Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie Is the Marvel Movies' First-Ever LBGTQ Character
"And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her."
Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie Is the Marvel Movies' First-Ever LBGTQ Character
"And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her."
>and yes, that's a good thing
stop giving these people attention and clicks you utter whores
Well that's good because we care very little about her.
Legit curious. Who is this and why should I give a fuck? sexuality and what gender they decide to be is not a good enough reason I should add.
Why do these articles always have an included "and" after the title.
She's really unattractive. I can't quite place it, something about her face is repulsive to me
No, you goddamn fucks, she's an L. You can't be all of them at once
Identity marker. Like with Tumblr art that all looks the same articles are written to a specific style for the demograph it's aimed at. In this case it's the mentally ill and nu males.
>Marvel beats DC again
>Now DC will try to catch up and make Wonder Woman a transsexual
Holy shit, have the movies been changed forever?
I mean, a fictional character likes to eat pussy. And she's black! How will Drumpf recover now?!
All of Drumpf here. We can't.
>>"And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her."
Until they stop hiring her for films. Cause no women will ever create their own production companies.
>from Wonder Woman to Wonder if that's a Woman
Wondie already confirmed she fucks girls in her movie.
That's the B in LGBT.
Damn son ice cold
Harley Quinn is bisexual.
>black lesbian Scandinavian Valkyrie
I'm glad it won't hurt her feelings in that case if we call her out for being a fucking terrible actress, then.
user you
At least it's semi accurate to comic book Valkyrie
She's lesbian, bi, gay, trans, and queer?
You gotta problem with that shitlord?
Yes. representation EXTREME!
She was bi in the comics but as you can tell from the actress they don't give a shit about the comics.
It's LGBTLMNOP you bigot
I think they're loosely adapting the story of when thor got turned into a frog, but instead Brunnhilde got turned into a monkey
Bonesaw was
How come when the cast of a movie say a certain character is gay or lesbian, nothing is shown in the actual film that points to that said character being an lbgt freak. It's like blockbusters are afraid and don't have the balls to show people displaying gay/lesbian tendencies.
Same shit happened with force awakens
>implying tony and cap never had gay sex
That's okay. I don't really know who she is, and care very little about her in general, so we are even. And *I* can google her nude scene/s anytime I want and fap to her body. So really, I think I'm coming out ahead here.
so netflix shit once again confirmed not-canon
Why should anyone care about what misogynistic cunts think? Btw new Thor movie was super fun and Valkyrie was so #litty
What's the Q stand for?
q-sexual, of course.
so that the retards who read these articles know what they should be thinking
In their defense when american gods did it everybody flipped the fuck out.
>first LGBTQ character
so which one? all letters at once? why not just call her a lesbian? and how is this newsworthy anyway, who cares?
>bi moved ahead of gay
what happened?
Norse god is now a nigger faggot.
>"And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her."
If she did they wouldn't feel the need to comment on it.
Maybe it is because i'm from middle/eastern Europe - where comic books don't really have a culture of their own- but the ability of getting emotionally involved in these franchises seems so surrealistic to me. I have seen some of these movies, iron man, the new star wars, so on. I do not have a bad memory yet i fail to recall anything. Storylines, characters, weight, suspense, really, anything. In retrospect these movies all seem like blurry dreams too irrelevant to remember. Yet a constant argument seems to be in place about who gets roles, what agenda is pushed, etc. Can someone explain the phenomena to me, the cultural importance of the source material, the reason behind being so deeply involved in seemingly empty mirages and plays of light? I mean these movies have the aesthetic and artistic value equivalent to that of the packaging of a soda or cereal product.
The fact that it is mentioned means she cares A LOT about what men think of her.
That was funny since it pissed off Muslims
>I do not have a bad memory yet i fail to recall anything.
That’s because modern Disney movies are made with the intent to satisfy immediate needs and are not designed to have lasting appeal. They make you laugh and then you walk out and forget about them so they can give you the same exact experience a few months later.
That's ok. I don't have to pay to see this anti-white shit.
she don't need no man
Diversity placement on 3rd. Thinks she hit a triple.
It wasn't enough to make her a nigger was it
I understand that, even though i think it should loose the appeal quickly, after a few repetitions. What I do not get is that people seem to search for value behind it, like in this case, an indignation takes place, just because a fictional women originating from an ultimately dull and weightless medium gets portrayed by a black dyke. I get the outcry over the pushed diversity, but when it is pushed in a form that is inherently garbage and should not even be considered any more than that, why care? I mean if i go to a restaurant and a plate of feces is on the menu, i do not go out of my way to try it out and get shocked and angered when it also contains hepa virus or has flies all over it, like in this case. I simply don't order that item and that is it.
Is she legless dwarf too? They need representation too
thats a shame, i was actually looking forward to watching it.
You are completely right. I dont think anyone here is looking for pearls of wisdom int the Marvel/DC/Disney shitpile anymore, they are just upset that people make really bad fanfiction about novels/characters they like. I threw a fit when the new 'Star Trek' came out and it took a shit on everything I liked about it.
>An entire article was written just so Marvel can rip cash off faggots
quality journalism
the more dyke niggers the fewer abortions i have to subsidze.
This bitch is hard to look at.
I don't mind muslims committing halal. They should show that episode in every Muslim country to help the fags desu
I see. I mean I would also be upset if pic related would be adapted to live action with a cast of negroid, middle eastern and sexually aberrated people instead of real animals.
Women are children.
Wonder Woman beat marvel though, that's why they're pulling this shit now
>you can’t be a tough and strong woman without munching carpet
Doesn’t seem very progressive to me
because normalization works better as a slow process. it is irritating though.
Uhhhhh..... excuse me sweetie, but Cap and Iron Man are trans lesbians with each other. By calling Valkyrie the first LGBTQ character in the MCU, you are being incredibly dismissive of my opinions. My head canon is just as valid as any number of 'official' sources from the 'writers' or 'directors' of the films these characters originate from.
Why is Sup Forums always shitting on BBQBLT?
it's delicious
>And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her.
Then why do "feminists" like her constantly, ceaselessly evangelize to us?
Or imagine Géza Mézga as the cuckolded husband of some tramp who is cheating on him and now has two halfbred children.
why can't she just be bi or whatever without them having to announce it first? seems like it's just ticking off a box instead of genuine gay support.
>And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her
we will see after the box office results
same thing happened with the power rangers movie. all this stuff about yellow being gay and then in the actual movie it's just was blink and you miss it moment
This is racist because it makes a marginalized person of color even more marginalized?
I've seen the movie. There's literally no mention of her sexuality, at all. It's implied through a flashback, but it's a very, very loose implication. White Valk jumps in front of one of Hela's swords and dies protecting black Valk. That's literally all it is, and it takes 5 seconds.
Got that whole Dectective LaGuerta face from Dexter going on
What about 2Dsexual?
holy kek
Just came in here to make sure someone said this.
Posts like these are why this site is great.
Are they race switching again, or is the lady in the OP just the director or something? I know nothing about this character.
What a coincidence. I care very little about this character or anything capeshit related.
BUT. I care just enough to post here with a sage. :^)
>not choosing Katheryn Winnick
>not choosing Amber Heard
>not choosing Debicki
>choosing a black woman to play a Scandinavian goddess
Cultural appropriation?
If a white girl was chosen to play as an African superhero would you imagine the moanings of the sjw crowd?
Yeah, a White Norse God turned into some dyke, black bitch.
Fucking top notch.
Her character isn't LGBT though. Or did I miss something in the movie?
Raceswitched. Which makes them killing off the character who looks most like the comic version even worse.
Tessa said after the movie that the character was LGBT
That sucks.
Hope this and Deadpool 2 both flop.
Admittedly she could be bisexual, but I thought it seemed pretty clear she was getting set up to be Thor's new girlfriend?
>"And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her."
Which means she cares a lot.
She's bi in the comics, but who knows now with the character being nothing like the comic version at all.
Sif > Valkyrie
gender fluid
i mean come on. how fucked up is someones brain to sexual identify as some of this shit. i'm obviously shitposting but my point, i think, is still valid.