>A badass, if a bit insensitive, character turns into a clueless autist over the course of the first two seasons.
Does this get better again in future seasons or will he continue to be an oblivious social retard for the rest of the show?
>A badass, if a bit insensitive, character turns into a clueless autist over the course of the first two seasons.
Does this get better again in future seasons or will he continue to be an oblivious social retard for the rest of the show?
Well OP, what do you think the general audiences find more appealing?
I have never watched it but the actor is a smug bastard that I don't like.
Sorry but no.
I hate it.
It's so stupid and unrealistic.
Before anyone replies I know he is a devil. But he just plays a horny cunt
Not OP
I enjoy this show mostly for it's comfyness, doesnt mean I agree with the way shit gets presented.
I think a badass elder archangel who has roamed the earth for millenia and shows wisdom and cunning appropriate would be way more appealing of a character though.
Am I weird?
Does this mean there are "normies" who disagree with this?
>stupid and unrealistic.
It's a show about supernatural shit. Did you expect it to be realistic?
He's only become more aware, not less. Him telling his brother off was trying to push him away. His insensitivity is at heart of the comics as well since they're addressing his main problem with the universe. A lack of true free will. Having the wings put back on him is more akin to rape than any other act. It is driving him mad to not have the choice to wear them or not.
>I think a badass elder archangel who has roamed the earth for millenia and shows wisdom and cunning appropriate would be way more appealing of a character though.
I won't even watch the show unless that's true
What I'm talking about is his psychiatrist having to spoon feed him everything, and even then he still doesn't get it.
Also the episode where he follows Dan around imitating everything he does, cause he feels guilty about his bro or whatever, was particularly retarded.
>Having the wings put back on him is more akin to rape than any other act.
>It is driving him mad to not have the choice to wear them or not.
Haven't got to that part yet, but you make it sound like a better analogy would be being forced to wear a burka everywhere, rather than rape. Still sounds really messed up though.
it's not bad, but not great, but compared to other current tv shows it's good. There is character dev and you can sometimes feel for the characters, but maybe i'm just a fag.
also trixie ands ella a qt
seen like 1 episode
how can a godlike entity even have a series? have any adventures, conflicts ? he is overpowered as fuck. even in human body. Or do they make god the evil guy in te rest of the series?
It's kind of true for most of the first season. The second season is mostly him being literally retarded interspersed with a few moments of him being cool, which is what I was complaining about (the retarded part, not the cool part).
They nerf him by slowly making him as vulnerable as a human throughout season 1. He still has powers of suggestion though
Are they really trying to pass that guy off as being attractive enough to play the devil? Guy is painfully average
oh but he is British too!
This show is so fucking gay
>What I'm talking about is his psychiatrist having to spoon feed him everything, and even then he still doesn't get it.
Well, first of all you have to keep in mind that most people who watch network television are retarded so they need everything spoonfed to them which is why the psychiatrist explains everything.
Second of all Lucifer is completely self absorbed so he only picks out what he wants to hear.
What do you mean by clueless autist?
>smug bastard
>playing the human form of Satan
Gee, I wonder why.
the only good parts of this shitty show are the soundtrack and lauren german's ass
barely managed to finish the first season due to this annoying clown playing the role of lucifer
do they show that ass in panties?
>gates form faux devil wings on his back
Holy S H I T
This is some good fucking kino.
Literally kafkaesque/lovecraftian.
I like it, I like it a lot.
When is Sandman going to show up?
I mean his character loses almost all self-awareness and acts like a cringy retard. He constantly needs people's feelings and actions (especially his own) spelled out for him, and even then his sperg level is reminiscent of a minecraft convention attendee.
The episode where he follows Dan around imitating everything he does, cause he feels guilty about his bro or whatever, was particularly bad.
Posting best girls.
No matter what they do to Lucifer's character, these two will make it worth watching for me.
He never grows, its the same lucifer every epsiode. Characters are good and banter is good but him doing his social insenstivity even when he should know better by now gets tiring.
yeah they should have dropped that kind of behavoir in season 2 but if they kept it up this long its going to remain unfortunately.
I do like the show, but I wish they made Lucifer a bit more like his comic counterpart. I'd like for him to actually cut loose and get shit done once in a while.
>watching The X-Files for 12 year old white girls