The borg are a plague on every species

>the borg are a plague on every species
>has multiple chances to end them for good
>instead helps them survive and adapt
>even helps fight a species that could kill them

seriously is she the worst fucking captain? affirmative action hires really suck in star trek.

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Picard had the chance to wipe out the Borg for good and he chickened out. She did what she did to get home faster.

Picard didn't want to commit genocide.

>blah blah get home faster blah blah
literally every time someone defends her actions this comes up. like fuck humanity bro i wanna watch tv lol

ok, same logic applies to janeway then

can't really be genocide, the borg aren't a race, more of a computer program that wants to assimilate the galaxy

nobody gives a fuck about the borg, it would be better to completely eradicate them and then salvage and learn from whats left

Borg lives matter.

they literally don't though

Didn't some black op section of Starfleet try to do that to seven?

i will never forgive picard for not wiping out the borg, not immediately trying to destroy the crystalline entity and handing over superior cloaking technology and selling out an admiral to the fucking romulans

They do matter. They're trillions of people connected to the collective. Estimates are there's more people enslaved to the collective then there are citizenry in the Federation. It would be unthinkable to kill that many people because of muh feelings.

The Next Gen was literally Cuck: The Philosophy. And you wonder why everyone's a welcome refugees pussy today. Star Trek was a mistake.

Picard's a good guy. That's why Q loves him. He stands with his beliefs to the bitter end. He's an idealist, they're a rare thing in the universe.

There was hue or whatever his name was, all those Borg lore set free, seven of nine, "one" I think his name was who treated seven as his mom, all those Borg from uniatrix zero. All those Borg showed there was more to them than assimilation.

They matter.

>muh feelings
retard. the borg needing to be wiped out is just pure logic, they aren't people anymore.

>He's an idealist
Which is why he directly caused the human genocide by the borg by letting them go. There's no excuse. Every last human killed by the borg at Wolf is on Picard's hands. Idealists like him are the same problem as are mad commies like Lenin and Stalin. They're the same delusional type of a madman.

the needs of the few DO NOT outweigh the needs of the many

>saved ten people while borg assimilated endless millions at the same time
Yeah, it sure is great nobody destroyed borg

>those Borg showed there was more to them than assimilation
This is basically an argument for becoming a borg drone because there's no metaphysical difference between them and everyone else. You're insane.

>Not immediately trying to destroy rhe crystalline entity
Only brainlets think Picard was wrong in this

Lenin, Mao and Stalin elevated their people considerably. Were it not for them, their respective peoples would not have become as awesome. Although China has benefited greatly from Mao's legacy with nearly 240 million middle class. That's amazing, no?

But they are, and once free of the possession that is their borg collective they usually can return to some form of normalcy.

Just because neogaf is run by a supposed rapist doesn't mean we want you here.

Wolf was before Hue, retard

The universe would be a better place if the Borg and Romulans were eliminated.

Romulans did nothing wrong.

And the Klingons, they are nothing but problems

so your solution is to just free everyone connected to the borg? typical liberal. who's gonna do the bootwork for that? how do you get to claim risking billions of free human lives (and other races for that matter) is worth POSSIBLY freeing some enslaved minds that MIGHT return to normal? instead of wiping out the collective so that everyone can continue their lives without the threat of near invincible cyborg demons from space.

I've been seeing that word a lot lately, "neogaf", what are they?

Liberal? No my son, not a progressive bone in this body. Not necessarily a Republican either, they're too soft. I'm Hard Right, like Really Hard Right.

Killing trillions of people is not the answer though.

you keep using that word, i think you mean drones

They're nothing but untrustworthy backstabbers. Constantly scheming and trying to destabilise the rest of the Quadrant. Basically the USA of Star Trek.

The Freed said of their Captivity, "It was the voice of a billion voices in my head, and a feeling of warmth, purpose and belonging. And when you're freed you feel naked, unsure of what to do next. In the collective you knew your place and you knew what your mandate was, once freed of it you have to make your own path, and it's frightening." They all make a transition back to humanity though.

And by U S of A you of course mean the true masters of the United States, The Trilateral Group and their members, ,the Rothchilds, Rockerfellars, Morgans and so on. They also are the ones who own the majority of stock of the Federal Bank, a privately owned bank that controls Our Currency. Read, The Monster from Jekylll Island.

you clearly don't understand trek