>watching movie
>hear Wilhelm scream
Watching movie
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching movie
>black guy talks to a white girl
>watching movie
>it's that one stock dragon roar
>watching movie
>see boobies
>watching horror movie
>the monster makes doom demon sounds
was the acting is this movie done poorly on purpose?
>watching movie
>it's that one stock video game door opening sound
>horror/post-apocalypse movie
>every single sound effect is stock, including the "original" creatures/weapons/vehicles
>watching movie
>hear howie scream
>"is someone playing starcraft?"
gotta get those stimpaks
>Watching (action/war) movie
>Characters whom are supposed to be skilled or experienced with guns, blink when they shoot
>movie shows flashback featuring kids playing outside
>child_laughter.wav starts playing
>Watching (action/war) movie
>Close up shot of a bullet leaving a barrel and killing someone
>It still has the case on it
>heh, hahaHUHUH
I hate kids laughter anyway, but hearing that one specific sound clip in every movie makes me want to kill myself
>someone gets punched
>snare drum noise
The Taking Of Deborah Logan?
>they use the wilhelm scream more than once
Name literally one movie
>Something shocking happens in front of a group of people
The Babadook
it really gives me the creeps for some reason. I think it's because I've grown up hearing that specific laugh in so many different mediums (I think I first heard it in some Windows 98/Microsoft Home software), it's embedded into my mind as this familiar yet uncanny, almost artificial sound. Honestly doesn't even sound human at this point.
>watching movie
>guy comments on size of another guy
>aforementioned gentleman explains that his size, while impressive to someone of the first gentleman's stature, is most likely not overly large on the average
wojak stop crying
>somebody throws something
>offscreen glass breaking sound and cat screech
>maybe throw in garbage can knocking over sound as well
it gets bigger when i pull on it
>the boobies are those small and saggy boobies that look sad
>watching movie
>hear source engine barrel hit sound
>hear slowed down fast zombie scream
How are these stock sounds used in a 2004 game still being used in high budget Hollywood movies in 2017 ?
>watching movie with parents
>sex scene out of fucking nowhere
Why is this so awkward
Is it awkward for the parents as well?
to be fair the fast zombie scream is fucking good
As a joke.
>wathing movie
>blades of any kind makes sounds when swung, un/sheathed, and stabbing flesh makes the sound of 800 melons being stomped/raped
>pistols/rifles raised from hip level to eye level makes stock cocking sound
>grenades explode in flames
>"that stock suppressor/silencer sound"
>being shot by shit like 9mm in the stomach kills people instantly
>being shot by shit like 9mm in the stomach kills people instantly
K. Why don't you try it on yourself? Don't forget to film it and have your next of kin upload it on youtube. Goodluck user.
>scene with people in a car
>road is wet while everything else is dry
There are literally thousands of videos showing people getting shot 10 times and fucking running away. A cop friend shot a guy in the fucking heart, the guy fucking ran to his car and drove for 10 minutes.
You absolute fucking retarded kike.