me, Pete. You've got to destroy my porn stash... And I mean DESTROY that shit, kid... Seriously, the hentai alone is enough to get a man put away... Hentai is the Japanese word for "pervert", son, and that's what I am... That's what your Uncle Ben is... All the fat globs of semen I've wasted masturbating to bestiality and vore over the years... And I'm a strong ejaculator, Pete... I'm as sterile as a surgery room, but I cum like a geyser every time... I think part of the thrill was always seeing if I could get any of it in my mouth... The first time I did it was a complete accident, but the taste, Pete... The taste was unlike anything I had ever experienced before... I started to crave it... It was like a drug to me... And that's coming from a guy who did a lot of blow in the 90s... Usually off of the ass-cheeks of some coked out hooker who me and the boys would kill for sport later... I actually have some footage of that in my porn collection... Which, again, you REALLY need to get rid of... I cannot overstate the importance of wiping that shit from the face of the Earth... Okay, what else, what else? Oh, you can have the slice of cake from Aunt May's birthday that I've been saving... I mean, I took a bite out of it, but it's not like I have herpes or anything... Wait... Do genitals count? Never mind, I'm dying now... In summation: great power, great responsibility, burn my porn, eat my cake... Bleh...
>This Sunday... the postman is going to deliver a package to the house. Don't let your Aunt see it. Dispose of it immediately. It's a realistic latex sex doll in the shape of a 5 year old child. A child, Peter. Yes, I couldn't resist the cunny. I craved and I coveted and I yearned. That wave of unsolved child abductions 10 years ago here in New York? That was me, Pete. Your uncle Ben. But I've changed my ways. I've changed, and you can too. Recently, I felt that evil fire rekindle deep inside me. I feared of relapsing so I ordered the doll to quench those urges without hurting another soul. They are made in the Phillipines by master craftsmen and modeled after real kids. The shipping alone is over 2,000 dollars, Pete. I emptied your college fund for that doll, Peter. Forgive me, Pet-
>Looks directly at camera
Never fails to make me laugh.
Actually it’s reddit to hate this meme
The joker eacaped arkham asylum. I need you to rape him spidey.
Jesus Christ Rami...man times were different
It was a different time indeed
pure gold
>stares into the camera
>Raimiposting gets popular on r/Sup Forums
>Threads about it on Sup Forums skyrocket.
Really makes me think
This is my favorite meme.
>Raimi believed Spidermans violent cannibalistic themes would be deemed taboo or too horrifying by others and was worried the game would not be permitted for publishing. With this in mind, Raimi kept many of the violent sequences a secret, When the movie was finished, he submitted a "clean" version (i.e. without the violent and disturbing story content) for approval. He deliberately submitted the master late, knowing that part of the penalty would require him to hand-deliver it to the manufacturers in the United States. While on the plane ride to the US, he switched the "clean" discs with the finalized discs including the horrific content, thus completely bypassing all censorship
Why did uncle Ben ask Peter to sit on his face? I understand that he was dying in pain and wanted to be put out of his misery, but that seemed like such a strange way to smother him.
not surprising
It's over shits finished
I think Jon Watts went too far here.
>He was White Peter
>All these years protesting the Civil Rights Act, and one of my own gets me.
>Was I wrong boy?
>Uncle Ben-he-he looked Italian
>Oh Peter, thank you
>[Uncle Ben dies smiling]
There wasn't a dry eye in the theater after this scene. Bravo, Raimi.
>In 2016 Maguire revealed the grueling tactics Raimi employed in order to get the most out of the cast for the trilogy. Such tactics included shouting various expletives, mostly racially charged, at maguires co-star Kirsten Dunst with a bullhorn as well as drawing mustaches on holocaust victim photos and taping them in various hidden places of her trailer, the most shocking of which was at the bottom of a toilet. When questioned about the stunt he simply stated "I named him Ali Shaheeb Muhammad." Other techniques in his arsenal were making J.K. Simmons snort copious amounts of chili powder to "bring out the 'spic lick taco talk rage' from within him" in the first movie. Maguire arguably suffered the worst of Raimi's wrath as he was forced to kick a rusty nail about 3 times a day in order to ensure tetanus so he was able to develop an intense jaw that "couldn't possibly occur naturally in his little twink fag body naturally. This broke his back which was coincidentally already part of the script in the second movie. Raimi still made Maguire fall off the building a couple of times to ensure the shots looked authentic as possible despite a medical professional and a rather unecessary 9/11 witness claiming it was already authentic the first time. Raimi proceeded to order a pair of discs over to the group, both of which were copies of the first movie's untreated unmastered director's cut which featured approximately 36 hours of footage, 34 of which were of spider-man trying and mercilessly failing to help on the September 11th terrorist attacks on New York City. Much of this footage was of spider-man running, jumping, and attempting to save jumpers by their genitals. The film cuts to the second half of theatrical cut only after Spidey trampolines on a penis-shaped web on Ground Zero. Raimi claims this is to symbolize how "the gays are destroying america. Did you not see that skinny little cumbucket suckboy we cast?" Maguire wishes to work with Raimi again in the future.
>"It's my last gift to you Peter..."
>This Sunday... the postman is going to deliver a package to the house. Don't let your Aunt see it. Dispose of it immediately. It's a realistic latex sex doll in the shape of a 5 year old child. A child, Peter. Yes, I couldn't resist the cunny. I craved and I coveted and I yearned. That wave of unsolved child abductions 10 years ago here in New York? That was me, Pete. Your uncle Ben. But I've changed my ways. I've changed, and you can too. Recently, I felt that evil fire rekindle deep inside me. I feared of relapsing so I ordered the doll to quench those urges without hurting another soul. They are made in the Phillipines by master craftsmen and modeled after real kids. The shipping alone is over 2,000 dollars, Pete. I emptied your college fund for that doll, Peter. Forgive me, Pet-
Some of the finest acting anyone has ever witnessed.
>I...I had a choice Peter. Shield myself from the bullet with the book, or take the bullet and spare the book. Show me I made the right decision Peter...make me proud..
>"but the book is on sale Uncle Ben, you could have bought another, why did you do it?"
>My notes Peter, read and you will *cough* understand. Just ignore all the dicks I drew..
>Now it's six million and one...
Powerful stuff.
>[Peter opens the front cover] For all the good work you are doing for the cause. Love A.H.
I had no idea who "A.H" was as a kid. Really explains Ben's sentimentality.
>Niggers Peter... 50 percent of the crime, and only 13 percent of the population.
>... Don't tell Harry
>harry tells me you don't believe jet fuel can melt steel beams
>I'm a bit of an architectural engineer myself