Missing edition.
Missing edition.
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can /who/ edits of garfield strips become a meme?
How has your day been /who/?
I had my final exam, didn't do perfect but I think I'm sitting on a comfy D for the course
>iOS scans your email for contact info.
that is possible too
>how someone could be so sex oriented
maybe not sex oriented but interest oriented
I still don't know the story behind how someone got jim to write that
would it be as simple as going up to jim at a convention? Does he do those?
is this canon too?
Introducing Jodie Whitaker as the Garfield
is this mcganon or a brand new trip?
I think you can order them off the website, it has a thing where you can enter a custom message and he'll write it. Knowing this franchise it probably costs billions.
Good morning, Jason.
Do you really think I would say even half the shit they say? I hope not.
>listen to Starship of Theseus
>8's companion was a lie all this time while Bliss blips into existence.
>Doctor's referred to as the Renegade
>talk of Battle TARDISes and time ships
Yeah, Dorney's been reading some Faction lately.
>Battle TARDISes
they are mentioned on Time in Office and Neverland
Nice try, N8.
>Thirteenth Doctor gets a garfield like talking cat.
WIll it hurt?
re-watching some random episodes over the past few days and somehow i've stumbled on multiple episodes that involved the "isolated AI that doesn't know its causing harm"-trope
episode where Matt Smith goes to a pirate ship with beautiful Siren that's actually an AI-nurse
episode where Matt Smith rents out a room in a duplex where the 2nd story is an alien ship with an AI looking for a pilot.(the resolution to this episode was terrible btw)
episode where David Tenant saves the queen of france or somewhere from those clock robots trying to rebuild their ship with her because the ship was named after her
I've seen all 3 of these within a short span, hopping around multiple seasons. I never noticed the frequency of it until now.
How often is this plot device employed? Can anyone remember other episodes that would fit the criteria?
user has a little bit of a fixation
Will it hurt in prison?
Yes, Jason. It will hurt.
empty child / the doctor dances
since Zoe broke a computer with riddles
we have a limited number of tropes, we just need to recycle in a way most of normies do not notice
remember when 10th told Donna that strangely she had 3 adventures with hologram reality?
then he was doxxed and left?
Why Donna was so bitchy and whiny for more then a half of her series? Also why Ten liked her so much if she was like that? Was he a giant bitch inside too?
How would you feel if the BBC couldn't have secured the rights for the Daleks to be in the 2005 revival? Apparently we would've ended up with the Toclafane as the race that fought against Gallifrey in the Time War. But they managed to get permission from Terry Nations estate so thankfully it never happened.
Would have been a little crazy to have the humans of the future be the ones that wiped out the Doctor's people considering his love for Earth.
Because after two companions in a row that lusted after him, here was one who legitimately was along for the thrill of the ride, the splendor of seeing the universe.
He also probably liked the fact that she argued and stood up for herself because he could probably see that she'd spent her whole life feeling inferior because she wasn't successful, or because he could tell her mother had essentially given up on her completely.
>"And for one moment...one shining moment..she was the most important woman in the universe."
>"She still is. She's my daughter!"
>"Maybe you should tell her that once in a while!"
But essentially she's back at the beginning after 10th raped her mind with a mind-wipe. So after all she's still feeling inferior.
Yeah, I think 10 probably figured that was preferable to her dying a horrible death her family would scarcely understand.
How do we "fix" bookclub?
good that Clara raped his mind in s9
Based Clara.
I have to go to work now
maybe will post from there
tonight, Listening to Terror Firma
or maybe Time War if there is a leak or if you convince me to buy it
who are you exactly?
good riddance
Comfy feels
>More Time War audios
>More Gallifrey audios
>More Ten
>More comfy Benny audios
That great moment when the Warner Doctor is more interested in plumbing than the lost city and that GOAT moment when the Kisgart Master gets stuck as the President of the Universe forever
Shitty feels
>Braxiatel isn't listed in the nu Benny audios and isn't listed on the new Gallifrey audios currently
After the Watchmaker shenanigans is Schrodinger's Braxiatel and I really, really wanted to see what would happen if the young Gallifrey version met up with the Benny one
>No comfy War Doc, Narvin, Brax, Romana, Leela shenanigans
I know that it's either Rassilawn or The Master and there's no chance in hell Romana would stay Lady President during the LGTW but come on, the story potential would be fantastic
>No Co-ordinator Narvin and War Doctor scene playing out like in the Seasons of War
>No comfy Susan and War Doctor adventures ever
Probably would have been dramatically better. The Daleks are horribly wasted by nearly every writer and episode they have ever appeared in. The truth that the doctors most loved planet and species was twisted and deformed by the Master at the end of the universe and made to fight in a harrowing battle ending in the genocide of both humans and time Lords could have been an incredible reveal. I think you could really believe that the Doctor might just give up, which in 2005-2017 who often seems unlikely.
>Already...? The madman, he's actually doing it!
Did you ever doubt me? More fool you~
He's great!
I've found the happy alternative, but not the opposite
The writer of it is their best writer really, but he's written a few, some are quite a bit better than Chimes too imo
Since you liked Chimes I'd go through some of his good monthlies, I can list out a list if you want
kek you couldn't pay me to watch it either
I'm interested in what you think!
VNA wise, I read Lungbarrow years ago, and read The Dying Days a few days ago. EDA wise, I'm literally just about to start...
*checks title*
I cannot see the slightest similarity between them; it's someone different.
What are the issues you've identified?
>when neo comes online
When was the last time you came so hard and so long you forgot where you were?
>I cannot see the slightest similarity between them
her trip is 'mcgann'
I'm asexual, please refrain from posting about such things
And I truly laughed my ass off in the psychiatrist and Warner Doctor episode when he rewrote her entire life a la Moffat Continuity Errors style and then Benny asks him how it goes at the end.
New Adventures 4 >>>>> New Adventures 3 >>> New Adventures 1 >>> New Adventures 2
Her tripname is, her tripcode isn't, and their posting styles and opinions are completely different. Plus she flat out said she isn't. They are different people.
Fun fact: tripnames be changed at a whim too, check out mine right now
>he doesn't like the most thought provoking line in Doctor Who history
>What are the issues you've identified?
Wednesday and Sunday's posts went by with no comments other than yours plus Nacho's author commentary. The review posters have vanished or stopped. At this declining rate of engagement, everyone in the last quarter or so of the anthology is going to get passed over.
>not the catharsis of spurious morality
Neo what do you think of Paul Abbott story
That's indeed a bit of a shame. I know there are quite a few people (including McGanon and the relsposter, if he's still up to it) who are just lagging behind because of simple life reasons, and will eventually catch up and post thoughts. I know there are also some users like Immigrant and lym and stormy who often get around to posting their thoughts, sometimes a bit later, too. So a charitable view might be that activity hasn't dwindled so much as, hmm, had its temporalities relocated? Sufficient technobabble handwave? =)
If it's any consolation, I'll aim to post more in-depth thoughts than my brief ones for this last session, next time - certainly don't want anyone to be passed over.
The Rose thing?
To be perfectly honest I absolutely despise the idea and am extremely glad it didn't happen.
I think it could work wonderfully for certain companions (Clara had a vaugely similar set-up, although that was Missy putting two personalities together she knew would escalate each other, rather than crafting a personality altogether), but I think it would massively undercut basically...everything about series 1. Rose goes from being an ordinary shopgirl who managed to transcend her banal life, to just being another handcrafted bit of Doctor lore...she doesn't transform 9 by putting him into the world of soaps and estates, she's just there because she was manipulated to be to teach the Doctor some lesson about whatever. And it makes 9 creepy as fuck, which doesn't fit him. The whole Bad Wolf twist in the finale would become a 7-esque "le I set this up, I am so manipulative and evil" rather than 9 refusing to be cold anymore, and his positive influence PLUS Rose's own personal development leading to him getting saved.
I hate any story that tries to heap too much lore onto the initial Rose stuff, because it's meant to be new and fresh and beautiful, not all cold and clinical and manipulated.
Also Boom Town is a super comfy ep so I'm glad that replaced it.
I think what happened with Amy was the perfect way to do it. The Doctor wasn't trying to change her life, he just happened to land in the right place at the right time, causing Amy to develop a bit of an obsession.
threadly reminder that adam orford is a prematurely balding creep that texts little girls, physically stalks peter capaldi along with anyone else he can on the doctor who production and is in general a whinging spineless manchild that deserves to be mocked mercilessly
Who is the Harvey Weinstein of Dr Who?
Weirdly butting into conversations and spilling spaghetti is bad enough, but announcing all your activities to /who/ is just spamming your life story that no one wants to hear. Please stick to on topic discussion.
we know
he reported his wiki page to the wikia admins and had it deleted
wtf i love tom now
Why does he even like her? She's a health nut freak.
Adam Orford not even joking, but with 0 power over anything, especially his hairline
Reminder that Adam is prejudiced against little people.
Chiswick is about a mile up the road from me. It feels somewhat disconcerting to know Orford has been so close.
She's the only woman that's been generous enough to give him any notice.
What if it did happen and 9 was manipulative maniac all along? Isn't it truly VNA level dark?
ROSE: Look at you, beaming away like you're Father Christmas.
DOCTOR: Who says I'm not, red bicycle when you were twelve?
ROSE: What?
Congrats Tom, you are now a roastlord.
What a psycho.
>The Doctor: I'm the Doctor. I've lived for over two thousand years, and not all of them were good. I've made many mistakes, and it's about time I did something about that. Clara, I'm not your boyfriend.
>Clara: I never thought you were.
>The Doctor: I never said it was your mistake.
this is honestly my one of my favourite lines in all of nuwho desu, its really mature coming from a time when doctor who was more silly than mature for a while.
Who wrote that creepy line ... oh, of course it would be him.
I didn't think it possible for him to look more ridiculous. Oh how I was so very wrong
I especially love the "problem?". I can tell he was thinking "oh man i'm such an epic trole".
Who the fuck is this Judy person now? Do we really need blatant attention whores? At least McGanon chose a not so fucking obvious name.
I think they have to be a troll because they're so weird and annoying. They reply with irrelevant observations to other people's posts and conversations, keep /who/ updated with their day to day life and just talk loads of shit. I really hope they stop, leave or at least take off their trip.
And I say that as a fan!
I really hope there's truth in the Bradders rumours.
Imagine him looking in the mirror every morning carefully styling his mullet and leaving the house thinking that's a good look. He couldn't look more of a creep if he was handing out roofie infused lollis from his rust covered hatchback
These are exactly the sort of jokes that will cause me to abandon the series entirely again. Watched 9 and 10 with great interest, left during 11's run, came back for 12's and now if they throw in constant jokes about gender and how being a woman is so much better, I'm taking another fucking break.
What Bradders rumors?
Its confirmed as of a few days ago
3 companions.
Bradders rumours?
Newfag from neogaf i bet she is.
Agreed. That image is basically Doctor Who As Written By Tumblr.
About Bradley Walsh being a companion.
I don't think they're an actual girl, the name is a Twin Peaks reference.
>i was reading it as juddy
Someone missed the announcement 3 days ago.
Whatever they are they seem to be painfully new
The way the announcement article of the new companions was phrased makes it seem like they'll sort of be swapping around a few times rather than being in the TARDIS crew all the time, anyone else get that feeling?
I would say its creepy that they are taking mcganons trip and coat tailing her, but neo did the same thing
Almost one of every colour.
This trailer for the audios that tries to double as a Paul McGann TV intro is campy as fuck but they have a new version of the middle 8 in it so I forgive them. Ahhhhhh!