poor bastard looks like he's never gonna break America
Poor bastard looks like he's never gonna break America
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Thought xmen were huge hits because of him and Jlaw
apocalypse was last year, all 3 of his flicks this year have flopped.
He should read the scripts (lol)
he's been a lead role in one of the biggest franchises of recent years, alongside actual good movies where his performances have been praised.
how do you define breaking america?
getting recognized in public in the states
>getting recognized in public in the states
why the fuck would he want that, getting mobbed by retards in public is the worst part of being an actor.
>A video game movie? What could go wrong!
he didn't become a bad actor overnight, he just needs to fire his agent and maybe sit down and read a few scripts before he takes them
>"You know, we absolutely want to respect the game. There's so much cool stuff in the game that we're actually spoiled for choice in terms of what we can use and what we can't, but we also want to bring new elements to it and perhaps our own version of things that already exist in the game. But we're definitely making a feature film, and we're approaching it as a feature film, as opposed to approaching it as a video game. But I love the world... When I met up with the guys from Ubisoft and they started to explain this whole world and the idea of D.N.A memory – you know, I think it's a very feasible scientific theory. I just thought, 'This is so rich,' and about the possibility of it being this cinematic experience. So I'm really excited about it, and we're working very hard to make sure that we've got the best and most exciting, original package."
>—Michael Fassbender, star and producer of the film, on how much of the film would remain faithful to the game and how much would be an original story.
it's not whether he wants it or not dumb limey, it's public perception and he has none apparently
The goose, Bale, Mccounaughey, Pitt, Cooper are flopping too. It's the end of the white male, the death of Chads.
I've always assumed that since they have the same director and both star Cotillard and Fassbender that Assassin's Creed was something they were obligated to do after being allowed to make Macbeth.
If it's really the case then you can hardly hold it against him
Goose had that terrible singing movie
>the idea of D.N.A memory – you know, I think it's a very feasible scientific theory
fassbender confirmed retarded
metal gear would blow his fucking mind
How can he no-
Oh... That makes sense now
To be fair to fass even fucking Ubisoft weren't faithful to their own story or franchise
>they started to explain this whole world and the idea of D.N.A memory – you know, I think it's a very feasible scientific theory.
i've been watching too much pornography lately
a quick glance at the thumbnail made me think that was a fat ass in garter belts baka
Yeah but even Ubisoft has come to realize no one likes the animus shit anymore and it takes a backseat to the historical settings and the characters in them, what kind of lunatic would devote 65% of the movie to future shit and 35% to the history stuff? They fucked up.
marrying a brown stick was just another one of his bad mistakes!
I meant mices. Sorry
I can understand someone sucking a cock to play Hamlet but I'm not going to respect it
>washington post
>generations of mice
>..b-but that's totally the same f-senpai..!
yeah nah
Looks like someone's about to join the DCEU
How could holocaust trauma be passed on if it never happened?
Fassbender, along with Gerard Butler, are completely unkillable. Butler was a leprechaun in Movie 43 for Christ's sake, and he's still a high earner. Not to mention that Fassbender has the acting chops to get any role he wants. He just chooses to go after the big bucks even if the movie is gonna be a big piece of shit.
It hapened in an alternative universe, tardoboi
It was just handled badly, in the first game I hated the animus bits at the start, then towards the end they were all that kept me going as the gameplay was getting stale, they should've handled it more like that one where he is slowly uncovering clues and info on his own with help of somebody unknown, hell they could've ended it the same way with the historical story wrapped up and the animus story on a cliff hanger
>Goy look we're still suffering from the Shoah, keep those reperations coming!
Happened *
fassbender sucks. most overrated actor in recent memory
Only a retard would think otherwise.
Only problem is that Fassbender was producer on the AC movie before he did Macbeth, so looks like Fassy dragged him down into the gutter with him
That's the difference between an actor like Fassbender and an actor like Gosling.
Fassbender is pretty much a movie whore who will star in anything if they give him money. As a result, when a movie of his flops, it becomes embarassing.
Gosling is an actor who is picky with his projects and make sure he enjoys them, as a result, when a movie of his flops (like Blade Runner) it's still adored and respected.
Fassbender is his own worst enemy.